Damn you got some fat wrists for a female. "Big boned" you probably call it though. Nice watch too. Thing looks strained. Did they have to add links onto it to get around those beefy linebacker wrists?
I'm not sure what this thread is about, you might want to step away from huffing paint for a while.imho newp, because when trying to use said card at checkout the kid stopped the transaction called the manager over and my transaction was refused and cancelled..but guess what? i wasn't using that card..i was using a different one but because it looks the same they assumed i was trying to use one of their timed cards.
i shit you not.
went up the street to their next location and had no issue..went back to that store and searched out the manager..i spotted that fat little hamster..he saw me coming..was taking to an employee who ran when they saw me coming so fast tripped guess they thought i had a gunit was actually kinda 'terminator 2 - judgement day-like' (robert patrick character) as i was walking faster and faster to get to him on the other side of store..i told him that i knew what they we doing and my attorney would be in touch....he swallowed very hard, turned red and thought he was gonna have a coronary..perhaps shite his pants..lemmmmmmmmstuttering..seeeeeee your card..newp..too late..you had your opportunity.
all this is on video, too..no denying it..kept all my receipts and cards..it's all the proof i need..additonally, when i was getting my refund, i presented my card and she pretended like she didn't hear me..she pulled the timed card out..again, i handed her my existing card 'oh no..i have to put it on this..it will mess up the balance on the card you already have' what a lying sack of shit! these cards are totally rechargeable..it even fucking says it on the back..
even though the bible belt is as far south as orlando, there's no shortage of fire and brimstone bible beaters in sofla..this company is a good ole boy southern company.
they love to tell people how to live here and social safety net is practically non-existent because we get people from all over so the residents who have been here like me since 1985, get fucking screwed.
If you don't want those fox-tails I'll smoke em...![]()
Damn you got some fat wrists for a female. "Big boned" you probably call it though. Nice watch too. Thing looks strained. Did they have to add links onto it to get around those beefy linebacker wrists?
foxtails get a bad rap undeservingly fo' shizzle![]()
I don't mind smokin' 'em. Trimming them, on the other hand..
I usually lop them off and stop growing that strain.
@spandy @bu$hleaguer
today's civics lesson..how apropos for labor day weekend.
this is how it works with the greedy trigger happy, cash mongrels..
1) means of production aka MOP..decides to change the constitution (or attempt) in this case the 14th.
2) the directive comes from the top (board room shit)..they are not legal experts and often times never even consult their legal department.
3) someone who knows the law, catches their asses fair and square.
4) suit is brought forth and either:
a) they settle immediately (often times with non-disclosure stipulation) through an exchange of letters and initial filing of suit.
b) they take on the suit which is very costly.
5) the cash settlement is only a spanking for what they could really receive: backlash from public with significant loss of revenue..
let's just say they DON'T want to settle and fight because they think they're fucking smart..this is what happens:
they get reminded that not everyone lives in the deep south bible belt and thinks as they do.
then (my absolute fave part)
Yeah foxtails are usually the result of excessive ambient grow room temperature, not strain.i find that foxtailing occurs on the best of genetics..you can foxtail anything if you let it continue.
it all smokes the same..and frankly, i get the look of respect when i go to smoke shop for screens that i must change 2x day![]()
Yeah foxtails are usually the result of excessive ambient grow room temperature, not strain.
Cool tubes FTW.
Yeah foxtails are usually the result of excessive ambient grow room temperature, not strain.
Cool tubes FTW.
Before I knew better, I grew a strain that was known to be foxtails from start to finish. I keep my canopy temps no higher than 80*F. IME, some strains do, some don't.
I wouldn't doubt that you can bring it out with environmental factors, though.
i have one that foxtails immediately, too..i'll get bud as big as my hand with fingers![]()
Give 'em hell- allllllll the way to the bank!
LOL, what a nightmare. It's cool to break off a finger and coil it into a bowl, but.. getting there just isn't worth it for me.
i have one that foxtails immediately, too..i'll get bud as big as my hand with fingers![]()
it's about right and wrong..exclusion of a group of citizens..schuylaar WANTS TO BE CLEAR: