EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

oligarchy of the highest order..if there's a way to turn a buck..not far removed from the $1000 halliburton toilets, eh?

every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade..think about every time righteous rightie throws up the deficit stats clock..it is they, who should heed the running of the clock for it is they, who are responsible..want $3 per person SNAP?..:lol:


Wow Sky.
I love it when Socialists talk about "deficit reduction"...

Why not just be fucking straight and call it "a slew of new taxes" ??
I love it when Socialists talk about "deficit reduction"...

Why not just be fucking straight and call it "a slew of new taxes" ??

obama is on his way to balancing the budget without "a slew of new taxes", and your tiny, 4'11'', dumb ass called him a socialist repeatedly.

you also called him by any number of other racial slurs too, tiny little racist loser kid.
Why not call it responsible?

Hmmmm, checking the historical record;

Democratic administrations balance the budget...

Republican ones create yawning deficits that lead to financial crashes.

The idea that anyone can defend the republican party on the grounds of fiscal responsibility strikes me as both laughable (if the consequences weren't so dire) and as an object lesson in just how easy it is to fool some people into fucking themselves over.
Hmmmm, checking the historical record;

Democratic administrations balance the budget...

Republican ones create yawning deficits that lead to financial crashes.

The idea that anyone can defend the republican party on the grounds of fiscal responsibility strikes me as both laughable (if the consequences weren't so dire) and as an object lesson in just how easy it is to fool some people into fucking themselves over.

If/When, you can control Education.......

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
Sun Tzu
Hmmmm, checking the historical record;

Democratic administrations balance the budget...

Republican ones create yawning deficits that lead to financial crashes.

The idea that anyone can defend the republican party on the grounds of fiscal responsibility strikes me as both laughable (if the consequences weren't so dire) and as an object lesson in just how easy it is to fool some people into fucking themselves over.

and if you want to take it one step further regarding core values//moral compass of left/right..the left and their offspring, clearly have grasp of; the children of the right do not possess..

the apple does not far fall from the tree..when you think you've really landed on your selection..look at their kids..do like what you see and are willing to put this person in charge of you and your livelihood?


Summa Mom:wink:
This is why you're so angry all the time, because you choose to see what you want to see instead of what's actually there. The country is decidedly moving in a more progressive direction because the majority of Americans are fed up with a government run by Christian conservatives. You guys had your shot, it didn't work out, now it's time to take a step back and let a newer generation of people decide how they want things to be. If what you said is true - "I almost doubled my net worth last recession" - then it wouldn't come as a surprise you'd be against any actionable change to the system that enriched you and a tiny number of others at the expense of everyone else. These changes are happening, you can see them and you don't like it because I'm sure you were taught growing up in the "Me generation" everything is about you. My dad is a baby boomer but my mom comes from the same era you do, fortunately for me she's a lot less abrasive and dickish about discussing the time period and doesn't have any eggs in the basket of winning fake points on the internet, so she's open and honest about how selfish her generation was and she see's the results of it - like you do - right before her eyes..

So get comfy in that backseat, buddy. You'll be there a while until another generation relegates you to the trunk and I'll be in the back seat. Cycle of life, and in the immortal words of Nick Diaz... "Don't be scared, homie"
For someone who advocates higher taxes and expenses on everyone so you can personally benefit, you calling others "selfish" seems both hypocrisy and inappropriate.
Hmmmm, checking the historical record;

Democratic administrations balance the budget...

Republican ones create yawning deficits that lead to financial crashes.

The idea that anyone can defend the republican party on the grounds of fiscal responsibility strikes me as both laughable (if the consequences weren't so dire) and as an object lesson in just how easy it is to fool some people into fucking themselves over.
Democratic administrations balance the budget years after they leave office false promises of cost reductions that never happen.
and if you want to take it one step further regarding core values//moral compass of left/right..the left and their offspring, clearly have grasp of; the children of the right do not possess..

the apple does not far fall from the tree..when you think you've really landed on your selection..look at their kids..do like what you see and are willing to put this person in charge of you and your livelihood?


Summa Mom:wink:
I see you went crying to admin and got my reply deleted. Deadbeat moms don't get to criticize how others raise their kids.
I see you went crying to admin and got my reply deleted. Deadbeat moms don't get to criticize how others raise their kids.

you are a retard.

i don't cry to the admin..that belongs to the men here.

the last crying to admin i did, was to get doer back his credentials after being booted.

i had nothing to do with the deletion of your post and find it amusing that you think it's the 'female' when in fact it's a crybaby 'male'.

BLM called him a racist. How do you define "racist"? You advocate race-based preferential hiring practices, and call those who disagree with you "racists".

study after study shows that being white makes you more likely to get a job than being black.

same exact resume, same exact qualifications, and the white sounding name gets twice as many callbacks.

of course you do not want to address this, you were once a member of a white supremacy group right here on rollitup.

i can only imagine what kind of hate groups you are a member of in real life.

i bet you've even participated in hate crimes. you are a hateful, bitter, small person.
Democratic administrations balance the budget years after they leave office

clinton ran a surplus while in office. obama has cut a trillion+ off the deficit.

you are dumb. very, very dumb.

and you set your whole family on fire. twice. were they black or something?