How to Use Silica In The Cannabis Garden


Well-Known Member
Another great article!

Potassium silicate will save you. this is not a sales pitch in an industry that sometimes wants to believe in a magic potion that will take care of all your problems but Potassium silicate may fit the description. Potassium silicate is a beneficial supplement for your plants; one that will make them bigger, stronger, more resilient to pests and disease and capable of yielding more. period.

Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust.

It is widely regarded and agreed that plants require 17 key elements to successfully develop. These are comprised of macronutrients; nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, and micronutrients; iron, manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chlorine and nickel. Plus, the obvious elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

With Silicon being found in such abundance in plant tissues, there is now an argument that it should be considered as a relevant macronutrient

when plants are grown without Silicon, they run the risk of being structurally weaker than plants grown with. They may be more open to attack from fungal pathogens and pests and can also be more vulnerable to any toxic metals that build up in the root zone.

If you have ever grown hydroponically and thought that your plants seemed a little weaker or more susceptible than previous crops grown in soil, it may be due to a lack of Silicon.

Hydroponic feeds do not contain Silicon in any noticeable quantity, if at all. The reason for this is that for Silicon to stay soluble, it requires a high pH – greater than 7. Unfortunately it cannot be included in a normal, hydroponic two-part feed as it would react with the other components present and this would most likely lead to a nutrient deficiency

For Silicon to be used as an available additive for your plants, it needs to be kept separate from the basic feed. You could even think of it as your third part to go alongside your usual two-part feed.

Plants can only absorb Silicon in the form of monosilicic acids, these occur naturally as mineral Silicon is broken down and dissolved into water. In hydroponic applications, the most common form of Silicon additive is Potassium Silicate.

Once absorbed, Silicon is transported to where it is required by the plants transpiration system, it is deposited as either hydrated silicon dioxide (which effectively stores water molecules within the plant) between the plant cells or as silica (a gel like substance) within the walls of the individual plant cells. Silicon “builds” the plant, acting as the cement between the bricks in the cell walls or between the actual cells themselves. It increases the structural integrity of the plant, making stems and branches thicker and stronger, and leaves greener and tougher.

The addition of Silicon to your feeding schedule can have an incredible effect on the growth, yield and overall health of your plants. So, how does it actually benefit your plants? This is how it works.

Improved Plant Cell Development – once your plant uptakes Silicon, it is permanently deposited into the cell walls within 24 hours. These deposits form a silica-cellulose framework that are stronger and can be created quicker than they could have been without the inclusion of Silicon. Overall the plant can develop faster and grow quicker when it uptakes Silicon.

Put simply, plant cell walls are like brick walls in a house. When Silicon is taken in by the plant, it is used like cement in a brick wall. So the walls are built quicker and stronger.

Once the ‘cement’ is in place, it cannot be transported elsewhere within the plant, so it’s important to continue to add Silicon throughout the entire growth cycle. This will ensure that all new growth in the plant benefits from the effects.

Balancing Uptake Of Elements – the presence of Silicon in a nutrient solution can positively affect the uptake and absorption of several macro and micro nutrients. Silicon increases Zinc uptake; an essential element in growth and photosynthesis.

Silicon increases the availability of Nitrogen to the plant as its application (in soil) will reduce the loss of Nitrogen to Ammonia (a naturally occurring process in soil). Nitrogen is key in the vegetative stage of plant development as it promotes healthy new foliage growth.

Silicon also balances the uptake of Phosphorus, reducing the risk of toxic levels being taken in by the plant. This is a particularly helpful characteristic to all you home growers that like to use a concentrated bloom stimulator (or root stimulator, for that matter!) with a high PK value.

Protection Against Metal Toxicity – Silicon is known to compete for uptake against certain metal elements that are made available to the plant. These metals include; Aluminium, Manganese and Iron, all essential for plant growth, but an excess of availability of any of the three elements can be problematic for your plants.

If there is a Silicon deficiency around the roots, then plants can uptake these metal elements to toxic levels. This can lead to problems that are not only detrimental to yield, but are also quite difficult to diagnose. So, you could go all the way through your grow, without rectifying the problem and be seriously down on yield at harvest time.

