The Hempy Collective

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That's interesting. Odd that he's getting faster growth in the bucquet, although I guess it's highly possible that the one in the bucket was a bad clone, or had something happen to it during the process of planting it.. HB was sayin maybe cause the dr bud fert isn't specifically a hydro fert??

Anyways, with everyone experimenting with different mediums, one thing I've been wondering about is using like a false bottom? Have basically the same system, except rather than having a reservoir filled with medium, you have your basic bucket, with a small, open air reservoir. I'm not sure if having that root mass will cause transplant problems. I'm thinking the false bottom would have to be made out of thin plastic or something, something that you could tear apart without damaging the root mass. Obviously this probably wouldn't work outdoors, but whadda you guys think?


Exactly what would a false bottom do other than guarantee that your plant didn't get enough water and die.
The whole purpose of this system is to have a small portion of the roots in the water and 80% of the roots in perlite that is wicking up moisture.

I think that experminting and possibly finding a new method that works is great but fuck me man. this thread is mostly composed up of people that want to use bubblers, pumps, all kinds of different mediums.

I chose to follow the directions as set forth by hempy.
and it could not be more simple.

drill a hole in a bucket 1.5 in up from the bottom.
pour perlite in it.
put plant in it
mix nutes and water the thing every 3 days.
put under light.

grow some dope. :lol:

lGuys want to use hydroton and baskets and all sorts of shit. and now false bottoms.

I snapped these pics today and following very simple instructions leads to big bushy healthy plants.



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Exactly what would a false bottom do other than guarantee that your plant didn't get enough water and die.
The whole purpose of this system is to have a small portion of the roots in the water and 80% of the roots in perlite that is wicking up moisture.

You must not be the the brightest crayon in the box. I'm not trying to be abrasive, but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing a false bottom changes is your drinking roots aren't in perlite, they're just soaking in an open res. It's not very hard to understand, and you'd figure before you go off spouting shit to me or anyone else, you would at least know what you're talking about. Don't speak to me like I'm thick headed and don't understand the hempy bucket, my plant is in one currently.

The reason I shared the idea is to possibly improve on the current system, it's not like I'm forcing anyone to do anything my way. You do it the regular way, and your plants look great - good for you, you never have to change a thing. Hopefully you'll come to understand that most people on this forum love trying new things; and when people share their ideas, rather than bashing them -- you come up with new grow techniques, the hempy bucket being one of those gems.

Anyways, how old are your plants, and did you start them from seed or clone?
Well, I guess I'm the thick headed one because I don't see how this would benefit a thing.

I'm somewhat of a retard but I'm still smart enough to follow simple directions and not turn the hempy bucket into a fucked up convoluted mess. :lol:

not a experienced grower by any means.

There is a reason why hempy ( the originator of the system) doesn't post over here his head would fucking explode if he saw this shit.

The plants are from seed and about 2 months old.

I took a bunch of clones and put them in my hempy clone box today.

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you can use pvc glue to attach screens..but i'd go with a lil bigger piece just to overlap to the bottem an cover it in place...i personally wouldn't use the glue but i know people who have an had no seen problems...peace az
You can use weed barrier or weed fabric from lowes or homedepot as well----rot resistant and cheap---just cut an over sized disc and put in in the bottom(disk needs to be big enough to cover hole) fill with media and your golden.

The clone box is very cool. and not like a hempy bucket at all. it's two containers resting inside each other with a wick system and a 2 inch reservior.

I first tried it a little over a week ago and got 75% to throw roots after 7 days.

So I built another one today.

I'll get some pics up it is a super easy way of cloning that is 100% successful for most folks.
How to for hempy clone box.

This is a very easy way to clone and 100% success rate if followed correctly.

I did not invent it. Credit goes to gr3atful that runs heads seed.

Most people that try it are blown away how it is low maintenance.

So, here we go.

down at the dollar store get a couple of these containers that are used for dishwashing tubs. buck apiece.
I then used plumbers goop to glue a lid off a paint can to elevate the reservior. the paint can top was a 1 1/2 inch tall and thats where you want the depth of the reservior.


The wicks are tiki torch wicks, buck fity a pack, you need 2 packs and cut them exactly in half.


