Best organic nutrient you have used?

In spite of all this organic talk, I decided to take a spin to the grocery store..... dumpster for some fertilizer.
Chop it up, toss in fermenter, add bacteria. Use in 1 month.
I doesn't get any easier and free than this.
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damn dude, i'd be afraid of too much pottasium from all those, no problems in that regard?
annnd whats your woman think about all that?
is she giving you a bunch of this :finger: ?
I most certainly do. Why? You already know this of me. This isn't the first time we've spoke on it.

I forgot..

What do you ferment? And how long is your process?
I was thinking about some dandelion, yarrow, comfrey and such..

If I put them on my compost they're literally gone in 2 days.. See results in a week. I really like feeding the accumulators to my worms as well.
I have, but honestly I have seen better results with the same plants being composted into the soil rather than into a FPE.
I still have about a 2 gallons left of a comfrey and dandelion fpe, it's juuust over a yr old now.
Doesn't even smell much anymore... well... unless you froth it up...
Good shit though if you are needing a water soluble even-nutrient.
Not sure it's worth the effort though

Totally agree with ya man. You're losing some good stuff when fermenting. I made a comfrey fpe, and nettle tea and while they were nice I can't say it's easier than just top dressing it. It's gone very fast and I see results about a week after
damn dude, i'd be afraid of too much pottasium from all those, no problems in that regard?
annnd whats your woman think about all that?
is she giving you a bunch of this :finger: ?

The PK is high but I can even that out with oatmeal and anything green and leafy.

Lol, the old lady.... she's all for the natural and being eco friendly, all be it sustainable living, however she definitely raises an eyebrow to my shinnanagans.
Totally agree with ya man. You're losing some good stuff when fermenting. I made a comfrey fpe, and nettle tea and while they were nice I can't say it's easier than just top dressing it. It's gone very fast and I see results about a week after
it did work well to "wake" up my French lavender that was horribly rootbound, even rootbound I got it to flower about 3 weeks after the fpe was added.
My jasmine liked it too.
I wish I had some nettles, need to go for a roadtrip to a cooler forest, for some reason they aren;t around the redwoods I live in.
comfrey is a helluva plant though, a low, even npk and a lil calcium too. And it dissolves fast in the compost
I forgot..

What do you ferment? And how long is your process?
I was thinking about some dandelion, yarrow, comfrey and such..

If I put them on my compost they're literally gone in 2 days.. See results in a week. I really like feeding the accumulators to my worms as well.

I'll ferment anything, however I usually have a preference on items as to help balance the primary and secondary nutrients.
Oh hell yeah, worms go bonkers for this shit.
Totally agree with ya man. You're losing some good stuff when fermenting. I made a comfrey fpe, and nettle tea and while they were nice I can't say it's easier than just top dressing it. It's gone very fast and I see results about a week after
Also excellent additions. Comfrey has a massive root system and the tap run like 40' deep. Very few can reach that and the nutrients.
The only reason I ferment is because it's a dual benifit. The liquid collected is an extract and immediately bio avaiable. The rest is buried in the outdoor beds or in a aging indoor mix I'll use in the following season. There is a tremendous amount of Research done with lacto bacillus. It's very interesting I think.
worm castings/old blood meal/seaweed (salt free)/comfrey for veg and some old bat shit for flowering best in my opinion
The only reason I ferment is because it's a dual benifit. The liquid collected is an extract and immediately bio avaiable. The rest is buried in the outdoor beds or in a aging indoor mix I'll use in the following season. There is a tremendous amount of Research done with lacto bacillus. It's very interesting I think.
Off the subject a bit - like a mile maybe. Have you been reading about fermented vegetables being the best for us to eat for a healthy balance of good bugs in your gut? You might be on to something really good here, old man.
Well I filled a 5er and I'm gonna give the rest to the worms when appropriate.

The brandy ol fashion is for me.
The blue spray bottle is the Activated EM1 Lacto/molasses.

Leave the cap cracked as to vent the co2


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