
Well-Known Member
I will ask you for the 4th time. How would you get her out of her chair?
I wouldn't force her out of her chair. As we both agree, I'd clear the room and leave her alone with a minder. I'd let her get bored and get out herself. Or I'd let somebody with training talk to her and reason with her. Eventually she will have to get up. She can be punished and held accountable for her actions later.


Well-Known Member
I if black on black crime wasn't so high, maybe you would see less cops in the neighorhood. When your black neighbors call the cops, the cops respond. That's how it works
Oh stupidhead is back. The issue of police brutality at higher rates on black people across the rural south is due to black on black crime in major cities, exactly how? Some people need to take drugs to reach your state of naturally stupid.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't force her out of her chair. As we both agree, I'd clear the room and leave her alone with a minder. I'd let her get bored and get out herself. Or I'd let somebody with training talk to her and reason with her. Eventually she will have to get up. She can be punished and held accountable for her actions later.
You think she should have had special treatment then? When white people don't do what the cops say we get our ass kicked


Well-Known Member
White people get brutalized by cops too. This is not unacceptable either. I'm sorry for you were beaten and outraged that this happened. The Chicago police squad responsible for the routine use of excessive force was broken up not too long ago. Not soon enough either.

Police squads in the south responsible for high rates of violence against blacks are well funded and going strong. Funding for this is thanks to property confiscation (war on drugs) in part coming from the same brutalized black citizens, some of which prove later that the charges were made up. Property is not returned even then.

I don't know why you can't accept that black people experience this at a higher rate and want at least to see their treatment equal to whites. Is it all or nothing for you? All police brutality must stop or the status quo? Start your own movement man, Black Lives Matter is about police racist attacks on blacks. As bad as police brutality is in general, the black experience is worse.
Well I agree with you. Where we differ is this is not a case of racism

Stop pulling a Rob Roy and tell me how you would of gotten the girl out of her chair without touching her. I have already posted 3x how I would of done it and none of them involved tasering her as a first response.


Well-Known Member
You think she should have had special treatment then? When white people don't do what the cops say we get our ass kicked
Man, you have trouble connecting dots. Try sounding this out: The adult was responsible for the decision to beat her. The adult was wrong. His boss said so and fired him. His boss, police policy, school policy and school administrators say that children should not be beaten for being uncooperative while sitting at a desk.

Yet you say the girl should have been beaten or this would somehow be unequal treatment. You are proving that no matter how stupid other people can be, somebody will always come along and find a lower level of idiocy.

Poor little oppressed and stupid white guy. I feel sooo sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
Well I agree with you. Where we differ is this is not a case of racism

Stop pulling a Rob Roy and tell me how you would of gotten the girl out of her chair without touching her. I have already posted 3x how I would of done it and none of them involved tasering her as a first response.
I'll just post what I said and let you tell me how I dodged your question, because I don't think I did.

"I wouldn't force her out of her chair. As we both agree, I'd clear the room and leave her alone with a minder. I'd let her get bored and get out herself. Or I'd let somebody with training talk to her and reason with her. Eventually she will have to get up. She can be punished and held accountable for her actions later."

So tell me what is missing in my response.


Well-Known Member
Man, you have trouble connecting dots. Try sounding this out: The adult was responsible for the decision to beat her. The adult was wrong. His boss said so and fired him. His boss, police policy, school policy and school administrators say that children should not be beaten for being uncooperative while sitting at a desk.

Yet you say the girl should have been beaten or this would somehow be unequal treatment. You are proving that no matter how stupid other people can be, somebody will always come along and find a lower level of idiocy.

Poor little oppressed and stupid white guy. I feel sooo sorry for you.
She was under arrest before he touched her.... She was beat for resisting


Well-Known Member
White people get brutalized by cops too. This is not unacceptable either. I'm sorry for you were beaten and outraged that this happened. The Chicago police squad responsible for the routine use of excessive force was broken up not too long ago. Not soon enough either.

Police squads in the south responsible for high rates of violence against blacks are well funded and going strong. Funding for this is thanks to property confiscation (war on drugs) in part coming from the same brutalized black citizens, some of which prove later that the charges were made up. Property is not returned even then.

I don't know why you can't accept that black people experience this at a higher rate and want at least to see their treatment equal to whites. Is it all or nothing for you? All police brutality must stop or the status quo? Start your own movement man, Black Lives Matter is about police racist attacks on blacks. As bad as police brutality is in general, the black experience is worse.
That's awesome.
And yet still irrelevant in this case as it has nothing to do with racism

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Thank you captain race relations. I'll take that under consideration. Nothing like a white guy telling black folk how to act.
White people treat each other like shit too.

Everybody takes a shit on everyone else. Unless they were taught not to.

Own your emotions AND your actions.

I have some real asshole neighbors. Theyre white.