How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

No Sky. I simply read the facts about how the man plans to pay for all this free stuff he's promising people.

We're hopelessly in debt as a nation, and he's got an impossible spending plan.

I'd LOVE for everyone to have free college, get paid enough for working a cash register to support a family of six, get all current student loans paid for, give everybody free health care, etc. I'm not rooting against any of that. I just don't think it's possible. Massive socialism is not the answer.

Granted, the current economic model hasn't worked great either, as there are way too many billionaires and millionaires, and way too many poor people. But massive socialism is not the answer. IMO.
Well he plans to actually tax the rich unlike our current government so that will make for a little extra change to throw around. GE pays no taxes in the USA yet makes billions every year off us then he wants to raise minimum wage which will give us all more taxable income. So yeah it could work feel the Bern bitch.:bigjoint:
Well he plans to actually tax the rich unlike our current government so that will make for a little extra change to throw around. GE pays no taxes in the USA yet makes billions every year off us then he wants to raise minimum wage which will give us all more taxable income. So yeah it could work feel the Bern bitch.:bigjoint:

it's been the missing component all along under the guise of 'job creator'..they're blood sucking ticks..time to get the lighter out.
Your just making me want Bernie Sanders more I thought Iraq War was bullshit when it started their would be no ISIS and we would not be bombing Syria and Russia would not be getting involved in hindsight that was the right choice sure Saddam Hussein was no Saint but he was anti terrorism and would have destroyed ISIS.
Heaven forbid we go back to the 60's. We wouldn't want another Kent State massacre.

It's obvious an educated population is detrimental to the powers that be. jmo.

Education is a good thing. Indoctrination not so much.

Education to be a real and honest education would not include administration and implementation by people that use force to ensure the system is monetized. That's stealing and things that arise from theft, such as the ensuing indoctrination should be questioned as immoral, impractical economically and a rationalization by those that get the gravy under threat of force for noncompliance to the serfs that are forced to fund their own indoctrination.

Education and indoctrination spring from two different wells. One seeks to find the truth, the other seeks to control and shape "the truth", under threat of force.
Come on with this sanders guy, would you leave your kid with this guy, come on.
You all can not be serious. Every major city in America run by democracts is
On steady ground? Safe? No you can just buy a house cheap, cause their All in foreclosure. The answers for your life are not depending on a democract or a GOP
You can't buy a house cheap in New England not unless you are way up north near Canada but ain't no work up there just hunting cabins mostly. Plenty money around here no cheap homes unless they need to be torn down and still like 50K. It's cheaper in the south I looked all over just didn't want to live in the south.
Sanders economic plan will cost more than trumps plan. Keep in mind Obama told us what we wanted to hear then he got elected. Never once kept his word. He's the worst president in history. He continues to lie about his stats. Worst than carter.


kangaroo kangaroo kangaroo. salad fork lasers.
You can't buy a house cheap in New England not unless you are way up north near Canada but ain't no work up there just hunting cabins mostly. Plenty money around here no cheap homes unless they need to be torn down and still like 50K. It's cheaper in the south I looked all over just didn't want to live in the south.

i don't think he understands that expensive real estate signals a desire for people to live there. higher demand.
Come on with this sanders guy, would you leave your kid with this guy, come on.
You all can not be serious. Every major city in America run by democracts is
On steady ground? Safe? No you can just buy a house cheap, cause their All in foreclosure. The answers for your life are not depending on a democract or a GOP

Then do your homework; the Dems hate Bernie as much as the Repubs do.

That's because he's a threat to the WHOLE corrupt establishment and they know it.

Ever wonder why you don't hear about him on major media outlets? That's because the corporate owned state propaganda outlets don't want people hearing his message. Go find his platform and read it for yourself; see how much you don't agree with.
it's been the missing component all along under the guise of 'job creator'..they're blood sucking ticks..time to get the lighter out.

Let's be clear about something; corporations themselves aren't bad- or good. They're organizations of people and capital created to do an economic activity, preferably at a profit. I have no problem with any of that. When that profit comes at the expense of exploiting people, either their own workers, their state or the country, then I have a problem. When they can use their profits to have their way in the People's government over the objections of the People, I have a problem with that, too.

The idea that corporations need special tax breaks so they can 'afford to stay' somewhere is nothing more than blackmail and should be dealt with accordingly. The FIRST requirement for being a responsible corporate citizen is to PAY TAXES. Corporations who use/create special loopholes just for themselves and use gamesmanship to avoid paying tax are cheating our country and they need to be held accountable.

Loopholes that favor corporations at the expense of the nation must be closed; they were only put there because of corporate lobbying/meddling/corruption to begin with.

END CORPORATE LOBBYING. Registered voters can however, and no individual can contribute money to any party or politician above a universally accessible cap, such as $100. If a corporation's it industry's cause is just, then citizens will support its case; it must no longer be able to do so by monetary fiat.

WE THE PEOPLE can do this; we need to ignore the monied minority who would try to convince us otherwise. They sound sincere because they are; they really believe that because they've always been in charge, that they've the Gold Given Right to continue their rule. To change their minds, we must take the reins of power from them.

If America is to be a Democracy instead of the corporate run fascist imperial power it has become, it's up to We the People. Citizens. And no one else.
People who don't work can eat shit and die for all I care. There's 51% of the majority (me) paying for 49% of the others, and that shit has got to stop. Capitalism is all about trade private and corporate trade. We quite simply work in order to get what we don’t have. Odds are you don’t cut your own hair, raise your own food, manufacture the clothes you wear, design the computer you’re reading this on, or build your own shelter. Free trade means you don’t just have your neighbors or countrymen vying to serve you, it means you have the most talented people on earth getting in line to please you.

That's called the work ethic of which Sanders and his lemmings don't quite have a grasp of.