Harvest too soon?


Well-Known Member
Your fucking with us right?, If not dude you fucked up what could of been a really decent plant with fat colas, for something thats probably going to give you a massive headache


Well-Known Member
We have now all see the most impatient newbie holy cow .......dude you took that thing like ..........this has to be a joke I'm speechless Next time wait til she's done with the entire last phase of flowering lol

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
We have now all see the most impatient newbie holy cow .......dude you took that thing like ..........this has to be a joke I'm speechless Next time wait til she's done with the entire last phase of flowering lol
or the first. That shit was vegging.


King Tut
So, the consensus seems to be that you chopped early. Many factors can influence one to do so. Pests? Yep. Mold/mildew? Yep. Rippers? Yep.

From what I see, you just got impatient.


Well-Known Member
I took this one out today just to see how it would end up? They are almost all leaves. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with them?
If you pinched those leaves off when it was still growing...all you were doing was shooting yourself in the foot....your plant had only just started budding which takes 2 + months on average...potency and weight don't really get going until the last part of the process.
We have all made noob mistakes, my first grow I harvested way too early too...just learn from your mistake and try again...and read the forums.