bud gone bad...


Well-Known Member
I was pulling dead leaves from one of my girls, when I noticed one bad bud. At first I thought it was mold, but it looks more like the leaves have dried and died, not what I'd expect to see from mold?

The rest of the plant looks perfect, its just this one bud gone bad. The plant is under cover and has not seen any rain, and this bud was in the center of structure towards the back of the plant, but not touching any plastic or anything else. (it's three different images of the same bud)

What do you think it is?





Well-Known Member
Worms in your bud eating and pooping. Ide spray spinosad or BT. It almost looks like it could be something else though. A few years back I had this weird black stuff (not mold) spread on plants and ruin parts of the bud. I took one hit and it was disgusting.


Well-Known Member
I was pulling dead leaves from one of my girls, when I noticed one bad bud. At first I thought it was mold, but it looks more like the leaves have dried and died, not what I'd expect to see from mold?

The rest of the plant looks perfect, its just this one bud gone bad. The plant is under cover and has not seen any rain, and this bud was in the center of structure towards the back of the plant, but not touching any plastic or anything else. (it's three different images of the same bud)

What do you think it is?

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Still great hash material there.


Well-Known Member
(reminder: this is my first outdoor...)

OK, so I pulled the bud apart to look for the worm, and the inside is full of powder, I'm assuming that's mold, and is totally rotted out. The outer leaves were dry and dead, but the inside is a mess. Not sure if that changes the answer or validates it.

I also inspected the whole plant carefully, and found two more buds that each have a small brown spot -- so I assume its the same thing but to a lessor degree. Should I remove those buds?

This plant is 2-3 weeks from coming down, its been sprayed with everything (BT, Neem, Azamax, Nukem...) leading up to budding, but nothing after about the first week of flower. I prefer not to spray it anymore. I was hoping that since it is in a covered structure and does not get rained on, that the spraying I did early on would "stick" and be enough to carry it through to harvest.

Even if this is the only one of my four to finish and even if I only get half of it, it'll be enough to last until I get another indoor going (for my patient), so I'm not worried about quantity in the big picture. I am concerned about issues spreading, which is why I'm wondering if I need to remove the affected areas.

Still great hash material there.
I'm totally down with making hash... as soon as I figure out how to do that.

(...and, note to self: wear gloves next time. This is some radically sticky bud.)


Well-Known Member
Caterpillars, go outside at sun up and start picking those fucks off your buds.
I'll do my best. The plants are in fences and/or double scrogs, and grew much bigger than I had anticipated so the structures they are in are too small. Bottom line is I have very limited access to them at this point, but I will get what I can. This has been a major learning year for me.

So I should look for caterpillars and physically remove them, but you see no need to cut out/remove the affected buds? I don't know much about the caterpillars life cycle, you think that at this point they are alive and come out in the morning to eat the plant? I check them twice a day (morning and evening), never actually seen one, but the evidence appears to say they are there...

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I'll do my best. The plants are in fences and/or double scrogs, and grew much bigger than I had anticipated so the structures they are in are too small. Bottom line is I have very limited access to them at this point, but I will get what I can. This has been a major learning year for me.

So I should look for caterpillars and physically remove them, but you see no need to cut out/remove the affected buds? I don't know much about the caterpillars life cycle, you think that at this point they are alive and come out in the morning to eat the plant? I check them twice a day (morning and evening), never actually seen one, but the evidence appears to say they are there...
Spread your buds apart when you look for them.. Next year spray with BT.

WV: Jetson

Well-Known Member
Total newb here - - the one (so far, fingers crossed) caterpillar I found was because I found its shit first. I was on plant inspection and under a nice bud, on the leaves, was a sprinkling of little black things; smaller than the head of a pin, but enough to make me look closer and spot a big ol' green caterpillar. I dispatched him. Something to look for...


Active Member
I just checked a friends grow for him tonight...Had to harvest one because of so much mold(same m.o.,dead bud leaves)...he's a rookie and when I saw the garden hose I immediately thought he'd been spraying them(which he was) and that was the cause...but upon further inspection I found a few SNAILS in a couple tops
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Well-Known Member
It's amazing how you don't see what you're not looking for... I've never seen this before, and somehow I missed it and now that I'm looking for it, I'm seeing it everywhere.

It's really looking like intense mold and rot. I don't see any bugs or bug poop, specifically.


Well-Known Member
The little fuckers move. They'll chew on a spot, spoiling it, then move up or down and do the same until the whole cola is wasted. That's why sometimes it's tough to find them. I begin to follow the poo trail and end up pulling more and more buds off until I get frustrated. Then, the mold from the poo spreads and it can do it overnight and ruin 6 months of work. So, I spray with B.t. until a week before the projected harvest time for the individual variety. I tried not spraying because I thought it might affect the taste, but I've never been able to taste it in the past and I've never read of others saying that. I'm still trying to use a H2O2/water mix to control fungus/mildew and not use Serenade (Bacillus subtilis).