What is the " secret " to grow pungent, top shelf OG ?

my bad for the mistake, I was talking about Cali Connection, not Humbolt.... I might be a lil bit too fadded, sorry guys

as for World of Seeds, it seems to be a european bankseed, right
You could bring this to the "Seed and Strain" section and have an active conversation.

I bought 8 packs off of Cali connection,$800, and was not too impressed. A lot of the packs were unstable, and you would be lucky to get a viable plant. Some people say that the "keepers" are worth the hunt?
I only got 1 1/2 packs from RareDankness, and you can grow an entire pack and have a few good selections. My pack of Starkiller had a pheno very similar to Jedi kush, kind of a burnt gun powder smell. Starkiller had a better, rubber pheno that I liked more. I just ordered 3 more packs from RareD, and currently started 4 bodhi packs. Bring this up in the strain section!

You have good people explaining the organic part. I am still learning from each one of them!
Genetics, healthy plants, healthy soil, high brix levels.

I just google " brix " since I didn't know what it meaned ( I'm not a native speaker ). Well it seems to be some fructose level in some liquid solution. Means that's it's not a product / additive by itself... I guess adding molasse such as sugar-cane would increase that brix level, doesn't it ?
I think the growing method has a huge impact on flavor and taste (as well as the curing proceedure).

Definitely... hydro, aero, soil... one bud, scrog...a good flushing and curing period.... I guess all these methods and growing technics would give different results in term of taste for a same strain. But I still believe that fertilizers and additives do contribute for a large part to the final taste too.

. I would stop buying cali connection genetics immediately. I never ran anything decent from them - never in my garden again...

Aight then... will see how mine do and will probably not buy from them again.

I will post some pictures of my plants a bit later by the way... harvest is coming in about 5 days, I'm flushing now...

Bodhi seeds are fantastic.
Can you get any Sannie seeds?

Well, I guess with internet I can get whatever seeds I want... just gotta find the right website ! thanks for the recommendation !

the microbes you are talking about aren't the trichodermas, and molasses on it's on isn't going to develop hidden flavor, you are referring to an actively aerated compost tea (aact), that does a different job.

I was actually talking about the product called BioMagix that we use in hydro and that contains different kind of benefic bacterias and microbes, including trichodermas and mycorrhiza.
Adding these microbes without giving them some mollasses is totally pointless in hydro from what I've learned.

Molasses will not directly influence the taste, but should increase the sugar content of the plant at the end, especially if you use it in foliar spray.

First time that I hear about that " AACT " and I'm pretty curious about it. Is it all about the interaction between benefic microbes and the soil content ? I will try to dig some more info anyway, thanks for that

The molasses is consumed by the microbial population that you are purposely cultivating, usually derived from a healthy compost or a wormbin.

totally agree with you but as I'm currently handling a hydro session I was talking about hydro not soil.

Indeed, a good soil should already contain lots of life and good bacterias so molasses is consumed easily in that case.....but in hydro, with mineral fertilizer, ain't no microbes except if I add some.

You could bring this to the "Seed and Strain" section and have an active conversation. You have good people explaining the organic part. I am still learning from each one of them!

is there a way I can move it without copy-paste it ? But I thought that this organics section was more appropriat to my topics.
as promised, some pictures of my trees that Imma harvest in few days...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECO-LIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HPS 600 + 400 W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




I was just saying that I didnt want to clutter this thread by talking about seeds. I dont care myself, but others might...
What CaliConn gear did you get? It is not ALL bad, you might find a gem!
Hi to all the growers and Marijuana activists !

I'm Kevin, 29 years old, smoking and growing since about 10 years now.

I grow hydro but I have alread tried to grow in soil too in the past. I'm located in Europe for your information.

Here is my question that might sound a bit stupid for some:

I've noticed that even in Amsterdam, ain't no way to find something close to top notch OG Kush like the ones available in Cali and some other states... I'm talking about that consistency and that extremly pungent and piny taste, typical to OG strains... you probably know what I mean...

I've read and tried a lot too... different brands of fertilizers, additives, tips and tricks ( though 50 percent of the fertilizer and additive brands used in America are forbiden in U.E ) but I still can't get what I want...

