Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
How you feeling today sweethart?

Don't feel super rushed to figure it all out. Take a week or two before deciding to move/pay out of pocket.

Get yourself a bottle of prenatals, eat extra fruits and veggies and you will be fine for a month or two even.

If you aren't bleeding or having labor pains, you will be fine.
I got the prenatals when I found out they reduce the pains a bit
My food has always been healthy I added almond butter and a few extra things for snacks
To be honest I have no interest in eating

I made a doctors appointment anyways Tricare can back pay us or whatever

I'm having really bad pelvic pains for the last two weeks just wanna sure it's normal I'm sure it is but its not comforting knowing you just came from a country where you had 100% free health care and a female doctor to a country where its out of pocket expenses

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I got the prenatals when I found out they reduce the pains a bit
My food has always been healthy I added almond butter and a few extra things for snacks
To be honest I have no interest in eating

I made a doctors appointment anyways Tricare can back pay us or whatever

I'm having really bad pelvic pains for the last two weeks just wanna sure it's normal I'm sure it is but its not comforting knowing you just came from a country where you had 100% free health care and a female doctor to a country where its out of pocket expenses
It is good to know tricare will back pay your expenses.

Pain is definitely something you should talk to a doctor about. It might be hormones causing it or whatever, but it is best to know to stop you from worrying.

Try to relax. You married a guy you love and who loves you. Obviously he is super happy that you are preggers. He will probably take real good care of you.

Ginger soda helps with nausea. Coffee on an empty stomach can make it worse. (Trying to think of all the shit people told me lol)

You have a hubby that is making good money and has a place for you to live. These are all blessings. You could try to get a large chuck of your schooling done now and after the baby is a year old, start going back to school half time.

It will all work out. Unless you are lazy like me. I should really finish my degree....


Pickle Queen
I got the prenatals when I found out they reduce the pains a bit
My food has always been healthy I added almond butter and a few extra things for snacks
To be honest I have no interest in eating

I made a doctors appointment anyways Tricare can back pay us or whatever

I'm having really bad pelvic pains for the last two weeks just wanna sure it's normal I'm sure it is but its not comforting knowing you just came from a country where you had 100% free health care and a female doctor to a country where its out of pocket expenses
It's implantation pains...like sharp stabby ones..

But for sure get seen for ur first tests ..u want that ultrasound pic!!!!!