Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Mo: how do you use the powder in your grow?

popcorn is for SST as well. i need to make sure that the bob's stuff will actually sprout before i buy it. Otherwise i'll be sourcing a different popcorn! I saw someone using it before on youtube vid. it's a cheap source for SST (@$1.62lb for the bobs) until i start using my own stuff from my garden outside. I wish i would have known about SST years ago... i could have saved so much brocolli, pak choy, cilantro, arugula, i mean all sorts of stuff for SST (even my own strawberry popcorn!! too bad i didnt plant any this year :( ). i would think all seeds would be beneficial, some more than others. what better than to recycle from the organic garden! Plus, as another member posted i'll just continue to sprout them and eat them! yum... can't wait. GENIUS! cilantro SST would be good a good soil IPM along with the enzymes and what not maybe?

Unfortunately i'll have to ship in some pumice as I'm in michigan so the only stuff i have local source to is glacial rock dust, which is good, but i'm not aware of any local material i could use in place of the pumice (pumice seems like the best way to go to me, anyone disagree?) i wanna get some basalt dust, and i have azomite already. just want a good blend. The pumice is screened to 3/8"... should i get something more course to mix in with that??? i'll also be using the bio char for aeration material (5-10%).

Just want to say how much i love this thread and thank you to all you folks who are sharing on here and. wish i could share some of these ice wax dabs with you all from my last batch as a token of appreciation!

i bet you can get pumice or lava rock at a local landscape supply....:)
Gypsum or Dolomite Lime? Heard Gypsum acts faster than dolomite... maybe do a little of both since i'd like to do a no-till? Also gonna use some oyster shell i think. thanks.
Gypsum is not a liming agent in and of itself. If you are looking for a pH buffer best to stick with oyster shell, crab meal, egg shells, etc imo. It is still good to have the gypsum for the sulfur aspect.


@Joedank thanks, i'll give them a check and see if i can turn something up. i may even get some rice hulls too just for diversity.

@Pattahabi yeah but if i'm going to have soft rock phosphate i have the sulfur covered!! I remember now that you mention it that the gypsum was a product for Calcium supply, and not for liming agent. thanks!

what is it in particular that you ROLS folks dont like about the dolomite lime?? if i recall correctly, is it because: if you use a good quality compost/EWC/VC and have a happy biosphere the organisms take care of the Ph? I'm just worried about finding stuff of quality around here. I live in GMO capital of michigan... the thumb! not many organic farmers around here but i'll hit craigslist or something and see what i can turn up for compost/EWC.

I can seem to only find the powdered gypsum... is this going to dissolve too quickly? i definitely DONT want to use the espoma stuff. anyone have a good brand of not such a fine gypsum??

thoughts on bentonite clay? 1lb is only 7$ on amazon for dry powdered pure. Seems like a small amount of clay in the soil would be a good thing to have for CE (like .5% - 1.5%)

What do you guys do for Fe (iron)?? Am i just overlooking this??? is it dissolving from the rock dusts?
anyone using a DIY 5 gal bucket cloner?? I was gonna do a 24 hr aloe solution (1.5 cups total of aloe+h20) and soak the stems of the cuts in that for 24 hours... then put them in the auto cloner and use aloe foliars during the process. anyone doing this method or a slight variation of it or are you all just coating the stem with the aloe gel and sticking it in the peat pods? I just seem to like the auto cloner better than the domes.
I made one with a small submersible pump and pcv framework it was cool but I want to redo the project. I even tried a fog machine to power it that was kinda trippy but it made my water temp too high me thinks..
@Joedank thanks, i'll give them a check and see if i can turn something up. i may even get some rice hulls too just for diversity.

@Pattahabi yeah but if i'm going to have soft rock phosphate i have the sulfur covered!! I remember now that you mention it that the gypsum was a product for Calcium supply, and not for liming agent. thanks!

what is it in particular that you ROLS folks dont like about the dolomite lime?? if i recall correctly, is it because: if you use a good quality compost/EWC/VC and have a happy biosphere the organisms take care of the Ph? I'm just worried about finding stuff of quality around here. I live in GMO capital of michigan... the thumb! not many organic farmers around here but i'll hit craigslist or something and see what i can turn up for compost/EWC.