By increasing the dose of Silicon available to your plants, there will be a corresponding increase in the deposits of silica in the cell walls and Silicon will compete against the metals available in the nutrient solution, preventing toxic build ups. Therefore adding Silicon to your feeding schedule protects against metal toxicity.

Maintain Cell Integrity and Plant Strength – this is one of the more obvious effects of adding Silicon. Your plants will be visibly stronger, with wider, thicker stems and branches. The wider the stem, the more uptake and transpiration of water and nutritional elements is possible. So, in theory the plants will grow bigger and at a faster pace.

obviously, thicker branches will be able to hold more weight without the need of additional supports. If you have you got to the fourth or fifth week of flowering and realised that you haven’t put enough support in place to keep your buds stable? silica will solve this problem.

Protection Against Pests and Disease – this is a really fantastic benefit, particularly for home growers who prefer not to spray their plants with pesticides or fungicides. The protection that Silicon offers against fungal pathogens is two-fold:

1. The Silicon that has been deposited in the cell walls effectively toughens the outer ‘skin’ of the plant. This makes it far more difficult for pathogens to penetrate the plant in the first place.
2. If a plant is attacked by a pathogen, for example powdery mildew or pythium, the plant will transport and deposit any Silicon that it uptakes to the area of attack. This then stimulates the production of anti-fungal compounds that halt the infection process.

The toughened outer ‘skin’ reduces the risk of infestation from sucking insects.

Overall Increase In Weight And Bulk – Plants grown with Silicon will have leaves that are darker green, increasing their potential for photosynthesis and better growth. This, together with wider, stronger branches and stems and resilience to disease and pests will ultimately lead to bigger yields.
also works damn good as a surfactant.
I have rather good luck on controlling powder mold simply by using a AACT and silica spray.
A must have, in fact it's the only thing i have in a bottle.
greasemonkeymann - you have it in a bottle... do you buy commercial or have you been making your own with something like AgSil/16 or whatever the # is...

I was considering buying some AgSil to use in amending soil and then keep leftovers for making my own CalMag or something similar...
greasemonkeymann - you have it in a bottle... do you buy commercial or have you been making your own with something like AgSil/16 or whatever the # is...

I was considering buying some AgSil to use in amending soil and then keep leftovers for making my own CalMag or something similar...
nah, I use pro-tekt. Nice and easy... although it feels weird to pour a clear liquid out of a bottle and feed it to my plants...BUT
works great, I use it as a foliar spray/surfactant (coupled with fresh aloe) and some compost tea and it erases powder mold, almost like magic, and from what I understand all the lil microbes out "eat" the powder mold spores... course I am paraphrasing this, i'm sure there is much more cool shit goin on in there, but that's the extent of it anyways..
I use AACTs more for that than to re-populate my soil. but between my EWC and compost the soil is like a jungle/zoo.
"obviously, thicker branches will be able to hold more weight without the need of additional supports. If you have you got to the fourth or fifth week of flowering and realised that you haven’t put enough support in place to keep your buds stable? silica will solve this problem."

I used Pro-Tekt silica every feeding thru veg and flower and did not notice any difference at all
compared to when I didn't use silica on the next grow.
No stronger branches, no better absorbsion of neuts, No thicker cell walls, no wind, bug and heat
protection etc...
In short silica did nothing noticeable for my plants.
I will have to try it again but I'm very sure it won't help anything especially stronger branches(cell walls) to help
hold the weight of buds. I used silica plenty and my branches still bent and drooped from weight
and the silica helped nothing. Seriously.
Silicas role and benefits are well documented and numerous.
I believe you but like I said I used plenty and
it did absolutely nothing noticeable to help my plants
in any way especially not making the branches stronger to
better help hold the bud weight.
I've grown with it and without on the same strains and there was no difference at all whatsoever.
If you use silica and If you grow big buds the branches will still droop/bend plenty
no doubt.
I find direct air movement on plants does help build bigger stronger branches with bigger buds
much more then with any silica.
If you grill up some corn cobs to ash. Make sure you do it outside. Holy shit I learned that the hard way a few years ago. It will create so much smoke and take hours to burn.
I believe you but like I said I used plenty and
it did absolutely nothing noticeable to help my plants
in any way especially not making the branches stronger to
better help hold the bud weight.
I've grown with it and without on the same strains and there was no difference at all whatsoever.
If you use silica and If you grow big buds the branches will still droop/bend plenty
no doubt.
I find direct air movement on plants does help build bigger stronger branches with bigger buds
much more then with any silica.
the number one thing I do for my plants during vege is pinch the bejesus out of them.
I also like to do this to simply keep the plants a "uniform" level.
Well, as uniform as I can, considering it's usually 4-10 different strains..
But pinching is essential, especially outdoors.
or on super fat lanky strains (talking about you, blue dream and double-dream)
Pinch em, pop em, and roll em.
In about three days it's all thick, and like 10 days later it's not even hollow anymore.
Obviously don't go nuts, but most strains don't even "limp up" after.
Take horsetail from anywhere. Take a corn cob and adds the two. Wrap in foil and grill it to ash. Add water and bottle.

