How much are you smoking da herb?


Well-Known Member
I know this threads probably been done a million times but ill light it up one more time...

I used to smoke like cheech back in high school, now i only smoke when i want to get stuff done. It gives me ambition and keeps me focused on the task at hand. Ill smoke once a day usually, sometimes twice. Three puffs and im blasted for hours. I dont smoke my dab, too strong. I havent smoked a whole joint in years.

So just out of curiosity, how much do you smoke? keep the bullshit in the barn. (Theres always some guy who says i smoke two oz a week....riiigght);)
Zilch till I find the right woman it's a heart wrenching experience dealing with things sober but I believe when I am faded I don't pursue what needs to be done. Sometimes I am afraid of reality. I think there is not enough money to go around and we're doomed for good but I rest in the fact that there are millions of people who come here illegally to work for $3 an hour cause that is better than other places around the world.
Zilch till I find the right woman it's a heart wrenching experience dealing with things sober but I believe when I am faded I don't pursue what needs to be done. Sometimes I am afraid of reality. I think there is not enough money to go around and we're doomed for good but I rest in the fact that there are millions of people who come here illegally to work for $3 an hour cause that is better than other places around the world.
you can't eat money. in the end money is just paper maybe good if you run out of toilet paper. You must be rich with wisdom and skills.
One dab every other day or so. Plus a six pack a day.
Kinda like a glass of Kratom tea a couple nights of the week too

I drank over 40 beers a day at my lowest point. Coming up on my year anniversary. Having some mad cravings. The robbery didn't help. Back on xanax again. But still sober. Thanksgiving day will have a new meaning if I can make it to it. BUT... Drink a 6er for me.
I drank over 40 beers a day at my lowest point. Coming up on my year anniversary. Having some mad cravings. The robbery didn't help. Back on xanax again. But still sober. Thanksgiving day will have a new meaning if I can make it to it. BUT... Drink a 6er for me.
Drinking on some dales pale ale that I dedicate to you
Once or twice a day now. High school and college days 5-7,sometimes more, but that was with a group of people, 7 of us. The most memorable was when we stuffed a blunt one weekend and put honey on it. Took 4 of us three days to finish it, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Hahahaha, the good ol days.
Wake and bake everyday can't function without it, I don't count how many doobs I smoke a day some where between 8 and 10 a day maybe more if I'm fishing, I have to be stoned otherwise I can't cast and if I do cast without a doob I end up in a tree...
you can't eat money. in the end money is just paper maybe good if you run out of toilet paper. You must be rich with wisdom and skills.
