Then I guess that Yupik indian living in Louisiana is worth 300x more than white or black people. I mean as long as we are pulling stats and drawing crazy conclusions. Hey while we r at it I got one chocolate chip left amd twenty shoes. I guess that chocolate chips worth just skyrocketed compared to my shoes.
How does straight amount dictate worth. Not to mention, theres over 1.1 billions Africa Africans vs the 750 plus 200 coming out to a magic 950 millions white american/Europeans. Idk mayb whites do.matter i do kno i can make a mixed baby just as a white one and its worth the same
your life doesn't matter, does it hurt?nah, white babies do not matter.
your life doesn't matter, does it hurt?
Thought you were see4
You forgot to carry the 3 and subtract the 2 and then factor in Africa.there are about 200 million non-hispanic whites in america, and about 40 million blacks.
that means black lives matter about 5 times as much as white lives.
I think white people would agree that black lives are 5 time more valuable than white lives. However, if you ask a black person the same question and quantify the black on black murders... doh!there are about 200 million non-hispanic whites in america, and about 40 million blacks.
that means black lives matter about 5 times as much as white lives.
I think white people would agree that black lives are 5 time more valuable than white lives. However, if you ask a black person the same question and quantify the black on black murders... doh!
Good job Buck, now put that per capita, and let's see how those numbers look... doh!the black on black murder rate is about 90%.
the white on white murder rate is about 85%.
your failure rate is 100%.
Good job Buck, now put that per capita, and let's see how those numbers look... doh!
You are doing it wrong Bucky
Did you know that 90% of blacks are murdered by blacks, and 83% of whites are murdered by whites?
Did you know that there are 14.82 murders per 100K by blacks
Per capita there are 7x more murders committed by blacks than whites.
I didn’t make this up.
It comes directly from the FBI. I just cut the numbers in a more revealing manner.
LMFAO! Your math skills are awesome! You may want to rethink your math major buddy! lolyou clearly don't know what per capita means. i calculated the number of murders per capita, which is 0.00000611775 murders per capita among blacks.
did you just copy and paste my own words from post #13, retard?
OMFG you suck at life. and math.
there are 40 million blacks in the united states.
divide by 4000 to get to 100k.
that means we can multiply by 4000 to see if your murder ratio number is right.
14.82 x 4000 = 59,280 muders
the actual number of murders is 2,958.
you were only off by a multiplier of 20, dumbass.
so that means there are 0.741 murders per 100k by black people.
gosh, isn't math fun?
you clearly don't know what "per capita" means.
do you want me to define it for you?
clearly you did.
you just proved how much you suck at math. and life.
LMFAO! Your math skills are awesome! You may want to rethink your math major buddy! lol
I am no racist, that would be you, look at your original post. I just call bullshit where I see it and you just happened to post lots of bullshit. Have your wife help you recalculate your numbers, you can do it as a team. I hope! lol
Lmao your math skills are great lol. You look like a James Brown kinda guy, let me dedicate a song to you, a Jew, commenting on shit he knows nothing about but who needs facts when you have political talking points?nice rebuttal.
you derived at the wrong conclusion.
please don't attempt math for now on.
leave it to a smart liberal like me. dumb racists like you clearly suck at math.
Lmao your math skills are great lol. You look like a James Brown kinda guy, let me dedicate a song to you, a Jew, commenting on shit he knows nothing about but who needs facts when you have political talking points?