Ted Cruz tears into the liberal CNBC moderators. WOW!

This debate was so fucking lame that YT doesn't even carry a full version..and if you're thinking 'so what'. that's mainstream America folks..

<redneck voice> but it could..

You just keep telling yourself @Uncle Ben ..no one gives a fuck what you think..you have a big surprise coming 2016:wink:
You're correct. The debate was suppose to be about economics and we get left wing moderators slinging insults, contradicting with lies and loaded questions. CNBC Amateur hour. Lame.
Lame also is trying to shut out another's point of view. I mostly see Uncle Ben helping people grow weed on a weed site ...this one. You grow anything?
Edit: You do realize that coming to a thread and telling its OP that people don't GAF what he thinks is contradicted by you coming at all. Don't be a douche.
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The moderators were obviously coached to bring the drama instead of the info. The funny thing about Cruz's tirade is he conveniently avoided answering the question. I thought it was funny he tried to answer after his time was up (all he said was do you want an answer? he never attempted one).

After that exchange it was a free for all. The moderators lost all control and people on stage just talked about what they wanted and for the most part the mods were trivialized.

CNBC tried a smear tactic debate, hoping to get them to attack each other and it backfired. When you are in Boulder CO and getting groans from the crowd for biased questions then you know it's bad.

I only saw about 30 minutes of it, but if the other 90 minutes were different I'd be surprised. Carly Fiorina gave some really solid answers but she's too unlikable for office.

I listened to most of it from another room. Carly Fiorina was the only one who didnt suggest some big government program for their pet project.

The stupid part was the Republicans deciding to have a debate on MSNBC...

Bush is not going to be president unless he walks up to hillary and knocks her out on stage. Then maybe I would vote for him.
In 10 years the democrats will be known for the vileness and hatred towards any who do not agree with them. It is becoming more and more apparent to more and more people already. The hatred already spewed towards christianity is showing "liberals" true colors.
Which puts them at least 55 years (I'm 45) behind the republican party. Because they've been that way for, at least, the entirety of my life.
Did you watch the same debate I did? Cruz got fuckin' destroyed

@Uncle Ben, I'd bet the farm you couldn't tell me what a Bolshevik or Menshevik is without Googling it first, so why don't you keep yourself occupied by shutting the fuck up
That's your example of destroyed? Lol. Because the unserious, little drama queen who pinched the clip told you so? Most who scored such things had Cruz in the top three. Everyone had the candidates beating the lefty moderators. But, instead we should believe RIUs personal, unserious, little drama queen? Nawww.
That's your example of destroyed? Lol. Because the unserious, little drama queen who pinched the clip told you so? Most who scored such things had Cruz in the top three. Everyone had the candidates beating the lefty moderators. But, instead we should believe RIUs personal, unserious, little drama queen? Nawww.
Cruz comin' in 4th AT FOX, impressive!: http://fox5sandiego.com/2015/10/28/poll-who-won-the-3rd-gop-debate/

3rd behind Trump and Rubio at Time: http://time.com/4091596/third-republican-debate-poll-who-won/


If you believe Cruz will win the republican nomination, I feel bad for you son

You're in for a reality check come election time

Cruz comin' in 4th AT FOX, impressive!: http://fox5sandiego.com/2015/10/28/poll-who-won-the-3rd-gop-debate/

3rd behind Trump and Rubio at Time: http://time.com/4091596/third-republican-debate-poll-who-won/


If you believe Cruz will win the republican nomination, I feel bad for you son

You're in for a reality check come election time
First, thanks for verifying my stats for me. So yeah, NOT destroyed but rather his best showing thus far.

I don't believe Cruz will win. I live in reality, Dad. You should try it instead of relying on videos where we are suppose to believe some sniveling nobody telling us of a Cruz destruction while showing him being the destroyer.
First, thanks for verifying my stats for me. So yeah, NOT destroyed but rather his best showing thus far.

