Trouble with Optic Grow Lights website???


I take it you self nominated for president of the fanboi club? Whatever floats your boat. I live in reality. An ace of spades is an ace of spades to me, not a redirect to Amazon.
lolz good one except I've never even seen one of those lights in person anyways Amazon or not isn't it the same light from the same person.... yep grow up dude in fact you could be a big boy and diy with the rest of us
lolz good one except I've never even seen one of those lights in person anyways Amazon or not isn't it the same light from the same person.... yep grow up dude in fact you could be a big boy and diy with the rest of us

I get it now, you're just a blowhard. Seems to be quite a bit of talkers and less doers around lately. BTW, the redirect to Amazon doesn't even take you to their light. It takes you to the Amazon home page. Might want to bone up on facts before trying your daddy's big boy pants on. lol Damn facts always get in the way! ha, ha
I've used both. I'll take the Mars. What I've found is that nowadays, it's more the grower than the light with some unrealistic expectations mixed in.
I get it now, you're just a blowhard. Seems to be quite a bit of talkers and less doers around lately. BTW, the redirect to Amazon doesn't even take you to their light. It takes you to the Amazon home page. Might want to bone up on facts before trying your daddy's big boy pants on. lol Damn facts always get in the way! ha, ha
Ok cool dude whatever that all means and i could care less where it roots you your ignorance is very obvious in your posts I'm sick of feeding you i just didn't want people thinking optic is "flyby" cuz some troll can't figure how to find his light s do just cry some more post another response see what i care your just keeping me entertained at work
Ok cool dude whatever that all means and i could care less where it roots you your ignorance is very obvious in your posts I'm sick of feeding you i just didn't want people thinking optic is "flyby" cuz some troll can't figure how to find his light s do just cry some more post another response see what i care your just keeping me entertained at work

Where do you put the 10% coupon in on Amazon's site? I didn't see any of the Crees listed or even the 250 Vero. Facts have a funny way of discounting BS.

As a person that has actually bought and used their product I find it alarming that they no longer have a website, that's all. I prefer service after the sale if I need it (which I may not). So far, I like the light I bought but I think it's unprofessional not to maintain the website in case I need to make a warranty claim or even make another purchase direct. I don't get what part of that is hard to comprehend.
Ok, well, I have attempted to send three emails -all returned as undeliverable.

I have send them two voicemails -no response.

The kind of strange thing is that, I had been in contact with them via email just last week and I asked if there were any new models coming out that I should wait for or any new updates to the design…and no one there indicated a thing about selling or transitioning or momentarily shutting the site down or anything like that. It just happened that, when I was going to place my order for a new light, a couple days ago, everything had disappeared and then the weird Amazon redirect…

…and days later, no one seems to know much about what is happening or when/IF they will be back.

So maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get an order off to them!

Hey, would any of the local LED gurus be interested in building me a clone of a 360 watt Optic Vero 29 "lunchbox"? -just in case?

I'll try to be patient and hope for some good news by next week…but, man, it sure would be nice if someone from there could check in, here, or at least put up some kind of notification page…or something…please?

Whatcha gotta say @AquariusPanta ? You like that comment?................ Why don't you IM me next time you wanna whine as to why I won't rep your light......Here's the reason....#1 I build my own and #2 you ain't paying me to say shit...........................................

....Go on? [you must build lights or had your reputation scared, othwerise WTF does it matter to you? Unless you Rep Mars/Optic? ].....

Shillilling as the owner of a company against other companies is kinda frowned upon here, I guess. One in particular can't seem to stop, well maybe 2 now.....
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You replied to the same post two separate times over 2 different days?
Ooh lets be friends, I am only looking for your trust and admiration and Mars pimp loving, you shill. Want me to comment again, or did I piss in your Optic bowl of Cheerios? :peace:
Ok, well, I have attempted to send three emails -all returned as undeliverable. I have send them two voicemails -no response....…and days later, no one seems to know much about what is happening or when/IF they will be back.
…or something…please?

Have you tried through Optic's Amazon store? You can email them there. Tell them you want to buy 2 or 3 models. That will get a response. And here's the number I pulled off Amazon;
"Contact this seller Phone: (507)259-0084"

Edit: 507 is Minnesota so it probably is them.
I tried through Ebay and got this response:

Hello Sir, We are currently updating our website and have placed a temporary redirect to so customers can still place small orders online. The company was actually just bought out by another company so that is why the phones are down as well as our email servers. We are in the process of moving everything to new faster servers. If you did place an order through amazon though your order will still be fulfilled.
If you have any other questions please feel free to email us back.
Thank You, Optic Lighting

- optic-lighting
Ok, well, I have attempted to send three emails -all returned as undeliverable.

I have send them two voicemails -no response.

The kind of strange thing is that, I had been in contact with them via email just last week and I asked if there were any new models coming out that I should wait for or any new updates to the design…and no one there indicated a thing about selling or transitioning or momentarily shutting the site down or anything like that. It just happened that, when I was going to place my order for a new light, a couple days ago, everything had disappeared and then the weird Amazon redirect…

…and days later, no one seems to know much about what is happening or when/IF they will be back.

So maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get an order off to them!

Hey, would any of the local LED gurus be interested in building me a clone of a 360 watt Optic Vero 29 "lunchbox"? -just in case?

I'll try to be patient and hope for some good news by next week…but, man, it sure would be nice if someone from there could check in, here, or at least put up some kind of notification page…or something…please?

bro if you try to buil or have someone here build . a 360 dont use the same case. 12x 18 is too small for the 90w veros
The thing is…I asked several very specific questions that didn't get answered.

I asked to know WHEN they would be back up and running -no answer.

I asked if there would be any changes in warranties or policies -no answer.

I asked if the current designs were going to be continued with the changeover -no answer.

I asked if the currently-listed models on Amazon and EBay were the newest up-to-date models…Or, if they were older models being sold off -no answer.

I also have still not received any call backs from the two voicemails I left the other day.

So, I am ready to order, but I don't feel confident, at this point -due to the lack of responses to my specific questions.

Damn! I put away little chunks of money here and there over the summer so that I could get that 360 watt lunchbox without having to budget for it…..sheesh. :(
bro if you try to buil or have someone here build . a 360 dont use the same case. 12x 18 is too small for the 90w veros
Okay, thanks…That's good to know.

Maybe IF they come back online and everything ends up being good-to-go with Optic, then I should consider the next smaller version and not the 360 watter? Is it just the 360 watt version that has the too-small case problem? I don't want anything to get too hot or get fried or whatever!
tstick do you know how EASY it is to build a COB based light? There's no trick. Figure out what emitters you want for your space, pick a driver, pick a piece of aluminum to stick them on and wire them up. You don't have to drill or solder. It's too easy. You could of built one in the time this thread has been running. Optic isn't anything special. They're not some horticulture company nor are most of the COB based grow panel companies in the game. They don't have some special ability compared to other COB based panels. Plus you can build it to fit your space. And if you really want you can buy cases like Optic's from Mouser or some Army surplus store.

Does an Optic panel really look that professional to you? It's always been a bit of a joke to me and when I see how they go about their business it just reinforces that opinion. Start a thread stating what size room you have and that you want to build a COB. You'll have a dozen answers in a few hours and after a good healthy bitchfest, you'll have your panel(s). Oh and doing it DIY will answer all those questions with a healthy "who the eff cares, I'm in control!".