Even if that's true, it was the outcry that prevented the racism that always seems to happen. If there weren't millions of people talking about racism and focusing on this steroid addled ex-cop with a history of excessive force and a previous accusation of violating a black army medic's civil rights, the systematic racism WOULD have happened, which is nothing.

Normally, nothing happens when white cops brutalize black people. Thanks to the activists who are sick of this shit, he lost his job.
Well said.
BT one thousands terrorize their little black babies every day, and the news story never gets one single hash tag.
black mothers are burning their kids, locking them in freezers, chopping their heads off, and where is the outrage? I'm tired of it always being overshadowed and dismissed by the media, and social media. It's a bunch of bullshit
Here we go moving the goalposts again.
You're a pathetic lil racist loser. It would be fun to peek in on your sad little life and make fun of it, but I have better things to do.

Like hire minorities, for example. They show up on time, work hard, put out a good product and are genuinely appreciative when I treat them with respect.

Why the Fuck would I want any of that in my workplace? Because I'm sick of firing lazy white racist assholes with a bad attitude!

Don`t get mad at me cuz I exposed kat42 and his fake story by a Black man try`n to get Minnesota all in an uproar again,...

I sank the phony bitch, cry, stomp, then grow up and get over it,....
Here we go moving the goalposts again.
like I said. Shit that needs attention, should get attention. I care about lives, probably more than you do. I'm tired of seeing black people trick or treat each other and their offspring like garbage. Black youth and all of us in general as a society deserve better. Until people start talking about it, nothing well ever get done
like I said. Shit that needs attention, should get attention. I care about lives, probably more than you do. I'm tired of seeing black people trick or treat each other and their offspring like garbage. Black youth and all of us in general as a society deserve better. Until people start talking about it, nothing well ever get done

Like police brutality?
Nothing racist happened in that school.
Police brutality happened. Had nothing to do with the girls race
I guess because the pig didn't utter a racist slur, you would rather not think of his action as being affected by his racism. This can be viewed otherwise. The child was black, not white. The cop beat a black child for no reason other than he lost it. Until the rate of police brutality on black people is the same as on white people, its reasonable to assume police brutality unless proven otherwise.

Why is it ever OK to beat a child over refusing to give up a cell phone? To maintain control of a classroom? Really? This doesn't happen in other classrooms when a child acts up. Are you proposing that any time a child misbehaves that they should be beaten to the point of needing medical attention? You are wrong about this.
that's not ALL that needs attention. In fact, racialists such as yourself obsess over it so much that you ignore the real problems that affect black communities
Your point: We didn't have a race problem until all those black people started to protest. They are raising crime in their neighborhoods because police feel unwelcome there. Police are on edge because of all the hostility and so they react too quickly and beat people. Its all their fault.

Fox news clouding your thinking again.

You are really really stupid.
I guess because the pig didn't utter a racist slur, you would rather not think of his action as being affected by his racism. This can be viewed otherwise. The child was black, not white. The cop beat a black child for no reason other than he lost it. Until the rate of police brutality on black people is the same as on white people, its reasonable to assume police brutality unless proven otherwise.

Why is it ever OK to beat a child over refusing to give up a cell phone? To maintain control of a classroom? Really? This doesn't happen in other classrooms when a child acts up. Are you proposing that any time a child misbehaves that they should be beaten to the point of needing medical attention? You are wrong about this.
if the child was white you wouldn't be bleating that it was racist.
Being black doesn't give you a pass to refuse lawful orders from a cop or consequnces of taking a swing at him.