EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

standard business tax rate is 35% it's also been my tax bracket for many years..yet 25 of the 30 fortune 500's pay none of their share of 35%..do you see where i'm going with this?

35% of let's say 100k vs. -45% of billions of dollars of profit?

you can't be serious..just fucking with me.

So let me get this straight. You have never taken a tax deduction and have always paid the 35% of your income in taxes?
So let me get this straight. You have never taken a tax deduction and have always paid the 35% of your income in taxes?

what tax deductions? there are no deductions left. filing single (with head of household being slightly better) is the most brutal taxation in this country especially if you don't own your home.

it is this population that picks up the lions share of taxes in the US.
what tax deductions? there are no deductions left. filing single (with head of household being slightly better) is the most brutal taxation in this country especially if you don't own your home.

it is this population that picks up the lions share of taxes in the US.

Exactly- and even when the wealthy do pay income taxes, it's much more likely to be investment income, taxed at less than 15%... before deductions.

Everyone should pay their fair share, that's what made this country great in the first place and it's the only thing that will guarantee our greatness going forward. If you've made a big pile, frankly, glory rests in paying more to support our great nation than the next guy! Worried about HOW it's spent? So are the rest of us! Let's make sure it works for the benefit of all Americans and not just an already privileged few!
Joy and fear; joy because finally SOMEONE on the campaign trail is speaking to issues that matter to regular people- and fear because the alternative is the stark reality of fascism; the total control of politics by monied interests as opposed to a majority of The People.

We need to start using this word; FASCISM. Use it to describe policies and laws enacted by the Right in this country that limit or flat out trample citizen's Constitutional Rights. It isn't a fabrication, nor is it an exaggeration in this current Gilded Age of privatized prisons, militarized police and separate justice for government employees vs the rest of us.

If the mainstream Right can scream 'Socialism' when describing Mr Obama's policies (as if saying it makes it so; they're just 'republican lite' in a pathetic effort to look different while committing the same crimes against the People), then the left can certainly use the far more damning term- FASCISM- because it fits the facts.
Socialism done correctly is Facism Lite.

Just so you know...
what tax deductions? there are no deductions left. filing single (with head of household being slightly better) is the most brutal taxation in this country especially if you don't own your home.

it is this population that picks up the lions share of taxes in the US.

Don't you get handouts?

Moaning about paying taxes while taking Govt cheese at the same time, that's fucking hilarious.
it is this population that picks up the lions share of taxes in the US.

Not true. Who pays the most in income taxes? The rich according to Pew Research.

"In 2013, according to our analysis of preliminary IRS data, people with adjusted gross incomes above $250,000 paid nearly half (48.9%) of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.4% of all returns filed. Their average tax rate (total taxes paid divided by cumulative AGI) was 25.6%. By contrast, people whose incomes were less than $50,000 accounted for 63.4% of all individual income tax returns filed in 2013, but they paid just 6.2% of total taxes; their average tax rate was 4.2%."

The "woe is me" gets old Sky. And stating a falsehood over and over at RIU does not make it true.

Now, you may not think this is all fair but the fact remains, it's those EARNING over $250K that pay the most in IRS collected taxes. They also pay the most when it comes to sales and property taxes.

It's your pot growing buddies that are fucking the system by not paying taxes...... as they gouge their fellow man with prices like $500/oz.

Uncle Ben
Whoa Nellie...Bernie seems to be losing traction....
I must admit that I am surprised to see the beleaguered Hillary retain this much support at this juncture...
There is certainly quite a long way to go before the official nomination...but amazingly enough, Hillary still has unflappable supporters...stay tuned.

Poll: Clinton's lead over Sanders grows
2 to 1 lead :)

I can't wait to make jokes about the "Feel the Bern" slogan...

There will be many "feel the burn, Sanders" jokes uttered...
Whoa Nellie...Bernie seems to be losing traction....
I must admit that I am surprised to see the beleaguered Hillary retain this much support at this juncture...
There is certainly quite a long way to go before the official nomination...but amazingly enough, Hillary still has unflappable supporters...stay tuned.

Poll: Clinton's lead over Sanders grows

and in just 24 hours..about as quick as you can print new money:mrgreen:..the keyword being 'print'..'in-print' ie media.

media mogul..'geeze, i know! we'll just say she's winning! (humpf, humpf) this'll really change the race and fix things (humpf, humpf)'..

hook, line and sinker..waves..did ya locate your detail kit yet?


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and in just 24 hours..about as quick as you can print new money:mrgreen:..the keyword being 'print'..'in-print' ie media.

media mogul..'geeze, i know! we'll just say she's winning! (humpf, humpf) this'll really change the race and fix things (humpf, humpf)'..

hook, line and sinker..waves..did ya locate your detail kit yet?



I'm becoming more and more convinced that neither CNN nor MSNBC and certainly not ABC or CBS are any more objective than Faux Spews.

In order to see much of anything resembling real actual news about the goings on in this country, I find I need to visit foreign news sources like al Jazeera or the BBC.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that neither CNN nor MSNBC and certainly not ABC or CBS are any more objective than Faux Spews.

In order to see much of anything resembling real actual news about the goings on in this country, I find I need to visit foreign news sources like al Jazeera or the BBC.

precisely. it is the establishment left/right sensing their own demise going down for the count..they will lash out with everything they have..ever take a dog to the vet?..be prepared..stay strong..it's gonna be a hella fight.

it's hard to get something back in the box, once it's out..social security, aca..establishment is furious.

just know without you..the revolution wouldn't be.

fact: one bumper sticker = twelve votes..what does one person with a voice equate?

WOM (word of mouth) is our most powerful weapon..we are all on the network now; no way to divide us:wink:
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just know without you..the revolution wouldn't be.

WOM (word of mouth) is our most powerful weapon..we are all on the network now; no way to divide us:wink:

It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.