All my friends said that I grow some really good stuff but I have high level expectations....

I know that to get the " real " taste of it, OG strains should be grown in soil and organically so if you have some kind of recipe I would be glad to learn about it ;)

...and what do you think of the use of molasse and trichoderma ? could they dramaticcaly increase the taste in a good way ?
Doesn't OG mean Ocean Grown: such as in coastal western states. Or is it just some made up gangster bullshit?
Doesn't OG mean Ocean Grown: such as in coastal western states. Or is it just some made up gangster bullshit?
It's a marketing technique to sell more... This is like Dank OG man! LOL! Not saying there isn't some really good weed with OG in the name, but come on. :roll:

@samourai888 thems be some crispy looking critters. I'm going to really recommend you start reading and learn how to build a good living organic soil. The first several pages of the ROLS thread is a good place to start. There are lots of smart people on this site that will help point you in the right direction. ;)

With respect,

It looks like my old flood table! It was not that long ago, so I cant say anything... You still have big buds in there.

These are the right people to talk to about soil! I am glad that I switched.
I just google " brix " since I didn't know what it meaned ( I'm not a native speaker ). Well it seems to be some fructose level in some liquid solution. Means that's it's not a product / additive by itself... I guess adding molasse such as sugar-cane would increase that brix level, doesn't it ?

Definitely... hydro, aero, soil... one bud, scrog...a good flushing and curing period.... I guess all these methods and growing technics would give different results in term of taste for a same strain. But I still believe that fertilizers and additives do contribute for a large part to the final taste too.

Aight then... will see how mine do and will probably not buy from them again.

I will post some pictures of my plants a bit later by the way... harvest is coming in about 5 days, I'm flushing now...

Well, I guess with internet I can get whatever seeds I want... just gotta find the right website ! thanks for the recommendation !

I was actually talking about the product called BioMagix that we use in hydro and that contains different kind of benefic bacterias and microbes, including trichodermas and mycorrhiza.
Adding these microbes without giving them some mollasses is totally pointless in hydro from what I've learned.

Molasses will not directly influence the taste, but should increase the sugar content of the plant at the end, especially if you use it in foliar spray.

First time that I hear about that " AACT " and I'm pretty curious about it. Is it all about the interaction between benefic microbes and the soil content ? I will try to dig some more info anyway, thanks for that

totally agree with you but as I'm currently handling a hydro session I was talking about hydro not soil.

Indeed, a good soil should already contain lots of life and good bacterias so molasses is consumed easily in that case.....but in hydro, with mineral fertilizer, ain't no microbes except if I add some.

is there a way I can move it without copy-paste it ? But I thought that this organics section was more appropriat to my topics.
damn brother... Looks like you've been giving them a high P and K food huh?
The buds are nicely shaped. Genetics wise those look fairly well considering they look like they had a tough go
I know ZERO about any correlation of microbial populations and hydroponics.
I also would highly recommend NOT using molasses as a foliar feed.
If you want a good foliar I recommend kelp meal, aloe and silica. Buuuut I thknk we kinda have different growing philosophies, which is all fine..
but I do think you'll be happier in a soil that is assembled and balanced both amendment/mineral wise as well as aeration and humus content
the leaves are turning brown because he is getting the nutes out of his finished products kids.. I would say he needs more light and let the thing mature. i dont even see it has gone into the 2 week plump and he is talking about harvesting it in a couple days? i would wait, is it just me or is every pistil solid white in those pictures? sometimes plants shock and you have to let them actually mature.. Most times the seed sellers just lie and pretend everything finishes in 8 weeks and people believe them and pick them way too early. (you did ask why your stuff is not top shelve, i am addressing that, not attacking). as for molasses? i notice it blows up my buds to huge airy buds. That could be good or bad? good luck. suggestions where to ad light and let finish longer.
seriously samourai888... do what others have suggested. if you want to grow the finest top notch buds that anyone can offer, get off the chemicals and get looking into organic living soil. read read read, and then read some more. i've been researching for weeks now. just starting to get my soil mixes going. going to do a couple tester pots to make sure i have stuff figured out before I go full scale with it. When you grow with living soil, there is no need to flush anything from your medium. flushing was invented by these chemical (I hesitate to call them nutrients) companies because they are salt (and petroleum) based chemicals. we been smoking that shit for way too long.

