Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I was that teenager back in my day...

Fucking shady bastard fuck.

Ah well, at least karma caught up with him.
I had bought 2 sheets of acid. 50 hits each. The first sheet sold in hours, that covered cost. That night I sold 5 here 5 there, had about 25 left. Next morning we all hung over, some still tripping. I foolishly ask a good friend of mine to go grab the rest out of my car. He comes back in and says, you sure you ain't got them. I put them in my hiding spot I told him. He goes back to look. About 15 mins I walk out there. He's on the phone. He looks at me and I throw my hand up. He hangs up and informs me that he didn't see them. My first thought was, empty your pockets. But I just looked at him, stalled long enough to make it awkward. I just say.. OK.. The confirmation later was when i hear he was selling some acid. Same kind. My stupidity.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I had bought 2 sheets of acid. 50 hits each. The first sheet sold in hours, that covered cost. That night I sold 5 here 5 there, had about 25 left. Next morning we all hung over, some still tripping. I foolishly ask a good friend of mine to go grab the rest out of my car. He comes back in and says, you sure you ain't got them. I put them in my hiding spot I told him. He goes back to look. About 15 mins I walk out there. He's on the phone. He looks at me and I throw my hand up. He hangs up and informs me that he didn't see them. My first thought was, empty your pockets. But I just looked at him, stalled long enough to make it awkward. I just say.. OK.. The confirmation later was when i hear he was selling some acid. Same kind. My stupidity.
You should of whupped his ass for stealing from you.

Drop him and don't let him back in your life.
