Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide


Well-Known Member
Dubai is a cool place. No hanky panky on the beach tho.

I have no doubts about Georgian intention or capabilities of ruthlessness.
Or the Russians and S. Oss militias units for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the T.V says russia started it, I believe georgia is to blame.
Yes sir. :joint:

I too believe Georgia was to blame! Georgia most definitely started it! Its going to be funny how the USA mainstream media is going to report it to the public! HAHA :lol:

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
The illegitimate bush regime have their dirty hands in this ... told Georgia they would back them if they invaded ... they (regime) wanted Russia to be occupied so they can attack Iran ... because an attack again Iran would be an attack against Russia ... well their plan backfired ... so their corporate whores spread the lies that it was Russia ... any one that believes their bullshit is just plain stupid ...


Well-Known Member
It looks like we all agree that Georgia was the instigator.. I don't blame Russia for trying to support its people from being killed.. Does anyone know the exact number of S. Ossettians that where killed by the Georgian military? I heard it was over 1000 deaths.


Please watch all of them from beginning to end when you have time. You can really learn a lot from watching these, I know I did.

At first, I thought these "conspiracy "theories"" were just "conspiracy "theories"" too. I only knew what they told me via school and TV, for the most part until I started doing independent research.

Watch these! Over ~95% of it is fact and the other ~5% is educated speculation.

Who do you believe?

The MainStream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc
YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation |

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda -

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on

About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MainsStream Media is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

I hope people aren't still buying into this garbage....BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Georgia did not invade. They conducted an operation within their own territory. Russia did invade another sovereign country in a play to restore the Soviet Empire. Russia senses weakness in the West and is acting without fear of reprisal.

Hitler did the same thing to Czechoslovakia in 1938. The Munich Agreement was an attempt to appease the German Nazis by sacrificing Czechoslovakia.

It failed. 'Peace in our time' became a bad joke.


Well-Known Member
Georgia did not invade. They conducted an operation within their own territory. Russia did invade another sovereign country in a play to restore the Soviet Empire. Russia senses weakness in the West and is acting without fear of reprisal.

So why did Georgia kill over 1000 of "its own people"? :neutral:

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
That's my take exactly, Johnny.

However, my Romanian friend sides with the other guys in this thread. She says that Islamic extremists living in Georgia are to blame. Go figure ...



Well-Known Member
That's my take exactly, Johnny.

However, my Romanian friend sides with the other guys in this thread. She says that Islamic extremists living in Georgia are to blame. Go figure ...

Oh.. you mean like the Muslim Chechens?


Well-Known Member
Russia is now threatening Poland. Who did they invade?
Poland is agreeing to let the USA bring SERIOUS weapons there.

What do you think the USA would do if Russia was trying to stock Cuba up with all sorts of WMDs rockets and whatnot?

Poland is in Russias backyard. Russia doesn't want the USA near them because the USA has been a rogue country lately. Russia does not want the USA to move any closer. In my opinion!

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
So why did Georgia kill over 1000 of "its own people"?
Do you have a source for this number? Where do you get this information?

No YouTube, please. I prefer a source I can check myself.

YouTube is a dead end because it rarely provides specific documentation to back up its claims. Enough with the YouTube already.


New Member
Oh.. you mean like the Muslim Chechens?
I'm not sure, Seamaiden. But ... she said that the Islamic extremists living in Georgia attacked Ossetia and the Russians are there to counter that. On the other hand, my Romanian friend blames America for a lot of things too. I'm wondering, now that Russia is threatening Poland, how my Romanian friend will feel when Russia crosses over into Romanian territory. Like the Georgians, the Romanians have really come alive since they've been rid of the Soviet boot. They have a LOT to lose.



Well-Known Member
The Muslim Chechens do behave in extreme fashion, from the little I've read at least. And then there's the story of the "man" (I use that term loosely) who built our home. A native-born Russian, VERY Christian, who would do things like fly off the Cechnya to convert them to Christianity. We're lucky he wasn't killed while we were in escrow or we really would have been fucked.


New Member
I have no clue as to what Russias objectives are. I know that one of their objectives in S Ossetia was to protect the Russian citizens that were being ethnically cleansed.

Georgia did not invade. They conducted an operation within their own territory. Russia did invade another sovereign country in a play to restore the Soviet Empire. Russia senses weakness in the West and is acting without fear of reprisal.

Hitler did the same thing to Czechoslovakia in 1938. The Munich Agreement was an attempt to appease the German Nazis by sacrificing Czechoslovakia.

It failed. 'Peace in our time' became a bad joke.


Well-Known Member
Ethnic cleansing. That's a serious allegation. What is your evidence?

The links you provided of Russian media give the Russian side of the story very well.

I like how the 12 year old eyewitness suddenly remembered to condemn the Georgians and thank the Russian military, almost like she was prompted by a director from off-camera.

And the Aunt parroted the Russian Government perfectly. The President of Georgia must go.

Propaganda anyone?