purchasing seeds with a credit card


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a $50 American Express prepaid gift card to purchase my seeds from seedboutique.com. Unfortunately Seed Boutique is located in the UK and this giftcard is only valid in the US. Does anybody know if there are any prepaid (anonymous) gift cards that can be used outside of the united states?

Also my second question is How risky is it to purchase cannabis seeds with a normal credit card? keep in mind i live in california and plan to get a MMJ card before i begin growing. I am just wondering is simply ordering the seeds from my credit card enough evidence to be convicted of intent to grow or something like that. I am most worried about the federal gov and i dont think they would really bother with 10 seeds for a 3'x3' grow...

any help is appreciated,

p.s. and please respond only if you have some knowledge on the issue, no conspiracy theorists please
It's not like your C/C statment is going to say $150 for pot seeds. Your Statment will be safe, most companies use a second name, so the ______seeds.com name doesn't show...... I use regular cards and have it shipped to my home. no probs, nothing they (feds) can do, I didn't send them to myself.
Oh, and the day that the feds come to someones 4-6 plant grow, I'll give up my american citizenship and move to Canada! They won't waste the $ on us.....=)
I live in the uk but I wouldn't worry about it - how many times have you heard of someone being busted because they used a credit card to order their seeds or hydro kit etc. Fair enough people want to be careful but TBH I think your pretty safe. Over here there's plenty of times the police are handed information on a plate that they could use to lock someone up but they're just plain useless or governed by someone useless who can't see past the red tape.
so your saying you use your credit card and ship it to your home address but just don't put your name on the shipping info? am i correct
I use my name, address, and C/C. I'm not the one sending them, wouldn't stand up in court. The feds will just consficate them if found. Unless you are buying mad seeds, you are 99.9% safe, it's that 0.1% that people freak about.

you can have them sent to me if you'd like. lol
again, Oh ya, I also live in Ca, I am a prop. 215 patient, although the feds can fuck with me, being free of state and local heat makes one a lil bold. Get your recomendation, them order, if they were to fuck with you, they would look real bad, prosicuting a SICK person for seeds. lol not sure the lawyers would let 'em proceed.....
thanks alot thcheaven.. what county are you in? or if your not comfortable sharing that, what are your mmj plant limits?
you could be from my town, or san jose, or a couple other places north of me. would be funny if we were from the same place
Unless you're ordering hundreds or thousands of seeds, no one will even blink. They're well packages, it won't show on your statement, most things are run by AI these days so unless something really sus shows up, no human being at the bank will look twice, and the only people handling your seeds will likely be the seed co. and the post people, and I'm sure a lot of them smoke weed anyway haha, if the post office finds low risk contraband (like pot seeds) they usually send you a written warning saying they've found contraband and don't do it again or they may have to get to police involved, then they take the seeds home and grow them themselves :p ... It's pretty safe to use ur credit card and have them shipped to your house if your only getting a few, I've had 5 packs of 10 seeds sent at once with no problems what so ever.

Oh and where I am, even medicinal herb is illegal, even if a doctor want to recommend it, they can't, cause our government's full of ignorant, close-minded people to embarrassed to admit they were wrong about banning MJ when the head director of the alcohol industry decided it was an evil substance that causes violence and worse... Yea, cause that doesn't sound like something alcohol would do at all... No, must be the MJ causing all that violence! Hahaha
ah ha, to the south, glad to hear you guys have got pretty progressive mmj laws

Dude, if you are in CA, by San Jose, We have exactly the same laws.

Ca Appellite court overturned SB 420 earlier this year, it was the bill that set legal limits. Prop 215 set forth NO control on limits, and gave NO permissions to any entities to set limits. To set limits in the future, It would have to go on the state ballot and be voted in.

Now don't go out and start a 1000 plant grow, cuz the FEDS ( NAZI FUCKS ) will get interested then. LoL

bongsmilie=:peace: then we are all :mrgreen:
Recieved my order today, ordered with my C/c to my name and my Addy, no unmarked vans on my street! lol all's good, the fed's have a long arm, but not that long!
ilive in louisiana and i use my cc to buy seeds,the most i order is a 12 or 20 seed pack and i always got my package.they do put a diff. name on the statement well at least the company i order from does.
www.bcbuddepot.com-i am currently growing the feminsed god bud seeds