Best Friend Now Addicted To Heroin...Help

I was smoking crack everyday for two months and I never stole to support it. The cops knew it when I was leaving the house where I bought it and stopped me many times and found nothing, they can't search your car without a warrant, if you are not under arrest, or there is visible contraband in Canada . So instead of letting me carry on they called my parents and told them I was frequenting a crack house.

I was young and stupid about 19 or so still living at home. My parents confronted me and I quit the next day. Now I own and operate my own business. Have two vehicles, two ATVs, an R6 sport bike, a snowmobile, and a home with two double garages and 100 acres.

Sometimes people need help. Confront them, tell it like it is. Get their family involved if you can. It helped me a lot. Don't immediately say "Fuck it." Some people do smarten up.

Never tried H so I don't know what withdrawal is like but coke and crack was easy. When using you want more and more but after a sleep I never found the cravings bad. No puking or shaking etc.
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Didn't feel like makin another dope thread...but I just hit 48 hrs with no shit, starting to think this isn't gonna get any better been eating xanax like candy. It still want to blow my fucking head off or just do anything to make this stop
Progress man. keep making it when and where you can.
No one I know of did recovery perfectly so don't beat yourself.
If they were able to then they were probably drug abusers and not late stage addicts.
Pay attention to your moments of clarity and act on them right away.
They fade.quickly
It really does get better.
After a few years of hearing that I doubted it but eventually it does.

I'm not a fan of replacement drugs like Xanax for long term because your body
does not know the difference between prescribed drugs and drug drugs so keeps the craving
trigger alive
Your mileage may vary but in general all replacement drugs eventually led me back to the drug of choice.
That includes sex.,anger, alcohol, solvents....etc.

Man the life of an addict sooooooo much funny

laughter is safe and encouraged, especially if it is about yourself.
Hello guys, first let me give you a little info about myself and the situation. I am 20 years old a fairly young man and my best friend who I knew since I was five is now 18 years old.

A few months ago my friend 'tried' heroin by snorting it and said 'no big deal its just experimental' and I was kinda foolish to believe him i didn't think he was lying because their were a couple occasions when a few of us guys got together and busted some lines of cocaine and woke up the next day feeling shitty and not wanting to do anymore.

Anyway, he is still doing heroin and I think he may have started to shoot. I cant say for sure but I don't know how to help him. He's young and he crashed his car and got a DWAI under the influence and things will only get worse. Right now he lives with his grandma because his mom died a year ago. What should I do? Who should I talk to?

An intervention. Therapy could also help with any underlying issues with his mother, etc. Heroin use is a drawn out suicide. One has to get to the bottom of his self destructive nature.
Didn't feel like makin another dope thread...but I just hit 48 hrs with no shit, starting to think this isn't gonna get any better been eating xanax like candy. It still want to blow my fucking head off or just do anything to make this stop

Hi Bublonichronic,

the worst is really the 3-4 first days ( in my experience ) ! so you're half through first stage :)

second stage : the next two weeks !

what helped me :
- eat ! right after eating was my relief moments :) eat as much fruits you can !
- take hot bathes ! helps with pain
- sweat as much as you can !
- sleep as much as you can ! smoking helped me here :)

Also when I had pain in the legs, I felt better walking than sitting or lying down !

if you hold out these 2 weeks, the remaining is in your head, but as you want to blow your fucking head off, there's hope :)

Peace !
Hi Bublonichronic,

the worst is really the 3-4 first days ( in my experience ) ! so you're half through first stage :)

second stage : the next two weeks !

what helped me :
- eat ! right after eating was my relief moments :) eat as much fruits you can !
- take hot bathes ! helps with pain
- sweat as much as you can !
- sleep as much as you can ! smoking helped me here :)

Also when I had pain in the legs, I felt better walking than sitting or lying down !

if you hold out these 2 weeks, the remaining is in your head, but as you want to blow your fucking head off, there's hope :)

Peace !
Thats an honest post, good solid suggestions. Pretty much what I said in a PM. I hope your journey makes you stronger.
What should I do?

- let your door open whenever your friend wants or needs to see you and let him know !
- watch your money and everything that can be sold ( I know not cool ).
- never give or lend him money ( will be converted to dope immediatly ! ), go with him to the shop and buy what he needs.
- do not tell him constantly : dope is shit, it's not good for you, bla bla bla. If dope was shit nobody would be addict (the problem is you can't control it), and he already knows it's not good for him ! (ready for the storm)

Basically keep contact, he may not need nor want your help now, but this may change !

Who should I talk to?

No good experience with doctors, therapyst, ... but doesn't you shouldn't try !
An intervention. Therapy could also help with any underlying issues with his mother, etc. Heroin use is a drawn out suicide. One has to get to the bottom of his self destructive n
- let your door open whenever your friend wants or needs to see you and let him know !
- watch your money and everything that can be sold ( I know not cool ).
- never give or lend him money ( will be converted to dope immediatly ! ), go with him to the shop and buy what he needs.
- do not tell him constantly : dope is shit, it's not good for you, bla bla bla. If dope was shit nobody would be addict (the problem is you can't control it), and he already knows it's not good for him ! (ready for the storm)

Basically keep contact, he may not need nor want your help now, but this may change !

No good experience with doctors, therapyst, ... but doesn't you shouldn't try !

Drs and therapist were critical once I was stable enough to listen to them.
Taught me more about dealing with life than drugs
But like you hinted at, there is no 1 right way to do this.
I want to try an analrapist.
You've met in me in person did I seem fucking brain damaged to you lol

I didn't say brain damage... Brain chemistry. It's different. Besides, I know of people who have been addicts longer than you have been able to walk. :)
I'd say 9/10 in this thread wouldn't try the garbage. So it works out.

You are proof that one doesn't need drugs to sustain brain damage.
Brain damage? Yes, you do. Sorry.

Thank for the suggestion n post guys especially kind sir. I will try to respond when I can think a little clearer. I've been having crying fits and I don't know why this is the most vulnerable I've ever been and that kinda scares me