Best way to consume shrooms?

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Getting shrooms for real this time (somebody let me down last time) was wondering whats the best way to eat them and what to put in my stomach that day besides that to make it as least nauseating as possible. Will post report after :p

and no Rory i can't trade it for a ten strip haha
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Well-Known Member
I dunno, I actually like the taste of shrooms and never had any nausea with them. Biggest problem I had was I couldn't stop eating more... ugh. Big fluffy snowflakes outside in winter on shrooms is quite amazing.

point being, eat em up like a champ.
I personally enjoy the taste of pans. Cubes. Depend8ng which ones and sub. Maybe the age of the sub. I usually don't like the taste.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
I just chomp them down, taste like shit and stick to your teeth bad bud I still get a sense of pleasure every time bc I know they're zoomers.