watch the video athough this was no school gun violence but every couple months there is a mass shooting and where ??? at a school there needs to be zero tolerance maybe the schools could be in more charge into just banning her or any person from any school maybe a 3 strike rule and guess what no worries if the kid is trouble maker 3 strikes and our kicked out of school period lets face you Can't teach stupid to someone that already is stupid
So yeah punt that kid right out of school never to be able to go to another school your done follow your path to jail where you were going to end up anyways
Dont waste tax payors money

There seems a correlation between being racist and sucking cop dick.
And the funniest thing is that now that it's been confirmed, he's gotta run around in here wearing the scarlet letter
watch the video athough this was no school gun violence but every couple months there is a mass shooting and where ??? at a school there needs to be zero tolerance maybe the schools could be in more charge into just banning her or any person from any school maybe a 3 strike rule and guess what no worries if the kid is trouble maker 3 strikes and our kicked out of school period lets face you Can't teach stupid to someone that already is stupid
So yeah punt that kid right out of school never to be able to go to another school your done follow your path to jail where you were going to end up anyways
Dont waste tax payors money

Darf you're pathetic.
No abegail not at all I am voicing my opinion
I stated yes he was little more aggresive but it clearly showed she probably had no respect for the law if a cop came into a room on a white kid i guarntee you the out come would of been diferent and lets not use racism here
sick n tired of Racism now different then the jews keep crying over the germans expecting everyone to feel for them same thing applies for the black americans always using that there the ones getting picked on or what ever
Quite using color as a scape goat as so many black americans do grow some balls
No abegail not at all I am voicing my opinion
I stated yes he was little more aggresive but it clearly showed she probably had no respect for the law if a cop came into a room on a white kid i guarntee you the out come would of been diferent and lets not use racism here
sick n tired of Racism now different then the jews keep crying over the germans expecting everyone to feel for them same thing applies for the black americans always using that there the ones getting picked on or what ever
pretty sure being almost Nov and school rules in place and this nitwit with a phone in class was obviously against school policy in class but hey shes above the school policies right cause shes black and coo yo
No abegail not at all I am voicing my opinion
I stated yes he was little more aggresive but it clearly showed she probably had no respect for the law if a cop came into a room on a white kid i guarntee you the out come would of been diferent and lets not use racism here
sick n tired of Racism now different then the jews keep crying over the germans expecting everyone to feel for them same thing applies for the black americans always using that there the ones getting picked on or what ever
Quite using color as a scape goat as so many black americans do grow some balls
loser cop sucker racist moron.

you're not so bright darf, you just have a soapbox here and are loud. try that shit on the street and get your ass beat.
I do look down on them, if u have ever been in done time, and see how shitty they treat u, subhumane, u would too. They are bullys, what do mean why don't i look down on them too? The body cams on all police will help to solve a lot of issues. But they let any redneck who gets off on being a authority figure get a job. They suck, they have treated me like shit and less than human on many occasions, I have a lot of resentment against them. I believe their are a few good cops out there but they cover the bad cops asses to. they suck and they do treat black people worse than whites, thats a fact. I know I've seen it, lived it. what ever u wanna call it.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm not a fan of the Police state either or for that matter cops in general. Sorry to hear how they've treated you too.

My point was you said you didn't like people that looked down on others, but then proceeded to say you looked down on cops. I'm assuming you like yourself though. I'm okay with you looking down on cops. They have low accountability and when they kill people, they have an interdepartmental investigation of themselves and miraculously find they have made no error!
A disturbingly large amount of people here are cheerleading for the cops when the girls only "crime" was passive non-resistence.

It beggars belief...

Shutting down the class is not acceptable. Take-down rule not applicable.

I would have had the Principal move the class to the cafeteria, and when the bell rang to go home, she would still be siting in that chair until whoever is in charge of her get`s there. Then talk discipline.

In a case of emergency, pick up the desk with her in it and carry her out the building, but she stays in that chair.
Shutting down the class is not acceptable. Take-down rule not applicable.

I would have had the Principal move the class to the cafeteria, and when the bell rang to go home, she would still be siting in that chair until whoever is in charge of her get`s there. Then talk discipline.

In a case of emergency, pick up the desk with her in it and carry her out the building, but she stays in that chair.
Doesn't seem like she was doing anything at all.