I don't know about the most potent but one of my favorite high yielding autos is Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto from World of Seeds. They can end up being quite tall which can be a downside, but their stone is heavy and relaxing. I have read that Think different from Dutch Passion can be very high yielding.
I don't know about the most potent but one of my favorite high yielding autos is Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto from World of Seeds. They can end up being quite tall which can be a downside, but their stone is heavy and relaxing. I have read that Think different from Dutch Passion can be very high yielding.
Aight. Thats good enough. Im trying to dicide which ones i should order. I really cant decide yet. Thats why i need some feedback. Thanks for the reply!! Im trying to find at least the top 5 high thc and high yielders autoflowers. I really can get that much info on the web about this Toke on====~~~
I saw that auto pounder is good, auto mazar, iranian auto but i have never test them yet. Im trying to get a pick and mix maybe like different types of the best autoflowers to do an experiment. Lol. Toke on ===~~~
The most potent strains are the ones growers grow. A lot of it has to do with grower skills and knowledge
i think i can do it. This is not my first grow. I just need some help with the strains. I know is all about technique or grower style. But u really didnt help. Tnx anyways. Toke on ====~~
Hey funny I just made my account and earlier was looking this question up. So basically I found gorilla seeds highest thc strains some are at 22% I actually bought cash crop auto it looks dank AF idk why but won't let me post the link but just search gorilla seeds auto highest thc strains.
Good looks dude!!
I had really good luck with dinafems cheese auto, there is one pheno i found in those beans that is just phenomenal. When i find it i keep the smoke for myself and sell the rest :bigjoint: only have about 1/8th left that i save for special occasions.

Dinafem white widdow auto isnt as strong, but has great bag appeal and nice big heavy flowers with a nice piney scent.

I grew out a il diable auto (forget the breeder) 3 years ago and i still remember it so it had to be something special. I grew that one under a 400hps, it only was like a foot tall, and yielded nice w a great smoke.

I had really good luck with dinafems cheese auto, there is one pheno i found in those beans that is just phenomenal. When i find it i keep the smoke for myself and sell the rest :bigjoint: only have about 1/8th left that i save for special occasions.

Dinafem white widdow auto isnt as strong, but has great bag appeal and nice big heavy flowers with a nice piney scent.

I grew out a il diable auto (forget the breeder) 3 years ago and i still remember it so it had to be something special. I grew that one under a 400hps, it only was like a foot tall, and yielded nice w a great smoke.

Dinafem auto? I will check that one. Good looks dude. Tnx for chim in. I still really dont know wt to do. I might give it a couple of days before making my mind. Toke on===~~
for large auto id pick Dutch passion auto ultimate i got 8 oz off just one plant. danafems WW XL is a big one also fastbuds 6 shooter will also get real big and is very strong. mephisto hubba bubba will also get a nice size.
Sweet!!! Tnx dude!!! I'll check that out. That ultimate for sure is gonna b one of them