I don't believe Cruz will win. I live in reality, Dad. You should try it instead of relying on videos where we are suppose to believe some sniveling nobody telling us of a Cruz destruction while showing him being the destroyer.
Trump destroyed Cruz, and that's the best your retarded party has to offer

You should be embarrassed, ashamed, and furious. The best you have handed the election to Clinton.

Maybe you guys should look inward at why you can't win national elections instead of outward in an attempt at blaming everyone else
Trump destroyed Cruz, and that's the best your retarded party has to offer

You should be embarrassed, ashamed, and furious. The best you have handed the election to Clinton.

Maybe you guys should look inward at why you can't win national elections instead of outward in an attempt at blaming everyone else
In reality (again), the GOP has considerable introspection going on currently. Maybe you have not been paying attention. Think Boehner. The Dems, on the other hand, are content with a disaster as a president and a disaster of a Sec. Of State and overall incompetent liar as its favorite...oh yeah And a 74 year old socialist whose balls already have been placed in Clinton's purse.

Concerning the "blaming"...the intellectually honest saw CNBCs moderators as insulting, ill prepared, biased, leftys who deserved and needed to be called out.
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In 10 years the democrats will be known for the vileness and hatred towards any who do not agree with them. It is becoming more and more apparent to more and more people already. The hatred already spewed towards christianity is showing "liberals" true colors.

In 10 years? It's happening now. Most "normal" people are waking up and seeing them for what the left is - vicious, delusional and dysfunctional.

Clearly the mass media, in particular CNBC, were the losers last night. The candidates won a huge victory as they kicked CNBC's butt. The responses from the Republican candidates to the mods' constant belittling and insults showed the nation that conservatives are fed up and are fighting back against the mainstreet media assassins. Even Christie fired off at a moderator's insult with: "even in New Jersey that's considered rude". The crowd loved it.

The RNC should never agree to a debate with any of the lame networks outside of Fox, BBC, PBS, and maybe one of the big three. Screw CNN, MSNBC and all the others. They get less viewers that general hospital.

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In 10 years? It's happening now. Most "normal" people are waking up and seeing them for what the left is - vicious, delusional and dysfunctional.

Clearly the mass media, in particular CNBC, were the losers last night. The candidates won a huge victory as they kicked CNBC's butt. The responses to the constant belittling and insults from the Republican candidates showed the nation that conservatives are fed up and are fighting back against the mainstreet media assassins. Even Christie fired off at a moderator's insult with: "even in New Jersey that's considered rude". The crowd loved it.

The RNC should never agree to a debate with any of the lame networks outside of Fox, BBC, PBS, and maybe one of the big three. Screw CNN, MSNBC and all the others. They get less viewers that general hospital.QUOTE]

I will have to agree, I have yet to talk to anyone including democrats that thinks this debate was anything but a liberal media train wreck. And I can't help but notice that my democratic friends are not Hillary fans this time around. They seems to be looking at Trump.

People are waking up and noticing how fucked up the liberal media is. I hope the left continues to show their colors on TV for everyone to take notice. Its no wonder Fox news is rated #1, all you got to do is watch the liberal clown show for one minute and you change the channel.
I will have to agree, I have yet to talk to anyone including democrats that thinks this debate was anything but a liberal media train wreck. And I can't help but notice that my democratic friends are not Hillary fans this time around. They seems to be looking at Trump.

People are waking up and noticing how fucked up the liberal media is. I hope the left continues to show their colors on TV for everyone to take notice. Its no wonder Fox news is rated #1, all you got to do is watch the liberal clown show for one minute and you change the channel.

Biggest outcry and drama since 9/11. :)

Having said that, I love the Republican debates and FOX will sponsor the next one so it will be fair and balanced. That doesn't mean there won't be some tough questions. Means there won't be the debacle like we just witnessed.

I will never watch the Dem debates again, they put me to sleep. There's a lot to be discovered still with all the fine Republican candidates (and where CNBC failed thanks to limiting their discussions to personal attacks) but I think we all know the Dem's (the Bullshitvik and Menshitviks') playbook by now.
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