Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

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Stealing is clearly wrong.

However, I understand and even expect that a persons will to live can easily overshadow their morality when they are left with no other options. Desperation doesn't absolve you of guilt, but you do what you gotta do. When backed into a corner we all become selfish animals, that's just how it is.
And if your family is starving and the only options are steal food or they die?

While many (most?) people would steal food if their survival depended on it, the circumstances of the thief do not extinguish the wrongfulness his actions.

Also, in reality the example is rather uncommon. In nearly every human circumstance there are things which could have been done long before starvation became the driving force.

Striking the root causes of the problems rather than rationalizing the acts is a good place to start.
What makes stealing food to feed your starving family wrong?
Well stealing is wrong hands down for any reason... word I steal if I had to feed my family or kids fuck yes in a heart beat.
There other options. Churchs gives out free food the the needy/homeless for free without stealing.

The homeless shelters gives out food

Ask someone for some help if you are truly in need people will actually help.
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Well stealing is wrong hands down for any reason... word I steal if I had to feed my family or kids fuck yes in a heart beat.
There other options. Churchs gives out free food the the needy/homeless for free without stealing.

The homeless gives out food

Ask someone for some help if you are truly in need people will actually help.
Stealing and killing should always be the last option
"Stealing is wrong because it's theft"...

Uhh.. Why is "theft" wrong, then? Are you gonna say "because it's stealing!"?.. If so, save your breath..

Maybe you misunderstood the question... What makes stealing wrong? Better?

Is stealing inherently wrong? If so, what makes it so? Does that apply to all cases? Why/why not? Ya know, thinking and what not!
Yes stealing is wrong. People work hard to produce and earn the right to have these things. Now, if for whatever reason, if you're a child, disabled or just cant find a job to feed yourself. You should humbly ask for kindness from others and people are usually more than happy to share. But, if your just a lazy bum that doesn't want to contribute to the economical system then you should beg like the lazy bum you are.

I stole a can of formula from a grocery store once. Yeah, I was desperate. I think an employee saw me and let me go. It wasn't right. I was very young and didn't know what else to do. If I had to do it again I would just ask someone to help me help the baby.
Yous a tief mon, lemme take yur hans
Says my Jamaican buddy. Funny its similar in the jungles of s.a. and mexico.
Even in the poorest of communities stealing is frowned upon. That ive been to atleast
You dont have to be religious to recognize certain moral aspects of humans, all humans, are deeply rooted.
There has never been a reason to steal
Yous a tief mon, lemme take yur hans
Says my Jamaican buddy. Funny its similar in the jungles of s.a. and mexico.
Even in the poorest of communities stealing is frowned upon. That ive been to atleast
You dont have to be religious to recognize certain moral aspects of humans, all humans, are deeply rooted.
There has never been a reason to steal
So if the only options for your familys survival was either stealing or killing
Would you do it?
So if the only options for your familys survival was either stealing or killing
Would you do it?
depends on who I'm killing or stealing from. If it was another person trying to feed his family and had food then I would just pray with my family and wither away if there was no other option. or steal just enough to survive.
I steal a lot, mostly for shits and giggles, if I'm gonna use the self checkout and save the company money you bet your ass I'm gonna take a couple things without scanning them

i've always wondered about that..if it were possible to kinda..ya know..i would be totally mortified if seems as if you could get away with quite easily..and you do..and..

i need a small bag of dog food which SNAP obviously doesn't cover..hmmmmmmm.
So if the only options for your familys survival was either stealing or killing
Would you do it?
Like there are no other options. Your kind of a drama queen. Whiner. Woah is me, I just had too kill to get something to eat. Get down on your knees and just beg like a real lazy man. Have some self worth and pride about yourself bum.
You'd swear we were in fucking Aladdin where some families have to steal bread from the market to survive...

Ironic thing?

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