Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
huh interesting im type O negative blood type

got some lab results back from doctor
guess i should go like donate some blood or something

Type O blood is the best type of blood for eating meat. You type O's need a lot of protein.
You are supposed to avoid beans, legumes and cruciferous veggies.


Staff member
Type O blood is the best type of blood for eating meat. You type O's need a lot of protein.
You are supposed to avoid beans, legumes and cruciferous veggies.
All my other tests the doc did I'm extremely healthy not deficient in anything
I don't personally believe in the "eating for your blood type " diet


Well-Known Member
All my other tests the doc did I'm extremely healthy not deficient in anything
I don't personally believe in the "eating for your blood type " diet

I was not judging you or your diet. I just found it ironic. I have respect for vegans that do not tell me they are vegan in the first few minutes after I have met them. One time I met a guy who within the first 5 minutes of knowing him he told me that he is a vegan and does not own a tv. It was hilarious. (I do not think of you that way at all. You are one of the chillest vegans I have ever talked to. (One guy I met wanted to fight me because I told him I will never stop eating steak.)

Eating for your blood type is very compelling stuff. I have read some great things related to it about ph etc. Of course, I do not do what they suggest, be a vegetarian. You ignore them too. :)

About a pound.


Staff member
I was not judging you or your diet. I just found it ironic. I have respect for vegans that do not tell me they are vegan in the first few minutes after I have met them. One time I met a guy who within the first 5 minutes of knowing him he told me that he is a vegan and does not own a tv. It was hilarious. (I do not think of you that way at all. You are one of the chillest vegans I have ever talked to. (One guy I met wanted to fight me because I told him I will never stop eating steak.)

Eating for your blood type is very compelling stuff. I have read some great things related to it about ph etc. Of course, I do not do what they suggest, be a vegetarian. You ignore them too. :)

About a pound.
sorry i knew you werent i just think its funny i "defy" the eating for your blood type thing LOL
it is ironic,


Well-Known Member
Are you going to impose a vegan diet on the lil @sunni ? Don't kids need things growing up not found in veggies for like healthy brain growth.. Maybe pescatarian? Fish don't scream when you kill em.. They arnt even fuzzy


Staff member
Are you going to impose a vegan diet on the lil @sunni ? Don't kids need things growing up not found in veggies for like healthy brain growth.. Maybe pescatarian? Fish don't scream when you kill em.. They arnt even fuzzy
impose thats cute
i wrote and rewrote and rewrote responses to you on this filled with lovely information about vegan children
quite frankly im not getting into this argument

are you a doctor? no.
what i discuss with my doctor is between me and them have a good one

not trying to be a bitch but,, telling me im imposing something on my child is rude. its not like im making my kid a racist homophobe....
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Staff member
Every one "imposes" their diets on their children.
Breast milk is not vegan, right?
jesus christ were really going there arent we...

breast milk is obviously used by vegans for their babies, breast milk is the perfect milk for a baby, just as cows milk is the perfect milk for a calf...etc

once baby is able to be weened from breast milk they get their nutrients from food...

..im really not getting into this argument people really not fucking even going there a little fucking bit:wall:


Well-Known Member
Well kids can't pick their food was just wondering. Also never said I was a doctor hence the questions..nor do I care what you talk to your doctor about to be honest that's between you.

If your kid wants to be a racist homophobe they should be able to be...unless you where going to impose some morality on them


Well-Known Member
just a question, i don't want to argue with you.
I didn't know vegan was philosophical, I looked at it more pragmatically.
I just did a quick read. Honey isn't vegan because bees do not give you the honey and it is an animal product.
I thought that animal product was the key, but it seems to be philosophical. cool.
Breast milk is an animal product, but it is given freely. So it is vegan.

If someone took breast milk from a person it instantly becomes not vegan.



Staff member
just a question, i don't want to argue with you.
I didn't know vegan was philosophical, I looked at it more pragmatically.
I just did a quick read. Honey isn't vegan because bees do not give you the honey and it is an animal product.
I thought that animal product was the key, but it seems to be philosophical. cool.
Breast milk is an animal product, but it is given freely. So it is vegan.

If someone took breast milk from a person it instantly becomes not vegan.

im sorry its not you, its just the dumb questions after questions, it isnt even questions usually its people who want to throw it in my face and make me out to be a horrible person because the rubber on my car tires arent vegan so im unethical vegan whos a big fat hypocrite,...etc and than the whole but we have canines, and but lions eat meat...and the whole BACON IS DELICIOUS with a big photo of bacon to just offend me (which it doesnt )

and quite frankly imho indas comment came off as if im going to make my child brain dead because i will raise them vegan, he couldve worded it better it didnt seem like a "wondering" question to me but more of a statement

i just want people to leave me alone about my eating habits, unless its a question like hey i have a friend with a dairy allergy can you help me with a recipe? or hey can we go get burritos or something