Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

On Thursday, 11/5, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced legislation to the US Senate to remove cannabis/pot/weed/marijuana from classification under the Federal controlled substances act, effectively legalizing it at the federal level.

I endorse this proposed legislation...the chance of it passing is about the same as Bernie's chance to sit in the oval to none!
Just sayin'.
You mean the people who pissed away tens of millions on Jeb! Hillary is really unlikable and untrustworthy.. I would be surprised if she beats Bernie.
Why don't you think Sanders has a shot? A lot of the same things were said about Obama too.

I'm a Bernie fan myself. I'm voting for him, no question. But he is very right in that the game is stacked, and in a billion dollar election cycle, if the "powers that be" want Hillary, it will take a near miracle for him to get the nom. It will take a huge grass roots effort in a nation that has spent decades to suppress voters, offer only 2 carefully chosen nearly identical candidates, and uses a voting system that disenfranchises people who would actually like to vote for Bernie but are so terrified of a republican presidency they will vote for the lesser of two evils that is Hillary.
You mean the people who pissed away tens of millions on Jeb! Hillary is really unlikable and untrustworthy.. I would be surprised if she beats Bernie.


I know it is way early, but have you glanced at any poll?
Gay men (like myself) should flock to Bernie. He's supported gay rights since the 70s, instead of... politically expedient O´clock like Hillary. Yet I see the majority of my white gay left leaning friends supporting Hillary. They admit Bernie is a better candidate, but believe he has no chance to win. Their argument is literally saying "republican SCOTUS NOMS ooga booga!!!" over and over as if that should convince me.
I think you will all be very surprised at how many young voters turn out.. And Sanders is well liked by the under 25 crowd. If it was all about money... Jeb! Would run away with it... That pudd has no shot .
Gay men (like myself) should flock to Bernie. He's supported gay rights since the 70s, instead of... politically expedient O´clock like Hillary. Yet I see the majority of my white gay left leaning friends supporting Hillary. They admit Bernie is a better candidate, but believe he has no chance to win. Their argument is literally saying "republican SCOTUS NOMS ooga booga!!!" over and over as if that should convince me.

Its your duty to change their mind, look at it like this...

Let's say Ya vote for Bernie n he loses to Trump or Rubio... Hillary is really no different than any of those conservatives.. Very little would be different. So vote with your conscience.
Queen Hillary will get her coronation.

Ya'll really don't get it do you. Just because you're gay or pro-dope you're gonna vote for Sanders????? Yeah, the fate of the western world depends on gay rights and other stupid "hurray for me" shit.

You dumbnuts ever consider what's really important..... like security, terrorism, jobs, immigration reform, the economy? What good and fun is it exploring Juan's fudge tunnel if ISIS suddenly breaks down your door and "blows" your little happy hour?

Social issues are important.

Security- Terrorism? Sanders is the right man for the job... He will transform our foreign policy... That is what makes us hated world wide.

Jobs-Economy- with the trillions we save not occupying other countries and slashing the bloated defense will create jobs and boost domestic production.
Ya'll really don't get it do you. Just because you're gay or pro-dope you're gonna vote for Sanders????? Yeah, the fate of the western world depends on gay rights and other stupid "hurray for me" shit.

You dumbnuts ever consider what's really important..... like security, terrorism, jobs, immigration reform, the economy? What good and fun is it exploring Juan's fudge tunnel if ISIS suddenly breaks down your door and "blows" your little happy hour?


seriously though, uncle benis. your views are dead on with the KKK.

why do you share beliefs with racist hate groups?
Preaching to the choir, my man. I agree 100%. I try to tell them that, but it goes in one ear and out the other. I won't stop trying tho!

You and your friends should join the democratic party specifically shop you can attend the party caucus in your region. Very few voters actually show up for these events that actually choose delegates to go vote for a given presidential candidate in the democratic convention next fall.

YOU go, take as many friends as you can drag with you, and go for for delegates who will support Bernie Sanders in the convention. THAT'S how you get to vote for your candidate of choice.

By the time of the general election, the parties have long since made their choices, so get involved early to influence the process effectively.
Ya'll really don't get it do you. Just because you're gay or pro-dope you're gonna vote for Sanders????? Yeah, the fate of the western world depends on gay rights and other stupid "hurray for me" shit.

You dumbnuts ever consider what's really important..... like security, terrorism, jobs, immigration reform, the economy? What good and fun is it exploring Juan's fudge tunnel if ISIS suddenly breaks down your door and "blows" your little happy hour?

Don't worry about people lower in social class than you unless you're willing to trade places with them...worry more about people higher in social class than you...they have their greedy hands MUCH deeper in your pocket than you realize.