Why do we continue being slaves to society and turning ourselves into zombies?


Well-Known Member
Doing a shitty 9 - 5 job,
Studying shitty education 9 - 9 (12 hours yes not kidding) when you can study at home and learn using the internet and teach yourself things
And turn ourselves into zombies rather than having flexible hours?
We can all be inventors instead of working a shitty job making someone else's dream come true while yours crumbles.
Its a rat race in the world today. If you dont have money an education or learn a high paying trade its the bottom of the pile for jobs mainly. I dont think most real wealthy people want everyone to have high paying jobs, whos going to clean the shit off their toliets if that happens? Lol
Its a rat race in the world today. If you dont have money an education or learn a high paying trade its the bottom of the pile for jobs mainly. I dont think most real wealthy people want everyone to have high paying jobs, whos going to clean the shit off their toliets if that happens? Lol
Exactamente, it would devalue their wealth by causing inflation. Here's a fantasy scenario: suppose every man, woman in America, regardless of their current wealth, woke tmo morning with an extra $1,000,000. That is all adults. What do you think would happen? ALL ADULTS across the economic continum, dishwasher to CEO, is a million richer. Do you think, say in a month, everybody is still living like a millionaire? What about the barely rich, folks that had a couple million before the windfall?
I see a whole lot of happy people for about three months then when there money is blown and prices of shit remain high .......people will be worse off than before they got the mill which caused prices to go up to compensate the wealth going around ..........then in the very end the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer IMO
Cause not e
Doing a shitty 9 - 5 job,
Studying shitty education 9 - 9 (12 hours yes not kidding) when you can study at home and learn using the internet and teach yourself things
And turn ourselves into zombies rather than having flexible hours?
We can all be inventors instead of working a shitty job making someone else's dream come true while yours crumbles.
Cause not everyone built for that life takes more work more discipline and focus to be successful for yourself. A lot people don't read into anything and believe what there taught that's the system they stay in the rat race lol
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Yep, i did the 9-5 and after 10 years at the company I was making over 10x the money playing guitar on the side back when we were a bar band, of course I didnt play for money 8 hrs a day but i got a way better pay check and could drink and do drugs and grab ass on my guitar playing job plus it was a night job so I didnt have to get up eairly to do it, thats the job for me I said. Its really about finding something you like and work hard. It was not all fun and drugs, women being in a band, alot of behind the sceens goes into a hard working band. Thats how you do it. Passion and perseverance.
Ive had alot of jobs, only liked 1 ever. I dont like workin for companies. I dont believe we were put here to live the way we do. But we dont controll the world and kids aparently have to eat and shit so i do what gotta do. All the rest is bullshit until prayers get answered and i become self employed and successful. Dont think too much man, thats where stress comes from. Just keep swimming
Ive had alot of jobs, only liked 1 ever. I dont like workin for companies. I dont believe we were put here to live the way we do. But we dont controll the world and kids aparently have to eat and shit so i do what gotta do. All the rest is bullshit until prayers get answered and i become self employed and successful. Dont think too much man, thats where stress comes from. Just keep swimming

Problem is the government thinks the own everything. .if we started living off the land...it would all change..we depend on others. .gotta watch those "food chain documentaries " we allow ourselves to be controlled. ..we depend on money to buy stuff we can easily grow or make...everything else is want..not need.