Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Baby apps are awesome. .which did u pick?

The forums are usually very honest and super informative! So many topics of things I didn't know...
the bump, i used the forums, someone opened a facebook group so i went with that
found the forums to be full of snarky pissed off women, didnt feel like dealing with peoples snarky ass behaviour lol
the fb group is much better. everyone is informatitve without being a fucking twat and cunt about it
Are you super smelling sunni?
When my wife got pregnant she could smell a 2 day old fart through a freshly painted door.
ya pretty much nose of a bloodhound, i cant do restaurants yet the smells are too overwhelming, pretty much cooked food sucks
that was actually my first clue i was pregnant though, ....
the bump, i used the forums, someone opened a facebook group so i went with that
found the forums to be full of snarky pissed off women, didnt feel like dealing with peoples snarky ass behaviour lol
the fb group is much better. everyone is informatitve without being a fucking twat and cunt about it

ya pretty much nose of a bloodhound, i cant do restaurants yet the smells are too overwhelming, pretty much cooked food sucks
that was actually my first clue i was pregnant though, ....

Lmfao true but between the attitudes I find discussion about stuff most women don't talk about regarding pregnancy. .I'm also using the same app . Luv it!
Lmfao true but between the attitudes I find discussion about stuff most women don't talk about regarding pregnancy. .I'm also using the same app . Luv it!
meh my doctor gave me books, and i just lurk through research i aint got time to deal with bitchy women lol

but ya cute app,

how i feel about my mother today
"Are my eyebrows still there"? First thing I said after lighting a bon fire when I couldn't locate where I poured the gas. I had done the safe approach a few times and the gas wouldn't catch so I start feeling around with a lighter like a dumbass (thanks vodka) and *POOF* Good thing I had my baseball cap tucked down at the right angle. It was more funny than anything, wish I had it on tape. Should of used dirty motor oil. Brother was laughing his ass off. Fucking asshole, can't blame him I would of done the same.
Coals are still hot if anyone has hot dogs and buns. I have sticks and mustard...
@sunni and @april ...

The one thing I want you to know that I wish I knew about pregnancy/babies is to not pay too much attention to milestones and averages and standards. There is no such thing as a standard pregnancy or standard baby. In my experience other mothers often know more and have better answers then doctors who must adhere to strict fantastical guidelines.