Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Jesus Christ why ???
Not sure. It happened before I arrived. I guess the guy played it off like it was no big deal. He said he liked the blanket in the back of the car. I think they took him to the hospital and then were going to give him a mental evaluation.

I hope my shift is over before whoever that car belongs to wakes up.
Holyshit dude. That is hawt. I've tried for that color and usually end up with a gnarly darker sub-strata.
Should be easy
You gotta know what you're doing tho
Never lighten you're hair with 40 vol and lightener

Lighten with 20 vol it takes longer but achieves better results

Always use same brand so if your colour is say matrix use matrix lightener
And matrix developer or a developer the company says is best used for their products

If it's a colour stain or semi temporary colour mix it with 10 developer
It'll last longer

And finally the new non natural colours coming out are much better than the old ones like splat or whatever
Not sure. It happened before I arrived. I guess the guy played it off like it was no big deal. He said he liked the blanket in the back of the car. I think they took him to the hospital and then were going to give him a mental evaluation.

I hope my shift is over before whoever that car belongs to wakes up.
I hope he's ok and I hope the guy who's car is fucked up is rich lol
Should be easy
You gotta know what you're doing tho
Never lighten you're hair with 40 vol and lightener

Lighten with 20 vol it takes longer but achieves better results

Always use same brand so if your colour is say matrix use matrix lightener
And matrix developer or a developer the company says is best used for their products

If it's a colour stain or semi temporary colour mix it with 10 developer
It'll last longer

And finally the new non natural colours coming out are much better than the old ones like splat or whatever
!!!!! Dang gurrrrl. Next time I need muh hairs did, I'ma holler one time!
Ya it's like a like blue let me load a pic View attachment 3514514
One night, in my super high state, I was watching k pop with the hubby.

I said " I know why they have such unique hair styles and colors. They all look alike and it helps them stand out as individuals."

Smoking weed makes me racist. Haha.

Nah I just make really funny race jokes when I'm high.

Shit... am I bad person?
Sigh I don't know this is the first time I've written for myself outside of school in at least 8 years.

I can only improve right? I just don't get why some people are so over critical.
Not everyone is going to like your work even if your English gets to an Oxford professor level
Bad reviews hurt but focus on the positive ones
Write for yourself not to please others
Sigh I don't know this is the first time I've written for myself outside of school in at least 8 years.

I can only improve right? I just don't get why some people are so over critical.
When someone gives you examples or specifics in your work where, possibly, you could have done better that is constructive criticism and worth it's weight in gold. But when, as your example shows, an observer merely spews general condemnation the problem is theirs not yours.
When someone gives you examples or specifics in your work where, possibly, you could have done better that is constructive criticism and worth it's weight in gold. But when, as your example shows, an observer merely spews general condemnation the problem is theirs not yours.

Why? Why? Why? Why exactly?
Please be more constructive with your feedback, please

Since I harvest every two weeks, I essentially have every other week off (save for minor GR maintenance). I was really looking forward to getting outside today on a long bike ride, stop by a my buddy's club, little urban adventures. I go into the GR to water my moms and discover I'm infested with mites. Motherfucker, there goes my ENTIRE day. I'm in the midst of spraying down over on hundred sog plants with a fairly strong Floramite solution, rotating everything in and out of the GR. I've got on a good respirator and some long gauntlet gloves, Darth Vader style. I haven't had mites in over two years, fucking HATE. But I love the floramite, always been one very thorough treatment and that's it. I am SO careful not to bring these little fucks into my room, but I guess it's really just a matter of time between bug battles no matter how careful one is. Hope your day is going better than mine. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
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