You've inserted an assumption. You've assumed I've made a value judgement of what other people do or don't do in reference to the discussion.
You're not a very complex or deep thinking person. In fact, I'd say you're a little slow and prone to drawing conclusions on the basis of your limited comprehension capacity. So, in that regard, you are a like a mouse and I am like a cat. Meow.
IF a person is capable of consenting to an interaction, on which basis would you forcibly deny them the right to do that? How is it then any of your business what other people capable of consenting do with their own bodies?
so tell us. How does consent happen in your world. How does one 13 year old achieve consent and another not? Also, why are you leaving it up to the 13 year old to decide? The adult is the one with the better capacity to make decisions.
In today's society, not the weird anachrocapitalist one you fulminate about, the adult MUST LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE. State laws are in place to punish people that molest children.
Why do you put the responsibility on the child, who is the least able to decide? The developing brain doesn't have full ability to make good decisions at the age of 13. No 13 year old child does. That's why the law puts the burden of making this choice on the adult, not the child. Why do you support the molester and not the child?