What food makes you happy?


Well-Known Member
I was a thinkin a minute ago, damn I really like food.

I made some Tilapia for lunch on a broccoli cheese rice bed with baked squash. And I feel great! I've been eating too much red meat lately and fish was nice change, my gf said "we need to eat like this more often" and I agreed.

This is my favorite foods that makes me happy

Pickled okra and all pickles in general.

Dirty rice or yellow rice

Cold bacon ranch pasta salad

Raw broccoli with a Italian balsmic vinegarette.

Brussels sprouts in a butter sauce

Raw carrots.

Homemade ice cream..

Those are mine, there's probably more I'll add on as I think of them.

Well what's yours?
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Eggs over easy with the yolk hot but runny and the white solid with NO brown edges

Ribeyes cooked over a hot hot grille to medium rare where the fat just explodes in your mouth

Really good blue cheese dressing

Perfectly baked potatoes with real butter and real sour cream

Homemade ice cream

Toll House cookies right out of the oven

Just caught trout cooked in butter in a cast iron skillet by the stream you caught them

Homemade just baked bread

Mom's meat loaf
good pizza
good steak sandwhich, w/ provolone, please and thanks
good roast beef hoagie, on the correct roll..
porterhouse steak, cooked medium rare, falling apart in my mouth.
shrimp cocktail, cocktail sauce on the hotter side of things, so i can feel my nasal passages clearing with each bite.
a hamburger cooked on the grill to near perfection, an onion slice, some home made salsa, and a bit of mustard, and a slice of homemade pickle, dill..
We just canned 28 quarts of pickles yesterday.

Fresh deer loin lightly rolled in flour and black pepper fried in oil, fresh buttermilk bisquits, take the oil from fried deer meat and add flour and brown then add buttermilk and cream for a good red gravy. With some very runny over easy eggs that I need to sop up with my bisquit.

Mushrooms of any kind made any way.

Anything I cook when I'm cross-eyed stoned.