Possibility of WW3?

Do you believe that ww3 is a real possibility?

  • Not these days, maybe in the future

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • We are more intelligent than that now, we have learned from the past

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • ww3 is imminent

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • No you will never see a world war again

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • It is inconceivable but still possible

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • ww3 is bound to happen at some point just can't say when

    Votes: 17 54.8%

  • Total voters
Will some mod please tell me why the following was taken down:

I hope UncleBuck has been saving up that "white privilege" to cash in; king noble is on the war path, he and his henchmen are looking to take them out some white "crackers".

UB's "tiny penis" might not be good enough to get him out of this one.

The dude UB is a white guy. Buck claims white people have privilege.
King Noble has declared war on white guys; he addresses them as "crackers".
I have no idea about Bucks penis but it's been posted by others that it's pretty tiny.
The conclusion was a hypothetical.

So what's the beef?
Will some mod please tell me why the following was taken down:

I hope UncleBuck has been saving up that "white privilege" to cash in; king noble is on the war path, he and his henchmen are looking to take them out some white "crackers".

UB's "tiny penis" might not be good enough to get him out of this one.

The dude UB is a white guy. Buck claims white people have privilege.
King Noble has declared war on white guys; he addresses them as "crackers".
I have no idea about Bucks penis but it's been posted by others that it's pretty tiny.
The conclusion was a hypothetical.

So what's the beef?

You should probably consider using something original when trying to insult people. You come across as lacking intelligence and originality.
There probably will never be anythng we call a ww3, war has become to yucky of a word. Everything is "military conflicts", which we are in a neverending state of. So the idea by op that we are at peace atm and thats why people cant consider ww3 a possibility inst the reality of it. It's just that we have become accustomed to a perpetual state of war.
Very good perspective
There probably will never be anythng we call a ww3, war has become to yucky of a word. Everything is "military conflicts", which we are in a neverending state of. So the idea by op that we are at peace atm and thats why people cant consider ww3 a possibility inst the reality of it. It's just that we have become accustomed to a perpetual state of war.
Very good perspective
China has North Korea's back while it benefits them. It's beneficial for China to have North Korea constantly causing conflict, it might even be Chinese endorsed.

If you keep America focused on Iran, Korea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.etc.etc. who's talking about Chinese human rights abuses anyone? safe labor practices?

China hasn't changed, America is distracted.

You can bet your ass that if Crazy Kim does something China's going to be right there to shut him down. They can't afford to have trade routes effected by a Korean war.
Check this OP. Russia don't want a world war. They want everyone to have money to spend and get rich selling to others all across this boundless world. Same with China. Same with the U.S. UK. The only people who would want world war are NK and the fanatics. And of course all the sad, lonely, depressed, the other guy got more stuff than me types.

Much more likely for localized civil skirmishes in my opinion. Civil wars and of course that old line? So what is so civil about war anyway?

Money is in control now. It knows of no boundaries.

Right. And one of the most profitable industries of all? WAR MATERIEL!

Don't believe me? Then why does the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter project cost more than ANY OTHER DEFENSE CONTRACT IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND?
There probably will never be anythng we call a ww3, war has become to yucky of a word. Everything is "military conflicts", which we are in a neverending state of. So the idea by op that we are at peace atm and thats why people cant consider ww3 a possibility inst the reality of it. It's just that we have become accustomed to a perpetual state of war.

An excellent analysis. Who profits? Those who own companies in the defense industry and military suppliers of all sorts. Never-ending war means never-ending profits.... 'or else!'
Right. And one of the most profitable industries of all? WAR MATERIEL!

Don't believe me? Then why does the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter project cost more than ANY OTHER DEFENSE CONTRACT IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND?
The worst part of that whole thing is the Jets a failure. It gets beat by our old ass tech that flew in the first gulf war. It's been an abysmal failure since it's inception.