Now take a 1/2 inch drill bit and bore out the holes that the wicks will run through. Use 1/2 so it's a tight fit you don't want the wicks moving.


Pic of underside of container. you want 1 1/2 inch sticking through the bottom.


Then fill the reservior tub up with 2 inches of tap water. the first time you fill it go 2 inches so the wicks draw it up and saturate the perlite.
Use tap because the chlorine keeps down any funk that might want to develop in the reservior.


Now fill the top container up with 4 inches of perlite. the pic shows 3 inch but that is just a visual to show how the wicks sit in the tub. fill with 4 inches of perlite and put the top container inside the reservior container.

Since we filled the rez up with 2 in. the top container will float until it soaks up all the water and then it sinks as the perlite absorbs all the water until it sits on top of the paint lid. that creates the 1 1/2 res. ( that's why the wicks are pulled through the underside at 1/1/2.


It only takes about a hour for the dry perlite to soak up the water and be nice and moist.
I then take a wooden dowl and punch holes in the perlite.

mark the outside of the container with tape so you can figure out what is what. I'll put 5 cuttings from each mother in a row. Some use rooting gel some don't. I use rooting powder. on the 45 degree cut and with a razorblade scrape up above the cut for more surface area.

Load er up with about 1/3 of the clone in the hole then lightly pack it to keep the clone at the right depth.


and that's essentially it. nothing else to do but in a week fill the reservior back up to just a touch above the 1 1/2 level.

I never misted or use a dome and after a week I gently pulled the clones out and most all of them had started forming nice roots.

No additives in the rez, just straight tap. and it will last a week before a refill is needed. at this rate all 25 cuts should be rooted in 4-5 more days.

My room is 77 temp and 52 humidity I am going to build another bigger box to put both containers in and then saran wrap em to get the humidity up. I keep the flouro shop light about 12 inches above the clones.

load up the cuts and then a week later top off the rez and never jack with it again. 10-14 days later ya got root action.

so there ya go. total invested about six bucks and ya got a kick ass system that throws out 25 rooted cuts every two weeks.
The folks that have used perlite and hempy buckets will see right away how this is so effective. Constant perfect enviroment for cloning and no work involved.

I'm like half retarded and this worked kick ass for me. so I hope some try it out
and I hope it works for ya.
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very nice clone box, I suggest posting it in the diy section as well ..... Blink I understand your idea, not to discourage you but I think you may set yourself up for root rot as your root will just be in standing water, I think a guy did an experiment similar where he had the buckets sittig in a drip tray filled with water, and he ended up with root rot...just my 2 cents, but I am always interested in seeing an experiment.
for the false bottom idea... the reason why its not a good idea with hempy is becuase the medium needs to be in contact with the res to be able to wick the water upwards... if the res was seperated from the medium, the roots in the medium would wither away and die from lack of water...

and huskers, nice wick cloner!!! i'm sure it'll work out great for you!
very nice cloner husker..i personally use 5$ seed propigation for the false bottem if you want the roots to sit in open water or use air pumps i suggest trying another form of hydro such as dwc or ebb/flo...this system is very easy an is meant to be that way.....peace az
for the false bottom idea... the reason why its not a good idea with hempy is becuase the medium needs to be in contact with the res to be able to wick the water upwards... if the res was seperated from the medium, the roots in the medium would wither away and die from lack of water...

and huskers, nice wick cloner!!! i'm sure it'll work out great for you!

Hmm, I was under the impression that the perlite didn't wick up water that well from the bottom, which is (i thought) why the critical time in it's life is before the roots reach the bottom.

Believe me guys, I regret even thinking about changing perfect system.. christ. And az, no I don't wanna use bubblers and all that jazz lol.

I'll get pics later, but just planted 3 seeds last night. The transplant ended up being great, showed no real signs of shock, and perked up after yesterdays first feeding of the dr bud mix, -molasses.

Anyone currently doing a hempy scrog?
How to for hempy clone box.

This is a very easy way to clone and 100% success rate if followed correctly.

I did not invent it. Credit goes to gr3atful that runs heads seed.

Most people that try it are blown away how it is low maintenance.

