Plant Problem Please Help


Active Member
Hey Guys I Stepped out for 2 days and when I got home I checked the babies and I was surprised my plants grew a lot within those 2 days but now I see they are starting to give me problems im on foxfarm ocean forest soil and they've been on veg for about 25 days plants are in 3 gallon pots and I have yet to give them nutes could that be the problem



Well-Known Member
Hey Guys I Stepped out for 2 days and when I got home I checked the babies and I was surprised my plants grew a lot within those 2 days but now I see they are starting to give me problems im on foxfarm ocean forest soil and they've been on veg for about 25 days plants are in 3 gallon pots and I have yet to give them nutes could that be the problem
Looks like it may be time for some nutes.....but im not an expert.

Maybe low cal and boron?


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Well-Known Member
Its probably time to start some ferts. Out of curiosity, how big were the original pots before transplanting to 3 gal and how long were they in the original pots? Also, seeing a little heat stress on those top leaves.


Well-Known Member
Also, I start noticing my serrated edges getting an "unhappy" look when I forget to start my circulation fans during veg. Do you have ample air circulation?


Active Member
Also, I start noticing my serrated edges getting an "unhappy" look when I forget to start my circulation fans during veg. Do you have ample air circulation?
Yeah air circulation is good I had them in red party cups for about 2 weeks before I transplanted them into the 3 gallon pots


Well-Known Member
Yeah air circulation is good I had them in red party cups for about 2 weeks before I transplanted them into the 3 gallon pots
Oh, ok so plenty of air movement and a gob of new soil in there for them. Your pH sounds right, what kind of water? Tap, RO, Distilled, Rain?


Active Member
Oh, ok so plenty of air movement and a gob of new soil in there for them. Your pH sounds right, what kind of water? Tap, RO, Distilled, Rain?
Tap Water It Comes Out Around 8. Something I Bring It Down With PH Down To 6.5 Every Time I Water


Well-Known Member
Anyone Knows ?
Add some bloom nutes to add Potassium and some Cal Mag of some type. No more than 1/4 strength of the recommended on the label. Blanched leaf tips even on your newer show N overdose starting. Don't aggravate it. Pot does not need a lot of fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
maybe a couple more pics? Some side shots for overall size and a couple more close ups of the problem? Anything particular on the underside of the leaves?

Also, I recently read something on pH fluctuations and it had some pictures that appeared kinda similar. This makes me wonder if you're dead-on 6.5 (after the float) and is that consistent?


Active Member
Add some bloom nutes to add Potassium and some Cal Mag of some type. No more than 1/4 strength of the recommended on the label. Blanched leaf tips even on your newer show N overdose starting. Don't aggravate it. Pot does not need a lot of fertilizers.
Would this be good ?



Active Member
maybe a couple more pics? Some side shots for overall size and a couple more close ups of the problem? Anything particular on the underside of the leaves?

Also, I recently read something on pH fluctuations and it had some pictures that appeared kinda similar. This makes me wonder if you're dead-on 6.5 (after the float) and is that consistent?
Will Do Taking Them Right Now