Temp stable naturally bioavailable silica
Thank you for this, I've been looking for a way to supplement silica without buying a bottle or trying to compost a vast amount of weeds.
Any particular ratio of horsetail to corn cob I should be aiming for? Corn is available in never ending seas in all directions in my area, so I can definitely use this efficiently.
Thank you for this, I've been looking for a way to supplement silica without buying a bottle or trying to compost a vast amount of weeds.
Any particular ratio of horsetail to corn cob I should be aiming for? Corn is available in never ending seas in all directions in my area, so I can definitely use this efficiently.
me too, I even started a post in regards to using horsetail but didn't get any info there.
I have a horsetail plant too, in fact I threw a dying aloe plant in the pot along with it, simply to see if a large amount of composting aloe is helpful to the plant, surprisingly the aloe rooted this spring.. but my horsetail is growing strong, i'll have to try that method.
Another great article!

Potassium silicate will save you. this is not a sales pitch in an industry that sometimes wants to believe in a magic potion that will take care of all your problems but Potassium silicate may fit the description. Potassium silicate is a beneficial supplement for your plants; one that will make them bigger, stronger, more resilient to pests and disease and capable of yielding more. period.

Silicon is the second most common element in the earth’s crust.

It is widely regarded and agreed that plants require 17 key elements to successfully develop. These are comprised of macronutrients; nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, and micronutrients; iron, manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chlorine and nickel. Plus, the obvious elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

With Silicon being found in such abundance in plant tissues, there is now an argument that it should be considered as a relevant macronutrient

when plants are grown without Silicon, they run the risk of being structurally weaker than plants grown with. They may be more open to attack from fungal pathogens and pests and can also be more vulnerable to any toxic metals that build up in the root zone.

If you have ever grown hydroponically and thought that your plants seemed a little weaker or more susceptible than previous crops grown in soil, it may be due to a lack of Silicon.

Hydroponic feeds do not contain Silicon in any noticeable quantity, if at all. The reason for this is that for Silicon to stay soluble, it requires a high pH – greater than 7. Unfortunately it cannot be included in a normal, hydroponic two-part feed as it would react with the other components present and this would most likely lead to a nutrient deficiency

For Silicon to be used as an available additive for your plants, it needs to be kept separate from the basic feed. You could even think of it as your third part to go alongside your usual two-part feed.

Plants can only absorb Silicon in the form of monosilicic acids, these occur naturally as mineral Silicon is broken down and dissolved into water. In hydroponic applications, the most common form of Silicon additive is Potassium Silicate.

Once absorbed, Silicon is transported to where it is required by the plants transpiration system, it is deposited as either hydrated silicon dioxide (which effectively stores water molecules within the plant) between the plant cells or as silica (a gel like substance) within the walls of the individual plant cells. Silicon “builds” the plant, acting as the cement between the bricks in the cell walls or between the actual cells themselves. It increases the structural integrity of the plant, making stems and branches thicker and stronger, and leaves greener and tougher.

The addition of Silicon to your feeding schedule can have an incredible effect on the growth, yield and overall health of your plants. So, how does it actually benefit your plants? This is how it works.

