The Beard Thread


Well-Known Member
My beard's been growing since late March, it is currently magnificent, like a Viking! Going for that 'yeard'

This thread will be for real men who grow beards

Why do you have a beard? What's your beard look like? How long have you been growing it? Why does shaving your beard physically appal you? Why don't lesser men grow beards?
my ex wife used to force me to shave once or twice a year. i got a divorce last year though. when i do shave i really just buzz it down, i have sensitive skin.
sadly though if you can pull it, time to shave at my current job
my ex wife used to force me to shave once or twice a year.
Isn't that some crazy shit? How women you're with think they can dictate how you do shit?

"Hey, you have to cut your hair twice a year because I don't like the way it looks on you long.."

Know what they'd say?

"Go fuck yourself, it's MY hair, I'll grow it how I want!"

A girl tried to pull that shit with me once.. once is enough and it'll never happen again.. If a woman thinks she has that kind of power, there's no limits to the shit she think she'll be able to get away with.. You don't like my beard, hit the bricks, you don't like my clothes? Take a walk.. You don't like my ________? Why the fuck you with me? That's some high school shit
Mines been growing itself for almost four years.
Ive always had stubble and a goatee anyway and one day said enough is enough. Threw away my electric shaver and have let nature do its thing since.
Women either love it or hate and kids give me shit about hunting but i leave it alone. If we werent supposed to have beards they wouldnt grow.
Just started my first more or less started as a social experiment to see how long my wife would put up with it...and now it's turned into a competition with myself to see how awesome a beard I can grow! Like my father before me I'm sure I will have an epic beard here it is at 2 weeks 20150806_131417.jpg
Yea women either love it or hate it. I find most women like it. I'm a hairy guy. I was self conscious about it. I was in tech school and went to the laundry room and this very pretty girl was in there and she walked up and said wow you're hairy. I was a little uneasy. I though she was messing with me. She wasn't. I found over time that a lot of women like it. They like to cuddle and run their fingers through it.

I think it harkens back to primal level. Men with a a lot of hair have higher testosterone levels. I may be wrong but that has been my experience.