HAve you considered a TRUE ORGANIC run? any bottled "organic nutrient" although may be composed from organic sources is not true organics. Living soil grows Are much easier is daily maintance and headache. throw away your ph pen and water only throughout whole cycle.
I do like seeing poeple wanting to swtich but it is all to often that a chemicle grower trades in there line for another organic line. nothing is different. organic nutrients should be used in a soiless medium. Bottles are still chemicly altered to make nutrients avail instantly to plants.
In true organics we build a perfect soil enviroment, use Fresh compost and Earth worm castings to bring in beneficial bacterias and fungal growth. (micro herd). this micro herd breaks down RAW ammendments( KELP, aflafa, bone meals, minerals et.) and through the micro herds excudes( shit basically) the nutreints become avail to the plant. But this symbiotic relationship goes way further than that. In fact microbes the whole system can maintan its own ph, and controls the supply of nutrients to the plant AS THE PLANT NEEDS IT, though superhighways of fungal growth. The results SPeak for themselves.
Why its saves time and more importantly $$$$ to grow this way.
Water only recipes, with a montly Microbe tea to keep the beneficals happy in soil
with non hard water sources no phing is ever required, no tds mesaurements needed.
water retention of living soils is increased so water less often. In 5 gallon pots i water every 4-5 days. 2 qrts at a time.
Built in pest management. with additions like crab meal, neam meal and a healthy compost/topdress bugs will be a distant worry of the past. I have not even seen one fungus gnat since switching.
increased disease/mold resistance. the genetics of living soil grows really get a chance to shine. cannabis has lots of genetically built in pest/diseaseprevention measure built in, but it is usually more to do with symbiosis between soil and plant that builds these measure up.
recycle and reuse your soil forever and ever amen!
imagine never having to step foot in the hydro store EVER again.
OR better yet, NO TILL. which litterally means taking large pots, harvesting. than plant next clone directly next to root ball of just harvested plant. top dress with fresh compost and good to go.
Sustainability. the ammount of growers nowadays is growing. think about the enviromental impact the use of chemicles and monstanto style pestacides could have. this stuff is poisen for our earth and I get off on not adding to the problem. hell and now that i grow this way i compost everything i can. Have a earth worm factory right in my kitchen for scraps. which turns into amazing compost, which grows danks ass herbs. cant beat it. rant over! sorry to hijack. I just noticed OP that you really wanted to try FULLY ORGANIC, just though id give you a glimpse of the next step to getting there. And i promise once you do you will never look back.