EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

there is still a middle class, it's just not as strong as it has been in the past. We need elected representatives who care about us, instead of CAIR about us

If you think conservative policies are the way forward, you're very deeply mistaken. Those policies are how we arrived aft the current disaster. It's happened before; the Crash of '29 and the Great Depression are the result of the same policies. Dismantling the fixes enacted by our grandparents has led straight to the current debacle, only now the banks and billionaires have given themselves the power to buy elections at will.

I'm just not buying the notion that this is anything to be proud of, and that a prescription like the one Bernie Sanders is laying out is far more likely to restore prosperity to the majority than anything the right is likely to come up with... lie tho they might.
obama's economy. threaten to veto economy. drunken John beahner economy. life long politician mitch the turkey gobbler McConnell economy. I want change just as much as the majority of Americans do

Read some history. This started with the Reagan administration.
Alright if we get rid of CAIR let's get rid of AIPAC, ACLA, FRC, Alliance Defense Fund, Focus on the Family, Southern Baptist Convention Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Traditional Values Coalition, etc. etc..

Keep going! Get rid of them ALL!

How about the only eligibility to spend money on politics is conferred by being a registered voter. Then, that one voter may spend up to $100 in any given election cycle. No one and no other entity is eligible and that's the cap. Make it a Constitutional Amendment, because it's the foundation stone of the wall democracy must build between itself and fascism.

Your thoughts?
Keep going! Get rid of them ALL!

How about the only eligibility to spend money on politics is conferred by being a registered voter. Then, that one voter may spend up to $100 in any given election cycle. No one and no other entity is eligible and that's the cap. Make it a Constitutional Amendment, because it's the foundation stone of the wall democracy must build between itself and fascism.

Your thoughts?

I pretty much think all these Super PACs and shit is just ridiculous. I really think that there should be some sort of financial campaign reform. The amount that the Koch Brothers are putting into the Republican campaigns should be illegal.
Stop trying to take Bernie seriously. If you had yourself a viable candidate, then I would go back and forth with you all day. But the truth is Bernie has zero chance of winning, and the majority of Americans don't want Socialism. So there you go, he's done. it's over
I pretty much think all these Super PACs and shit is just ridiculous. I really think that there should be some sort of financial campaign reform. The amount that the Koch Brothers are putting into the Republican campaigns should be illegal.

Yes, there's a word for it; 'aristocracy'. The Founding Fathers knew well of its evils, having just created a nation by wrenching it from their control.

Our Supreme Court's decision re 'Citizens United' was an overreach and invitation to power grab that's frankly treasonous and inimical to democracy of, by or for the People.
Stop trying to take Bernie seriously. If you had yourself a viable candidate, then I would go back and forth with you all day. But the truth is Bernie has zero chance of winning, and the majority of Americans don't want Socialism. So there you go, he's done. it's over

He's a US Senator with an excellent record and no scandals to speak of. How exactly is he unelectable?

He's less of a socialist than the current republican party is FASCIST. So I think he's very electable.
What republican party? there is no republican party right now. Obama has gotten and will continue to get just about everything he wants. Who is going to stop him? Ted Cruz? LOL
He's a US Senator with an excellent record and no scandals to speak of. How exactly is he unelectable?

He's less of a socialist than the current republican party is FASCIST. So I think he's very electable.
He's failing in ALL opinions polls (except the one that counts how many times people are mentioned on TV which frankly is a pile of steaming horseshit).

He's not even gonna get nominated, you can take that to the bank.
president paul's answers for everything are 'states rights'..which says..well, nothing.

guess it wasn't enough expansion on his ideals and philosophy..or maybe it's because he a fucking racist?
"President Paul"...?

This is an intervention, put the fucking rock pipe down and go back on your anti-psychotics.
He's a US Senator with an excellent record and no scandals to speak of. How exactly is he unelectable?