jump over to the ROLS thread and start reading... plenty of pictures from the best growers on the site. well i guess you could call them the best microbe farmers on the site because when you grow with LOS, forget about the plant; it grows itself. as long as you keep microlife happy that is :) Good luck to you, and get away from the dark side.
under my name in red is a link to grow books. I would read TOL living by the rev. in the link It took my growing to the next level. It shows what and how much of it to put in the soil.

I wouldn't listen to a word this retard puts out.

My ph is screwed up in my soil and what does he suggest?

Dolomite lime slurry..

His methods WILL get you through a grow just like using Subtools Super soil...
Very poorly, using dirty inputs that are of no use to your "micro-beasties".
Last edited:
Yo everyone, sorry for my late answer, was busy harvesting and trimming...


What CaliConn gear did you get? It is not ALL bad, you might find a gem!

I got Skywalker OG Kush and Cookies Kush from them... and judging by the buds looking and smell, it might not be a bad choice at all !

Beside I got some Bubbleicious and Triple Cheese from DNA.

Lord Kanti

Doesn't OG mean Ocean Grown: such as in coastal western states. Or is it just some made up gangster bullshit?

Yea, originally, O.G means Ocean Grown but lots of people believe it means Original Gansta... and this is pure commercial bullshit.

My hypothesis was that OG strains might perfectly suit the SOG technic which leads to an " ocean " of buds :)


Not saying there isn't some really good weed with OG in the name, but come on

Well, that's the thing... any shit that does have the OG strain in it should manifest that tipycal and particular taste / smell and effects that OG bring...

If you go in the best Cali's dispensaries or know master grower, you probably know what I mean...

@samourai888 thems be some crispy looking critters. I'm going to really recommend you start reading and learn how to build a good living organic soil. The first several pages of the ROLSthread is a good place to start. There are lots of smart people on this site that will help point you in the right direction.

thanks for the advise man, will definitely do when I will have time because it looks like to be a really long topic...


It looks like my old flood table! It was not that long ago, so I cant say anything... You still have big buds in there.
These are the right people to talk to about soil! I am glad that I switched.

big buds and avalanch of trichromes... quality is definitely gunna be good but quanity is a bit disapointing.

Greasemonkey man

damn brother... Looks like you've been giving them a high P and K food huh?
The buds are nicely shaped.

yep ! I made a point to give them enough P and K to have a good flowering period.... I've used the Metrop line ( dutch professionnal brand).... extremly concentrated.... but I took care not to over-feed them ;)

I've also given them some amino acid, humic and fulvic acid, enzymes, liquid oxygen, silicate, as well as some calgreen ( calcium and magnesium booster ).

And I've used reverse osmosis water during the session.

I know ZERO about any correlation of microbial populations and hydroponics.
I also would highly recommend NOT using molasses as a foliar feed.

Let me share these informations: ( ... and it works for hydro too as long as you add the necessary microbes in your tank )

Molasses is a good, quick source of energy for the various forms of microbes and soil life in a compost pile or good living soil. As we said earlier, molasses is a carbon source that feeds the beneficial microbes that create greater natural soil fertility. But, if giving a sugar boost was the only goal, there would be lot’s of alternatives. We could even go with the old Milly Blunt story of using Coke on plants as a child, after all Coke would be a great source of sugar to feed microbes and it also contains phosphoric acid to provide phosphorus for strengthening roots and encouraging blooming. In our eyes though, the primary thing that makes molasses the best sugar for agricultural use is it’s trace minerals.

In addition to sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of potash, sulfur, and a variety of micronutrients. Because molasses is derived from plants, and because the manufacturing processes that create it remove mostly sugars, the majority of the mineral nutrients that were contained in the original sugar cane or sugar beet are still present in molasses. This is a critical factor because a balanced supply of mineral nutrients is essential for those “beneficial beasties” to survive and thrive.


Our suggestion for the best available use, would be to make use of the various molasses products as a part making organic teas for watering and foliar feeding.

