Random Jibber Jabber Thread

About to get four cancerous things cut out of me. They were suprised to see that they had gotten smaller my last visit, considering I didn't use their radiation lotion on them. They don't know my little rso secret, yet...;):leaf:

I'm the only one younger than 50 in this joint. Everyone eyeballing the 32 yo in dermatology office. SUNBLOCK people!
I watched my father have one taken off each area of his shoulder blades roughly, both malignant, and the damage came from being on the farm and not USING SUNBLOCK! So happy to hear your on top of that!

Thx man. Yea a life of working outdoors without sunblock on this white Irish skin wasn't the best idea. Luckily they are the two least urgent(lack of better terminology)of skin cancers.

Just pulled down lb plus, so looks like I'll be making more topical, and oral oil. They pretty much said I'll be getting something cut out of me every year from now on. Could be much worse, so I'm not gonna let it affect me. Floppy hats and sunblock! Although I'm much less exposed in a bobcat than I used to be.

Took a Xanax, makes me a chatty Cathy haha. I'm getting so baked after thisbongsmilie
Might be a bit to personal, but how did you get pregnant? did you forget the pill one night and then have crazy drunk/high sex?
Quite personal on open forum
How did you come up with this question the quoted post is about me saying no I don't want 4 kids
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