Here's his record which is NOT admirable. http://www.sanders.senate.gov/legislation/voting-record

Any one that would promote abortion of a child past the 20th week term when it clearly feels pain has got to be one sick sonabitch.
On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed H.R. 36
A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes.

And of course in light of the Planned Parenthood scandal, the selling of body parts as some helpless child writhes in pain on an operating table, he voted against that bill to stop Federal funding of this worthless bunch. I DO NOT want my tax dollars going to a bunch of sick butchers.

He's another liberal piece of shit. Thank God he stands no chance of being elected.
Here's his record which is NOT admirable. http://www.sanders.senate.gov/legislation/voting-record

Any one that would promote abortion of a child past the 20th week term when it clearly feels pain has got to be one sick sonabitch.
On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed H.R. 36
A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes.

And of course in light of the Planned Parenthood scandal, the selling of body parts as some helpless child writhes in pain on an operating table, he voted against that bill to stop Federal funding of this worthless bunch. I DO NOT want my tax dollars going to a bunch of sick butchers.

He's another liberal piece of shit. Thank God he stands no chance of being elected.
Here's his record whIch Is NOT admirable. http://www.sanders.senate.gov/legislation/voting-record

Any one that would promote abortion of a child past the 20th week term when it clearly feels pain has got to be one sick sonabitch.
On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed H.R. 36
A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes.

And of course in light of the Planned Parenthood scandal, the selling of body parts as some helpless child writhes in pain on an operating table, he voted against that bill to stop Federal funding of this worthless bunch. I DO NOT want my tax dollars going to a bunch of sick butchers.

He's another liberal piece of shit. Thank God he stands no chance of being elected.
Go ahead and grab the clip carly fiorino was talking about when she desccribed the scene you mention.
Go ahead, I will wait. Find the holy grail while you are at it lol. Cus that shit doesnt exist, she greatly exaggerated the contents of thsoe videos....

Fyi planned parenthood does much more than abortions, thats not even a significant portion of the care they provide... but keep labelling them as a bunch of baby butchers, dont expect you to realize the gravity of defunding a major healthcare provider considering you think people should choose between a hot meal or their medicine.
Go ahead and grab the clip carly fiorino was talking about when she desccribed the scene you mention.
Go ahead, I will wait. Find the holy grail while you are at it lol. Cus that shit doesnt exist, she greatly exaggerated the contents of thsoe videos....

Fyi planned parenthood does much more than abortions, thats not even a significant portion of the care they provide... but keep labelling them as a bunch of baby butchers, dont expect you to realize the gravity of defunding a major healthcare provider considering you think people should choose between a hot meal or their medicine.

So you're OK with a 20 week abortion?

Man, would be too cool if that was you and yours.

Most of the center's videos involve hidden camera conversations with current Planned Parenthood managers, as well as interviews with veterans of the abortion industry, discussing the selling of fetal body parts for research purposes. They also include eyewitness descriptions accompanied by borrowed footage of a fetus dying in a metal bowl, its leg kicking, to illustrate the witness' recollection of seeing precisely that in another case.

Most of the center's videos involve hidden camera conversations with current Planned Parenthood managers, as well as interviews with veterans of the abortion industry, discussing the selling of fetal body parts for research purposes. They also include eyewitness descriptions accompanied by borrowed footage of a fetus dying in a metal bowl, its leg kicking, to illustrate the witness' recollection of seeing precisely that in another case.

Oh goodie, you're quoting Breitbarf.

"We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit. Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.” She continued in an email:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."
But immediately after this statement, Nucatola goes on to say: “Really their bottom line is, they want to break even. Every penny they save is just pennies they give to another patient. To provide a service the patient wouldn’t get.” Planned Parenthood told us that she may have been referring to more general operations of the clinics.