Meanwhile like gambling addicts government money is poured into it because "well fuck we're into deep now if we don't keep going we lose everything we put it".
The worst part of that whole thing is the Jets a failure. It gets beat by our old ass tech that flew in the first gulf war. It's been an abysmal failure since it's inception.

Meanwhile like gambling addicts government money is poured into it because "well fuck we're into deep now if we don't keep going we lose everything we put it".

That's because the government is ordered to by the politicians who are in the pockets of Lockheed Martin over this boondoggle of historic proportions- and the general public has no idea just how badly their future is being mortgaged for it.

Oh, and you're absolutely right about it being a giant pile of shit; before they ever left the drawing board, every one of those variants was rendered obsolete by UCAV tech. Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles. Drones, people.
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Tiny penis is MY line. You owe me $0.19 in royalty fees.

Holy Cow, I didn't realize I was infringing on IP!

How about if I send you a few 500 S&W 350 gr. XTP or some 300 gr. FTP in trade for use? I'm talking the projectiles not rounds. (It was you that said you had a 500 S&W, correct?).
Holy Cow, I didn't realize I was infringing on IP!

How about if I send you a few 500 S&W 350 gr. XTP or some 300 gr. FTP in trade for use? I'm talking the projectiles not rounds. (It was you that said you had a 500 S&W, correct?).

That is one heck of a round. But unfortunately I don't own that high of a caliber, and nowhere near that heavy of a bullet. My 230 gr 45 ammo is about as heavy as I go.

I'd be interested to shoot a 500 s&w one day. If it's anything like the 50 beowulf, I know I'd have a grin.
That is one heck of a round. But unfortunately I don't own that high of a caliber, and nowhere near that heavy of a bullet. My 230 gr 45 ammo is about as heavy as I go.

I'd be interested to shoot a 500 s&w one day. If it's anything like the 50 beowulf, I know I'd have a grin.
S&W 500 is not that bad, just a little more kick then a .45 . IMO stock less 12 gauge shotguns are worse
And to op ww3 is already here.. But it's a battle not a war. Isis is causing multiple nations to fight, IMO that is a world conflict. But what we really need to worry about is a race war here in American that could spark a civil war. I feel that America will eventually fall unfortunately, because history always repeats itself.
The worst part of that whole thing is the Jets a failure. It gets beat by our old ass tech that flew in the first gulf war. It's been an abysmal failure since it's inception.

Meanwhile like gambling addicts government money is poured into it because "well fuck we're into deep now if we don't keep going we lose everything we put it".
I was reading an article where 4 Eurofighter Typhoons took on 16 F16's in war games and destroyed the 16 F16's with not a single loss.

Cost of Typhoon each? Including development and production cost: $135mill

Estimated cost of Joint Strike Fighter programme?

$1.1 trillion with no actual planes included.

America's military suffers from the "$10,000 hammer, $20,000 toilet seat" mentality.

Was reading about the new defense systems on your Navy ships to replace the minigun on the CIWS systems, it uses missiles instead...

Missile cost each?


Fuck those people on food stamps tho...
That is one heck of a round. But unfortunately I don't own that high of a caliber, and nowhere near that heavy of a bullet. My 230 gr 45 ammo is about as heavy as I go.

I'd be interested to shoot a 500 s&w one day. If it's anything like the 50 beowulf, I know I'd have a grin.

Yeah I love hand cannons.

I carry the 4 inch snub for brush duty when fishing in Alaska. In the past I hauled my 44 Redhawk around but at 7 1/4 inch it was just too unwieldy. The dry weight of the snub 500 isn't any more than the 44.

350 gr @ 1500 - 1600 fps is actually pleasant to shoot. I've reloaded 400 gr but at higher velocities it's not something I like for long plinking sessions. 500 gr @ velocity can leave some pretty good bruises. I can only imagine what a 700 gr feels like. Takes more of a man than me.

I recall some dude on youtube thump'in away full auto with the Beo --- amazing.