I can seem to only find the powdered gypsum... is this going to dissolve too quickly? i definitely DONT want to use the espoma stuff. anyone have a good brand of not such a fine gypsum??

thoughts on bentonite clay? 1lb is only 7$ on amazon for dry powdered pure. Seems like a small amount of clay in the soil would be a good thing to have for CE (like .5% - 1.5%)

What do you guys do for Fe (iron)?? Am i just overlooking this??? is it dissolving from the rock dusts?
Yes, the powdered gypsum is what you want. ;)

@Joedank thanks, i'll give them a check and see if i can turn something up. i may even get some rice hulls too just for diversity.

@Pattahabi yeah but if i'm going to have soft rock phosphate i have the sulfur covered!! I remember now that you mention it that the gypsum was a product for Calcium supply, and not for liming agent. thanks!

what is it in particular that you ROLS folks dont like about the dolomite lime?? if i recall correctly, is it because: if you use a good quality compost/EWC/VC and have a happy biosphere the organisms take care of the Ph? I'm just worried about finding stuff of quality around here. I live in GMO capital of michigan... the thumb! not many organic farmers around here but i'll hit craigslist or something and see what i can turn up for compost/EWC.

I can seem to only find the powdered gypsum... is this going to dissolve too quickly? i definitely DONT want to use the espoma stuff. anyone have a good brand of not such a fine gypsum??

thoughts on bentonite clay? 1lb is only 7$ on amazon for dry powdered pure. Seems like a small amount of clay in the soil would be a good thing to have for CE (like .5% - 1.5%)

What do you guys do for Fe (iron)?? Am i just overlooking this??? is it dissolving from the rock dusts?
i started with the powder . switched to "stall dry" DE with calcium bentonite
but i have been using the granulated gypsum stuff from BAS, with great success . cuz silva is hooking me up proper . but any should be fine IME...
iron is in the rock dusts and mineral powders you add .
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Stupid question but when you guys brew some teas are you guy watering down the tea before water the plants with it? I made some on Thursday its been bubbling ever since. New to making teas, this tea I get for free from a local garden store they have you mix 2.5 ounces per 1gallon of water I put more of the tea I brewed in the water than that but I was wondering what you guys did?
i'm new as well but the way i understand it is there are different ways to brew tea. small concentrated teas that get diluted. and then larger buckets of tea that would use the same amount of ingredients and require little to no dilution. i'm sure someone of much more experience can weigh in and get you the info you need
Stupid question but when you guys brew some teas are you guy watering down the tea before water the plants with it? I made some on Thursday its been bubbling ever since. New to making teas, this tea I get for free from a local garden store they have you mix 2.5 ounces per 1gallon of water I put more of the tea I brewed in the water than that but I was wondering what you guys did?
If it only has compost, a good food source like bsm, you don't need to dilute it for plant safety, but you're probably dumping in more microorganisms than your media can hold if you have an extremely "concentrated" tea. I'm no aact expert by any means, but when I brew mine for my indoor plants I go way over the strength that most people suggest. If I let my media dry out too much I'll do a watering with a wetting agent like aloe at like 10x the dilution ratio most people use, then the same process for my aact. You're not going to hurt your soil or plants by dumping microorganisms in it. But if you're loading it up with like kelp / alfalfa meal or a guano/manure you're asking for some issues if you don't dilute. But you said it was store bought, so I have no idea what they're brew method is.
There's a lot of wiggle room in organics when you have quality stuff. Not that you can't go overboard, you most certainly can haha.
If it only has compost, a good food source like bsm, you don't need to dilute it for plant safety, but you're probably dumping in more microorganisms than your media can hold if you have an extremely "concentrated" tea. I'm no aact expert by any means, but when I brew mine for my indoor plants I go way over the strength that most people suggest. If I let my media dry out too much I'll do a watering with a wetting agent like aloe at like 10x the dilution ratio most people use, then the same process for my aact. You're not going to hurt your soil or plants by dumping microorganisms in it. But if you're loading it up with like kelp / alfalfa meal or a guano/manure you're asking for some issues if you don't dilute. But you said it was store bought, so I have no idea what they're brew method is.
There's a lot of wiggle room in organics when you have quality stuff. Not that you can't go overboard, you most certainly can haha.
That's understandable, the stuff I got from the store is different than what I brewed myself. I used compost that I composted myself and threw in molasses a handful of jones tomato/bloom nutes just trying to get rid of it but don't want to waist it than I'll be using more organic single nutes for my soul and teas.
Stupid question but when you guys brew some teas are you guy watering down the tea before water the plants with it? I made some on Thursday its been bubbling ever since. New to making teas, this tea I get for free from a local garden store they have you mix 2.5 ounces per 1gallon of water I put more of the tea I brewed in the water than that but I was wondering what you guys did?
bro take a look at microbemans page. he works a lot with teas and he documents his brews with microscopy. If you cant analyse your teas after brewing youre kinda brewing blind. I made the suggestion because usually the brew time is less than 48hrs. There is loads of tea discussion by very knowledgeable folks at The Logical Gardener.
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I hate to post this here but i trust you all the most with the direction im heading...