Improved Plant Cell Development – once your plant uptakes Silicon, it is permanently deposited into the cell walls within 24 hours. These deposits form a silica-cellulose framework that are stronger and can be created quicker than they could have been without the inclusion of Silicon. Overall the plant can develop faster and grow quicker when it uptakes Silicon.

Put simply, plant cell walls are like brick walls in a house. When Silicon is taken in by the plant, it is used like cement in a brick wall. So the walls are built quicker and stronger.

Once the ‘cement’ is in place, it cannot be transported elsewhere within the plant, so it’s important to continue to add Silicon throughout the entire growth cycle. This will ensure that all new growth in the plant benefits from the effects.

Balancing Uptake Of Elements – the presence of Silicon in a nutrient solution can positively affect the uptake and absorption of several macro and micro nutrients. Silicon increases Zinc uptake; an essential element in growth and photosynthesis.

Silicon increases the availability of Nitrogen to the plant as its application (in soil) will reduce the loss of Nitrogen to Ammonia (a naturally occurring process in soil). Nitrogen is key in the vegetative stage of plant development as it promotes healthy new foliage growth.

Silicon also balances the uptake of Phosphorus, reducing the risk of toxic levels being taken in by the plant. This is a particularly helpful characteristic to all you home growers that like to use a concentrated bloom stimulator (or root stimulator, for that matter!) with a high PK value.

Protection Against Metal Toxicity – Silicon is known to compete for uptake against certain metal elements that are made available to the plant. These metals include; Aluminium, Manganese and Iron, all essential for plant growth, but an excess of availability of any of the three elements can be problematic for your plants.

If there is a Silicon deficiency around the roots, then plants can uptake these metal elements to toxic levels. This can lead to problems that are not only detrimental to yield, but are also quite difficult to diagnose. So, you could go all the way through your grow, without rectifying the problem and be seriously down on yield at harvest time.

By increasing the dose of Silicon available to your plants, there will be a corresponding increase in the deposits of silica in the cell walls and Silicon will compete against the metals available in the nutrient solution, preventing toxic build ups. Therefore adding Silicon to your feeding schedule protects against metal toxicity.

Maintain Cell Integrity and Plant Strength – this is one of the more obvious effects of adding Silicon. Your plants will be visibly stronger, with wider, thicker stems and branches. The wider the stem, the more uptake and transpiration of water and nutritional elements is possible. So, in theory the plants will grow bigger and at a faster pace.

obviously, thicker branches will be able to hold more weight without the need of additional supports. If you have you got to the fourth or fifth week of flowering and realised that you haven’t put enough support in place to keep your buds stable? silica will solve this problem.

Protection Against Pests and Disease – this is a really fantastic benefit, particularly for home growers who prefer not to spray their plants with pesticides or fungicides. The protection that Silicon offers against fungal pathogens is two-fold:

1. The Silicon that has been deposited in the cell walls effectively toughens the outer ‘skin’ of the plant. This makes it far more difficult for pathogens to penetrate the plant in the first place.
2. If a plant is attacked by a pathogen, for example powdery mildew or pythium, the plant will transport and deposit any Silicon that it uptakes to the area of attack. This then stimulates the production of anti-fungal compounds that halt the infection process.

The toughened outer ‘skin’ reduces the risk of infestation from sucking insects.

Overall Increase In Weight And Bulk – Plants grown with Silicon will have leaves that are darker green, increasing their potential for photosynthesis and better growth. This, together with wider, stronger branches and stems and resilience to disease and pests will ultimately lead to bigger yields.

Nice posting!
In soil grows, the plant will actually "get" all the Si it requires from the soil it's in (soil dependent of course).....

Nice posting on making your own!!! Rrog

I use the Horsetail for PM (make a tea with it alone) Works great and you can use right up to harvest..


Sometimes you wish you could give more likes,,,,,,Old days +rep...
me too, I even started a post in regards to using horsetail but didn't get any info there.
I have a horsetail plant too, in fact I threw a dying aloe plant in the pot along with it, simply to see if a large amount of composting aloe is helpful to the plant, surprisingly the aloe rooted this spring.. but my horsetail is growing strong, i'll have to try that method.
Lol Thats why I love succulents, so resilient. I've never tried my hand at growing horsetail, what's your experience with it been like?