oilfield bud
Well-Known Member
In biography class freshman year
Didn't read all of this thread... But I was at my girls house, I just finished fucking the shit outta here. I left her pussy steaming, I was fucking it so hard. Like, my dick almost broke that day. I'm talking balls deep, atm, anal, the whole 9. I beat that pussy like it stole something. Then turned in the tv and something else was getting blow'd up. I told her "look babe, it's your pussy getting smashed on TV" but it really wasn't guys, it was the twin towers... They blow'd up real nice
I remember being a little scared. I won't lie. I had been in the military for little over a year. I remember thinking for a little while that "how bad will this get? We are being attacked. Will we have to arm our selves and fight.".I was at work selling timeshare, a relatively new job. Someone rushed in to tell us to come watch TV. At first, we thought it was an accident, but as the news crew was trying to make sense of it, the second plane crashed and there was no doubt this was an attack. News crew members were trying to keep themselves together, and the ladies were hugging and crying. I went back to my desk after a while, and I couldn't believe there were still people calling in about their accounts. I packed up my shit and was about to head home, and my boss told us no one could leave. We said fuck you, the world is ending, retard. I got on a bus as there were no cabs around, and I've never experienced such a sense of camaraderie before or since. Everyone was speaking to each other, hugging and consoling one another. That was magical. I got home to my infant son and new wife, and we cried and hugged. Our best friends came over with liquor and hour later, still in the morning, and we had great weed. We all watched the news all day drunk and stoned, and there were many rumors that turned out not to be true, but of course we believed them all: Pentagon, Camp David, other tall buildings, etc.. I remember the candlelight vigil one week later, us and all the neighbors sat out on our porches in silence and just wept. The biggest positive was just witnessing people coming together, no one was a stranger for many days, just your brothers and sisters. That gave me a lot more respect for what humanity can be...
I would say so.I was stationed in Korea
Shit got stupid over there as well
Why hate Iraqis? Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian national living inside Afghanistan with his then joke of a terrorist group. Our wars actually created 20 times the terrorists to this day I don't understand why our special forces couldn't have gone in and destroyed Al Qaeda in no time.
Because childhood is a crime. Imagine what its like to be 11 and every time you see a plane it was headed for a building.
Or knowing that the city you visit for every holiday and where most of your family lives was attacked.... At the age of 11 that's some deep shit
you were 11 years old in 2001 and now you are 23 years old 14 years later?
damn you suck at lying.
Lol actually my birthday is 9-2-1991 i just turned 24. I guess im just used to saying im 23. And yeah i was 10... Shit happens.
Doesn't change the fact that your a fucking moron. I love how you felt the need to hunt through my other posts to find something smart to say.... Seriously dude get a life.
Why dont you work on moving out of your mothers basement, instead of harrassing me because you ran out of bullshit to say in another debate
people who lie on the internet for attention are my favorite people to troll. they get butthurt so easily.
...Debating politics is one thing.... Being a Fucking creep is another.
Lie? Dude... Mistakes happen. Like i said, get a life. Debating politics is one thing.... Being a Fucking creep is another.
Math is hard...
Not to be a dickhead, but get over it no one cares, 911 old news.If there is one day we will all remember its 9/11/2001. I was in 5th grade, and i remember getting home from school to my mom crying and freaking out. I was to young to really understand what happened, but my mom was from Queens and had some friends with FDNY.