so i'm trying to stay away from the bottled nutes i have remaining (age old) and been successful in that for the most part with this run of plants. this plant has only been given 2 age old feedings at the lowest recommend dosage, one in veg with grow, and one time in flower with bloom (the rest of the time mostly just plain water). for the last 12-14 days i've been rotating waterings aloe, coconut, kelp + humic acid(neither are age old), but i fear she is getting a little N deficient. thought maybe the EWC in my soil mix would get her through flower but it's not looking like it.

pot is 4 gal full, plant has been in pot for 5 weeks (at day 21 of flower today). soil blend 20% EWC, 20% Coco, 40% peat, 20% pearlite with dolomite lime added 1/8cup per cubic foot. 1cup of azomite/cuft. I have 0-16-0 bone char, oyster shell, and kelp meal mixed in at 1/4cup/cuft. topdressed a K boost @ 1/2tsp per plant a few days ago but she seemed a bit yellow before i even did that. the cooking time for the soil was the 2 weeks in sat in the veg room lol!! i know this is not good but i am learning as i go the do's and don'ts.

Soil Ph is 6.8 the day after i water (via bluelab soil pen). watering generally every 2-3 days and i'm not drenching them to the point of major run off anymore because i should have minimal to no chemical salts in this container anymore. just watering half the pot and coming back a bit later and do the other half of the watering. feel like i am wasting so much with the run off technique (or lack of technique ;) )

To me both the plants seem really happy with the leaves praying and what not but i know if i dont do something she'll suffer by the end of bloom. I know my soil mix is missing some nitrogen and i'm a little light on the OM, so i'm thinking of topdressing some EWC and feeding a tea of EWC, this boogie brew i recieved as a free sample. and hoping i can use my homemade maple syrup as the sugar source but i'll go get the unsulfured molasses if necessary. What else should i include in this tea? I'm trying to stay away from the guanos and manure. i have some alfalfa meal but ive read to not use it past the beginning stages of bloom... thanks to those who are willing to help a desperate guy keep away from these bottles i have laying around!


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I love compost because the plants take what they need. Never a burnt tip. I am still looking for a good bloom booster for organic growing. The kelp meal in large doses may be the key. I love happy mistakes :bigjoint:

i use budswell sometimes ... it is tested for pathogens but the EWC they make is not "orgainc??" i guess it became unlisted in cali .
anyone know why??
Very strict guidelines here.

I used the MOAB synthetic from Mad Farmer and it produced twice as much resin and flower sites on the Mulanje in the compost pile. I am just looking for the same results from an organic source.

I can get good K from banana peels but I don't know how they were grown. P I can get from molasses, right?

I just want something that is fast that I can topdress with when the bud sites start forming.