2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

Clio Cultivation is throwing a pre-Cup party/concert/Birthday Bash Friday.

You going to be there?
Sonny from the Genesee county compassion club

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Greatlakes Genetics is hosting a Hospitality Center out at the main entrance. Massage, holistic healers, a chill spot, equipment Flea Market ($50 1000w ballasts n hoods I heard) belly dancers, and if course genetics ;)~
Inside the show they have partnered up with Tricloud Genetics, z-Labs, the Green Masons and LH extractions..
Greatlakes Genetics is hosting a Hospitality Center out at the main entrance.
Gotta check it out nurse nancy, sounds like a hit for great lakes and others.
Hey all, wondering if I can get more opinions on the non smoking section. Was pretty excited for DJ short Saturday and was hoping by some miracle I could grab some good genetics without my card (one can dream). I'm moving back to MI in a month or so and will have my card again but for now I'm screwed. Non medicating area isn't worth 80 plus a 2 hour drive aye?
lol, if you done have a card I wouldn't waste my time or money getting there. a total waste of my 5 mins it took me to leave the med area and walk to the non med area. I headed immediately back to the fun part of the event, the med side. boring, lame, boring and lame would be a couple words to describe the non med area last year.
Yep, pointless as Trich said. The non-med side is just informative nothing else. Cant get clones, seeds, anything remotely marijuana. Info only...Kinda dumb
Will tickets be availble at the door? I want to go on Sunday, but don't know how many people will be going with me. Also will all the good clones/seeds be picked over by Sunday? Can i bring my own dabs/ rig to smoke on while at the medicating area? Thanks for the help.. I have never been but would love to check it out
I brought my case last year with 4 jars of flowers, 3 types of shatter, my vapen and anything else I might have needed to medicate with.
Thanks guys. I assumed, but wanted to make sure. Though I'd consider going to hear dj short.

Had my card but moved, will soon return and will probably wait til next year when it's worth it.
Entries are due August 10 or 11. Whom all made entries this year and of what?

Monday by noon.

Sativa Concentrate - Tangie Ghost Train ~ Medicated Acres Extracts

Edible - Medie Edie De-Stress Cake Ball ~ Medicated Acres & Medie Eddie
(Infused with BHO we made from a harvest of Berry Sanders by MotaRebel)

CBD Edible - Errl CBD Stix ~ Medicated Acres & Earl Beden
(Just fucking amazing meat stick infused with Star Tonic extract! OMG!)
The Star Tonic is clone from Genotype A also btw.

At the Medicated Acres island, Belle Isle is looking for caregivers to supply her store opening the day after the cup.
She needs reliable, trusted caregivers to supply clones, seeds, flowers, extracts, edibles, glass, merch, etc for new location.

19138 Van Dyke Ave
Detroit Mi

See you at the cup!
When i was a kid I remember sitting outside a ticket outlet to buy Def Leppard tickets, 13 hours for 2 pieces of paper, but damnit i had something to show for my patience.
bought our tix to the cup and all i got was a dumb email and some black and white square, lol.