Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Genuity is not Beemo.

At first I liked beemo. He showed some nice pictures.

Then he started arguing with people over price. He got a little personal. He apologized to me. Then for some reason he would post videos.. That was weird.

Then the mud slinging got personal again. I tried to tell him that not everyone is going to buy at the 250 price point because everyone's life circumstances are different.

He lashed out at me and began hurling insults my way.

Every couple days he comes back and adds 5-6 posts in a row insulting others.

He then acted like he was reading my personal emails. That creeps me the fuck out. I know he didn't because he was wrong about them, but still creepy to suggest that.

People disagree. It is normal. RIU has trolls. That is normal.

Personal insults and posturing will never get respect. Maybe a laugh or two if you are clever. Beemo is not clever tho. Just an angry person foaming at the mouth.

I can never like the guy. Even if he was defending GGG. He did it in completely fucked up way.
I tried to reason with him also,I do not know why he went off the deep end...but it was way to much...I was leaving it up to another MOD to deal with him,as I had to deal with the last guy.....

All I like is pics of nug & talk of nug & normal everyday conversation....
Yes I'm a MOD,but all I got is a broom..I clean up the "you want to buy bud" post..
& personal attacking née for it.
Do my pics look like beemo pics?

It's easy..

Yes they do. Your posts look exactly like his too. Same spelling errors, same grammatical errors, same random periods and commas in the wrong spots. You both grow organically, both use Grokashi, both listen to the same music, both GGG fans. Same hard on for anyone that dares mention prices. $100 per pack, $200, $500, $1,000.... no ones allowed to say anything about prices, or Genuity and his alter ego Beemo will belittle you.

Unless you have an identical twin that was separated from you at birth, looks like the same/same to me.

The thing I really want to know though.... do you really hate white people (especially Flaming Pie) or was that just part of the "Beemo" routine?

I'd love to be proven wrong on this though. I'll admit I was disappointed when this first occurred to me.
Yes they do. Your posts look exactly like his too. Same spelling errors, same grammatical errors, same random periods and commas in the wrong spots. You both grow organically, both use Grokashi, both listen to the same music, both GGG fans. Same hard on for anyone that dares mention prices. $100 per pack, $200, $500, $1,000.... no ones allowed to say anything about prices, or Genuity and his alter ego Beemo will belittle you.

Unless you have an identical twin that was separated from you at birth, looks like the same/same to me.

The thing I really want to know though.... do you really hate white people (especially Flaming Pie) or was that just part of the "Beemo" routine?

I'd love to be proven wrong on this though. I'll admit I was disappointed when this first occurred to me.
Well you are far from right....I fact ask a MOD...and I hope you come back in here and eat them salty words.

Guess I'm half the people on theses wife is white,so talk what you know...not what you think.
No need to apologize......just eat them salty words,and keep my name off your keyboard.

Make sure you ask a Mod,and post your response here..

Ask yourself this,why would I buy all them packs,if I can just get them for free?

Salty? Those are just my observations. You're busy accusing Bob of being someone else.... why so defensive when it's you being called out?

Funny you never had an issue with all of Beemos salty words. Constantly ripping on white peeps. Where were you then? He has been the biggest shit disturber to ever grace this thread, and you did nothing but agree with him and egg him on.
Salty? Those are just my observations. You're busy accusing Bob of being someone else.... why so defensive when it's you being called out?

Funny you never had an issue with all of Beemos salty words. Constantly ripping on white peeps. Where were you then? He has been the biggest shit disturber to ever grace this thread, and you did nothing but agree with him and egg him on.
Not accusing bob of anything,I'm speaking the truth....not my fault you don't want to see it.

Have you spoken with a MOD yet?

Do you know what A MODS job is?

Do you have common sense?

What post did beemo rip white people?
Are you sure beemo is a black dude?
Stow, I don't believe genuity is beemo. Me and genuity have private convos some time. He has always been nice to me.

Lets not turn this thread into a witch hunt.

Some guys don't like to deal with the same old conversation over and over. Even something resembling it will put them on the defense.

My hubby is like that.

I'm willing to bet that genuity didn't read all the posts and just skimmed.

Genuity comes off as a 26-28 year old. Beemo comes off as a 18-19 year old boy.
Not accusing bob of anything,I'm speaking the truth....not my fault you don't want to see it.

You're not? huh

Do you have common sense?

Yes I do...which is what lead me to the conclusion that Beemo is your sock puppet.

What post did beemo rip white people?
Are you sure beemo is a black dude?

Really? Like when he asked "what's the matter with all you white people" after the church shooting in South Carolina.

Or when he said "You peeps think I'm a WHITE BOY? I take offense to that"

Are you just playing dumb here??
Stow, I don't believe genuity is beemo. Me and genuity have private convos some time. He has always been nice to me.

Lets not turn this thread into a witch hunt.

Some guys don't like to deal with the same old conversation over and over. Even something resembling it will put them on the defense.

My hubby is like that.

I'm willing to bet that genuity didn't read all the posts and just skimmed.

Genuity comes off as a 26-28 year old. Beemo comes off as a 18-19 year old boy.

Fair enough. I'll drop it. You can believe what you wish
You're not? huh

Yes I do...which is what lead me to the conclusion that Beemo is your sock puppet.

Really? Like when he asked "what's the matter with all you white people" after the church shooting in South Carolina.

Or when he said "You peeps think I'm a WHITE BOY? I take offense to that"

Are you just playing dumb here??
So that makes him black?
Have you seen a pic of him?

Have you talked to a mod yet,or you just like to keep avoiding.
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