Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

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I assume it is higher than what can be reported because they haven't caught them.

Do you live in a poor neighborhood?

People barter and trade food, baby formula, milk and eggs for cash or other goods. Because they feel they have to.

Unfortunately it is illegal to do.

Fortunately it is pretty easy to hide.
That's the point of having a margin of error. The people who commit fraud who don't get caught make up part of that number, which is usually ±1% - 3%.

Are you suggesting we end the system because some small number of people can abuse it?
you refuse to watch the video because your close minded, or because your racist? higher unemployment, ffs
I just watched the video, Sowell claimed FDR supported Smoot-Hawley when he didn't

Are you capable of explaining why you oppose the New Deal in your own words?
higher unemployment, ffs
I just watched the video, Sowell claimed FDR supported Smoot-Hawley when he didn't

Are you capable of explaining why you oppose the New Deal in your own words?
no he 1:35 he says it wasnt all the smoot halwey act, WHEN FDR came in....only other time he says "smoot halwey" was at start when he said Hoover passed it....why do you just post things that are hypothetical?
By the way, looks like those New Deal policies brought unemployment from around 22% in 1933 down to 14% in 1941 before we entered the war
That's the point of having a margin of error. The people who commit fraud who don't get caught make up part of that number, which is usually ±1% - 3%.

Are you suggesting we end the system because some small number of people can abuse it?
I never suggested that. Food stamps should be there.
i've always wondered about that..if it were possible to kinda..ya know..i would be totally mortified if seems as if you could get away with quite easily..and you do..and..

i need a small bag of dog food which SNAP obviously doesn't cover..hmmmmmmm.
You really need to change your dietary choices.
The fact that there are food stamps for people in poverty means no one should ever have to think about stealing food.
So if a billionaire is having a banquet in the park with a hundred tables of food for the guests and an unemployed man with 4 starving kids sneaks in and steals a couple loaf's of bread and some meat to feed them, you believe that's wrong, and he shouldn't do it, even to feed his family, and if he does, he should be punished in accordance with the law?

Is that what you believe, Mr. black and white?
You asked if it's wrong. He stated his opinion. Now you try to tell him what he really thinks.