Richards, the Planned Parenthood president, said in a video response to the controversy: “The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true.”
On July 21, the Center for Medical Progress released a second, similar video, again featuring a discussion with a Planned Parenthood official in a restaurant. The numbers mentioned in the edited video are similar to what Nucatola said. The official, Mary Gatter, quotes a rate of $75 per specimen, and says she was thinking of saying $50. The discussion only reaches $100 because the “buyers” in the video mention higher prices. At one point, Gatter says that “we’re not in this for the money,” and later she reiterates that “money is not the important thing.”

Though few studies of costs associated with fetal tissue acquisition are available, existing evidence does suggest the prices named in the video are in line with general practices. The National Institutes of Health conducts research with fetal tissue, and in the late 1990s, the Government Accountability Office (then known as the General Accounting Office) looked into the acquisition of such tissue, finding that the direct cost to researchers was “low.” GAO said payments primarily went to “central tissue suppliers,” as opposed to health clinics. In most cases, GAO found that clinics did not charge researchers, but when they did, the cost ranged from $2 to $75. The report did not address how much clinics might have received from central tissue suppliers, which is more analogous to the situation presented in the video."

So what do you think about your little Dr. Ben Carson doing the exact same damn thing in the 90s and now he's so anti PP?

"Historically, the use of fetal tissue has produced some groundbreaking scientific discoveries. According to the American Society for Cell Biology, a nonprofit representing a large and varied group of scientists, “Fetal cells hold unique promise for biomedical research due to their ability to rapidly divide, grow, and adapt to new environments. This makes fetal tissue research relevant to a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health, tissue from fetuses has been used since the 1930s for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most famously, the 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to researchers who managed to grow polio vaccine in fetal kidney cell cultures.

In another example, Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”"

Look at that. The POLIO VACCINE came from this practice. Let that sink in. The. polio. vaccine. And from another source...

"The donation of aborted human fetal tissue may come as a shock to a public unfamiliar with the practice but it is, in fact, a longstanding one. According to the American Society for Cell Biology, scientists have been researching human fetal tissue since the 1930s, with aborted tissue playing a part in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s development of the rubella and varicella vaccines in the 1960s. Ronald Reagan put a hold on using fetal tissue for transplants in 1988 while other forms of fetal tissue research continued and Bill Clinton subsequently lifted Reagan’s moratorium in 1993."

Is this too much for you to read? Let me know because I'm beginning to question your ability to think critically beyond BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI.
There is literally no argument you can make against this without wrapping it in some judeo-christian psuedo-science bullshit, because if you say "LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION," you might as well make ejaculating anywhere else than inside a woman illegal because technically a male's sperm is alive, it carries the male's genes. Now, do you really want your precious small limited government that doesn't interfere with your day to day life telling you or anyone else that they can't masturbate? A completely natural thing that everyone does?
@Uncle Ben http://issuu.com/actionfund/docs/annual_report_final_proof_12.16.14_/0 read it and weep.

Medical services provided by Planned Parenthood:

42% STI/STD Treatment & Testing
34% contraception
11% Other Women's Health Services
9% Cancer Screening and Prevention
3% Abortion Services
1% Other services

Combined Revenue & Expenses
Revenues -
41% Government Health Services & Reimbursments
30% Private contributions and bequests
23% Non-government
6% Other

Expenses -
65% Medical services
16% Non-medical program services
12% Management and general support
5% Fundraising
1% Other
There is literally no argument you can make against this without wrapping it in some judeo-christian psuedo-science bullshit, because if you say "LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION," you might as well make ejaculating anywhere else than inside a woman illegal because technically a male's sperm is alive, it carries the male's genes. Now, do you really want your precious small limited government that doesn't interfere with your day to day life telling you or anyone else that they can't masturbate? A completely natural thing that everyone does?
gonna go beat my meat just to not let the man keep me down!
LOL in all seriousness great points @pnwmystery
@Uncle Ben when do you believe life starts? I guess thats the real question, because if it is moment of conception then we already might as well drop it because in all reality it is none of our business what a women does with her body.