So, here we go.

down at the dollar store get a couple of these containers that are used for dishwashing tubs. buck apiece.
I then used plumbers goop to glue a lid off a paint can to elevate the reservior. the paint can top was a 1 1/2 inch tall and thats where you want the depth of the reservior.


The wicks are tiki torch wicks, buck fity a pack, you need 2 packs and cut them exactly in half.


Now take a 1/2 inch drill bit and bore out the holes that the wicks will run through. Use 1/2 so it's a tight fit you don't want the wicks moving.


Pic of underside of container. you want 1 1/2 inch sticking through the bottom.


Then fill the reservior tub up with 2 inches of tap water. the first time you fill it go 2 inches so the wicks draw it up and saturate the perlite.
Use tap because the chlorine keeps down any funk that might want to develop in the reservior.


Now fill the top container up with 4 inches of perlite. the pic shows 3 inch but that is just a visual to show how the wicks sit in the tub. fill with 4 inches of perlite and put the top container inside the reservior container.

Since we filled the rez up with 2 in. the top container will float until it soaks up all the water and then it sinks as the perlite absorbs all the water until it sits on top of the paint lid. that creates the 1 1/2 res. ( that's why the wicks are pulled through the underside at 1/1/2.


It only takes about a hour for the dry perlite to soak up the water and be nice and moist.
I then take a wooden dowl and punch holes in the perlite.

mark the outside of the container with tape so you can figure out what is what. I'll put 5 cuttings from each mother in a row. Some use rooting gel some don't. I use rooting powder. on the 45 degree cut and with a razorblade scrape up above the cut for more surface area.

Load er up with about 1/3 of the clone in the hole then lightly pack it to keep the clone at the right depth.


and that's essentially it. nothing else to do but in a week fill the reservior back up to just a touch above the 1 1/2 level.

I never misted or use a dome and after a week I gently pulled the clones out and most all of them had started forming nice roots.

No additives in the rez, just straight tap. and it will last a week before a refill is needed. at this rate all 25 cuts should be rooted in 4-5 more days.

My room is 77 temp and 52 humidity I am going to build another bigger box to put both containers in and then saran wrap em to get the humidity up. I keep the flouro shop light about 12 inches above the clones.

load up the cuts and then a week later top off the rez and never jack with it again. 10-14 days later ya got root action.

so there ya go. total invested about six bucks and ya got a kick ass system that throws out 25 rooted cuts every two weeks.
The folks that have used perlite and hempy buckets will see right away how this is so effective. Constant perfect enviroment for cloning and no work involved.

I'm like half retarded and this worked kick ass for me. so I hope some try it out
and I hope it works for ya.
very cool--thank you for the detailed instructions---plus reps for that
Please watch all of them from beginning to end when you have time. You can really learn a lot from watching these, I know I did.

At first, I thought these "conspiracy "theories"" were just "conspiracy "theories"" too. I only knew what they told me via school and TV, for the most part until I started doing independent research.

Watch these! Over ~95% of it is fact and the other ~5% is educated speculation.

Who do you believe?

The MainStream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc
YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation |

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda -

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on

About WW3....... After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MainsStream Media is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

I hope people aren't still buying into this garbage....BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Well I tried to catch up and read the whole thing. The inane banter overcame me at page 67. Anything good happen between then and now???

The reason nobody reads these threads is because they don't want to go through all the chit-chat.

Y'all did a good job describing the technique and spreading the religion over the first 10 pages, but after that....

It never dawned on me to just use holes poked through tape for a lid on the bubble cloner...I was always using fancy lids and inserts or net-cups -- stupid. Thanks for that idea whoever that was!

Adding to the inane chit-chat, hempy buckets do work well. They will easily rival DWC or E&F (especially if you lose a pump or airstone and aren't paying attention). Personally I use GH nutes with a modified mixing schedule (light)...I have found that with RO water the GH puts you into decent PH range without having to use PH up or down. Oh, and for you people with the dying soil grows, just throw the whole rootball right on top of the hempy bucket. Your plants will love it!
Anybody play around any more with tiny or huge containers? Wasn't somebody talking about a shot glass or something?
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