Hello all
OOOH man, where to start.
I'll do the fastest first.
Pot roast, the fact your staff and have been on here ages, evidently doesn't make you the genius you assume.
1), "What this stuff should tell you is that reflectivity is of all light, most of which we don't see but our plants do." ?????? what are you on about, which large band of frequencies exactly do our plants "see" that we don't?????, has'nt it been shown plants use very little infra red, and anything but very near ultra violet is harmful, is it not???
2), "The idea that a common mirror will do a good job just shows that what may seem right to us actually isn't. The fact that flat yellow paint reflects better than aluminum foil, and flat white is better than glossy white should tell us that it's not common sense.
HHMMmmm, I dont suppose your (in your own inimitable way) trying to inform us, that light follows quantum mechanical rules, and some aspects, while understanding how an experiment will turn out, cannot explain why, IE. lights wave particle duality?
Or is it that were just fick bastards, thus our assumtions must be wrong?
3), "The reflectivity also has to do with even dispersal of light".
Does it indeed????, where did you learn this "fact"??? when something disperse doesn't it spread/thin out?? not that I'm saying this is a bad thing for our purposes you undertsand.
OK Techhead, while on the face of it your response looks quite good, it seems their are a few small points need considering.
1), Yes your correct about a dielectrically deposited mirror surface, but as your quote says its dependent on wavelenght, and further your link is an advertisement, which turns on my scepticism from the start, this being a diagonal, the light has to pass through the optical substrate, that the mirror/dielectric is deposited on, is it not possible they're measuring total internal reflection, at the most opportune wavelenght, to "big up" the product,this product is hardly cheap, although granted its very good value, its mid priced amateur astronomy, just to be pedantic.
2), "Common mirrors have a low reflectivity because there's cheap glass in front of them. You're going through 4 transistions with different diffraction charaterstics (light in to glass, glass to mirror, mirror to glass, glass to light out)."
Righto, thats wrong, only partly due to the glass, and dont you mean REFRACTION? Diffraction is spreading, like the spectrum spreads out going through a prism, or off a diffraction grating, (a CD acts as a Diff grating due to the very small size/spacing of the rows of pits, thats why one can see the spectrum from a CD surface).
I think you meant, that light travels at a different speed through mediums of a different REFRACTIVE index, and does it "make four transitions"???
I'm not sure, the actual system would be, air to glass ????? reflect from mirror surface ????? glass to air, not sure its four, where are the other two transitions? and this would be unobservable if the incident angle was exacly 90 degrees to the plane of the surface.
3), "Mylar achieves such high reflectivity because it acts as a FRONT SURFACE mirror. This is a very important difference" this now has lost its "proof", what is your reasoning for this now??
BTW a typical telescope mirror is always "silvered"on its front surface, and is around the figure I posted earlier.
"Some of them use silver, but most are aluminum, which is more reflective at short wavelengths than silver. All of these coatings are easily damaged and require special handling. They reflect 90% to 95% of the incident light when new." ref Wikipedia.
4), "Here's a chart showing the reflectivity of a few material backing the claim of >90's% reflectivity." Does it indeed???
It seems your partial to posting links as your "proofs" without actually reading/understanding them.
Reflectivity and Reflectance are NOT the same thing, and guess what?????
your "proofs" are all reflectance measurements.
Doesn't really back the claims after`all does it.
5), Did you not notice that in your last link, your white paint reflectivity plot "proof", was also Reflectance???, and that it was claiming a so called "Reflectivity" for the bog standard white paint of from 82 to 89% from 400 to 1100 nm which BTW is from mid violet right up well into infra red.
You really should start READING the "proofs" that you post more carefully.
I was merely asking if anyone knew how reliable his figures were, as I've seen these lists before, and I'm pretty sure that the different materials are being measured in slightly different ways, IE, shiny materials measured with specular reflectivity, and flat/matt materials measured with diffuse reflectivity, possibly all the materials measured differently, and its pretty obvious that you have trouble differentiating between similar measures.
And platypusman, it was a JOKE, on an obviously wrong simple mistake, and I was unaware that presumptive reflectivity, was a recognized measure.
you "in the same line, quote a presumed 85% and then "guarantee" a 25% improvement, so although youve managed to get something to over 100%, were to believe the "guaranteed" bit.
Come on, does this not seem the slightest bit funny, for folk who smoke, you've the poorest senses of humour I've come accross.
I look forward to hearing your responses, constructive of course....
Tatty Bye All