And exactly who gets the brunt of this new policy of the use of military force against the populace?

Black people! Or do you think Ferguson, MO was some kind of coincidence?!

You and @bearkat42 are on the same side of the fight you just described yourself in- and yet you'd try to create division within your own ranks?

Maybe if we all worked a little harder at finding common ground, we'd discover that we're pretty much alike, fighting for pretty much the same thing.

Accomplish what, exactly? What demands must be met to show that there is systematic racism within America's police departments and that such a system will be written out of the books, so to speak? Do you want them to unveil a book of hidden racist oaths and then burn it on national T.V?

By addressing tangible problems with police such as barring them military weapons purchases, the funding to do so, and mandating proper training of officers to better assess non lethal situating may we see an improvement in the force.

I'd also like to see officers wearing body cameras and being held accountable when found on film to be outside the law.
Accomplish what, exactly? What demands must be met to show that there is systematic racism within America's police departments and that such a system will be written out of the books, so to speak? Do you want them to unveil a book of hidden racist oaths and then burn it on national T.V?

By addressing tangible problems with police such as barring them military weapons purchases, the funding to do so, and mandating proper training of officers to better assess non lethal situating may we see an improvement in the force.

I'd also like to see officers wearing body cameras and being held accountable when found on film to be outside the law.
Oh god another what's that one conspiracy theory where jet tails are the government poisoning us?

If you were a cop you'd profile and discriminate against people who appeared to be problem makers. It's natural human adaptation. Doesn't matter if person was back or white if they looked and acted a certain way you'd be watching them.

But yeah the police all have a secret I hate blacks hand shake. Hell my black friend that's a sherif is racist to blacks and last night at the hip hop concert everyone's racist because they call everyone the N word even women. Such a respectable culture
arrested for resisting arrest. Fair is fair
Yeah, she already got thrown across a room and her arm broken for the heinous crime of sitting in a desk at school.

The news stories I read on this topic said her lawyer said something to the effect of "she has a cast on her arm". He never said she had a "broken arm". At least not that I read. But maybe I'm wrong.

She may indeed have a broken arm. I have no direct knowledge of her condition. But if her lawyer says she has a "cast on her arm" instead of saying she has a "broken arm", then that wreaks of "lawyer speak". Which many times is smokescreen reality.

In any event, the cop was sickeningly wrong for his rough treatment of a teenage school girl in a classroom setting.
Not all whites!!!
I wouldn't call it respectable but you are correct. The white man started calling blacks the N word, "even women" and little children.
youre generalizing. That's like a white personal saying all blacks are criminals

What is interesting is none of my colleagues or other successful people that are black I've ever met use that word.....EVER
Right let's teach everyone that there's no responcibility. Then you'll have a people that commit more crime, have more fatherless children and are dependent on government.

Ohhhh wait that's true and what's happening. I mean somebody's gotta pay for laqueshas 16 babies!
What crime did she commit again?
Accomplish what, exactly? What demands must be met to show that there is systematic racism within America's police departments and that such a system will be written out of the books, so to speak? Do you want them to unveil a book of hidden racist oaths and then burn it on national T.V?

By addressing tangible problems with police such as barring them military weapons purchases, the funding to do so, and mandating proper training of officers to better assess non lethal situating may we see an improvement in the force.

I'd also like to see officers wearing body cameras and being held accountable when found on film to be outside the law.
Body cameras for officers!!!
If I had gone to that girls school, I would have been arrested so many times.

I skipped class alot, walked out of classes, told a teacher fuck you, and sometimes refused to pay attention.

I spent a lot of time reading in the library, drawing in class, and talking to teachers/counselors.
Not all whites!!!

youre generalizing. That's like a white personal saying all blacks are criminals

What is interesting is none of my colleagues or other successful people that are black I've ever met use that word.....EVER

Seems that one went over your head. I was referring to slavery. The white enslaved the blacks and called women and children the N word. The white culture is so respectable.