Molasses is a great ingredient in foliar feeding recipes because of it’s ability to chelate nutrients and bring them to the “table” in a form that can be directly absorbed and used by the plant. This really improves the effectiveness of foliar feeds when using them as a plant tonic. In fact it improves them enough that we usually can dilute our teas or mix them more “lean” - with less fertilizer - than we might use without the added molasses.

Of course it is possible to use molasses as a foliar feed alone, without any added guano or alfalfa. It’s primary use would be to treat plants who are deficient in Potassium, although molasses also provides significant boosts in other essential minerals such as Sulfur, Iron and Magnesium.


Tom Hill soil recipe.

Thanks, will search for it unless you have a link to give me.


the leaves are turning brown because he is getting the nutes out of his finished products kids...


I was indeed flushing them " hard " with ph-balanced osmosis water the first few days and some Flora Kleen the last 2 days to evacuate as much nutes as I the plants can..that's why leaves turned yellow / brownish... it's called the senescence.

I would say he needs more light and let the thing mature. i dont even see it has gone into the 2 week plump and he is talking about harvesting it in a couple days?

you're wrong dude, light power was sufficient, believe me...

I was using two different space, the first one with 1000 watts eco lights( for about 3 plants )

and the other space was a 1.25 square meters box in which I hung a 600 watts MH for the growth, and 1000 watts for the bloom... ( 12 plants in that space )

And I guess the pictures quality I've posted before was not good enough because it's definitely mature for 80 percent of them. Not all of them through because I've grown multi-genetics within the same tank ( learning from my mistakes )

I never care about what breeders say, I harvest when I think it's ready ;) it took about 11 weeks of blooming

i would wait, is it just me or is every pistil solid white in those pictures? sometimes plants shock and you have to let them actually mature.

I have harvested already... As I said, I have many different genetics within the same tank so some of them still have some white pistils but it shouldn't be a big deal...I can't have them all mature and flushed at the same time unfortunately... too complicated in my case

as for molasses ? i notice it blows up my buds to huge airy buds. That could be good or bad? good luck. suggestions where to ad light and let finish longer.

you mean that molasses had a bad effect on your buds ? what kind of molasses did you use, the unsulphured one ?


seriously samourai888... do what others have suggested. if you want to grow the finest top notch buds that anyone can offer, get off the chemicals and get looking into organic living soil. read read read, and then read some more. i've been researching for weeks now. just starting to get my soil mixes going. going to do a couple tester pots to make sure i have stuff figured out before I go full scale with it. When you grow with living soil, there is no need to flush anything from your medium. flushing was invented by these chemical (I hesitate to call them nutrients) companies because they are salt (and petroleum) based chemicals. we been smoking that shit for way too long.

jump over to the ROLS thread and start reading... plenty of pictures from the best growers on the site. well i guess you could call them the best microbe farmers on the site because when you grow with LOS, forget about the plant; it grows itself. as long as you keep microlife happy that is :) Good luck to you, and get away from the dark side.

for sure !! ;)

that's why I initally started this topic, to know exactly what to read... and I kinda knew that it would be related to organic soil amendments but now I have references thanks to your guys !


I wouldn't listen to a word this retard puts out.

My ph is screwed up in my soil and what does he suggest?

Dolomite lime slurry..

His methods WILL get you through a grow just like using Subtools Super soil...
Very poorly, using dirty inputs that are of no use to your "micro-beasties".

I don't know about that Subtools Super Soil you are talking about. Is that just another commercial soil brand ?

If I come to read that specific book, I will definitily take those infos with a grain of salt,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECO LIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NFT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I just saw that you are NFT. Nutrient Film Tech? I dont know how much different it is than Flood-and-drain?

Glad to see you come back!
thanks for the recommendation.

What do you think of Humbolt and Bodhi Seeds ?
Bodhi is fuckin great. An actual breeder.

Re pungency - Genes are the main factor. After that, having good soil with enough sulphur and magnesium in it - helps with biosynthesis of terpenes and organosulfur compounds which cause smell. Also light (both spectrum and intensity) and temperature have effect on smell production.