White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
read the thread title and answered it to the best of my abilities. excuse me. didn't know it would make me a racist. u guys have a good nite.


Well-Known Member
If I flip out, I'll get my ass whipped... Or worse.
I do too, but it's worth it sometimes just to let go. And of course I already know that i'm headed to the jail. If I don't have cuffs on and I am pretty sure their going to lock me up, I have been known to show my ass a little. But they did whop me pretty good.
I fucking hate pigs, cops, co's, whatever u wanna call'em. I have been through the criminal justice system enough to know first hand how shitty they are. And it doesn't have to do a lot with race. They treat all inmates as subhuman pieces of shit.
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Well-Known Member
I do too, but it's worth it sometimes just to let go. And of course I already know that i'm headed to the jail. If I don't have cuffs on and I am pretty sure their going to lock me up, I have been known to show my ass a little. But they did whop me pretty good.
I fucking hate pigs, cops, co's, whatever u wanna call'em. I have been through the criminal justice system enough to know first hand how shitty they are. And it doesn't have to do a lot with race. They treat all inmates as subhuman pieces of shit.
You're right, except for the race part. Look it up, man. It's not a secret. Cops look at me and they see a criminal, until I PROVE to them that I'm not. I'm guessing that you're white, and I apologize to you if I'm wrong. But If you and I are near the scene of a crime, who do you honestly think that they're going to suspect first?


Well-Known Member
I do too, but it's worth it sometimes just to let go
You're right, except for the race part. Look it up, man. It's not a secret. Cops look at me and they see a criminal, until I PROVE to them that I'm not. I'm guessing that you're white, and I apologize to you if I'm wrong. But If you and I are near the scene of a crime, who do you honestly think that they're going to suspect first?
You are correct, no argument from me about that.


Well-Known Member
A Sikh (with a great turban) is in charge of the Canadian military.
How may Sikhs in the US military?
A wood shop teacher can count them on all the fingers of his hand...1,2,3 :lol:
There are more Sikhs in Canadian Parliament (4) than in the Indian government (2) !!!

I think I'll go over to a local Guru Nanak temple and get some tasty, curried rice to celebrate.


Well-Known Member
A Sikh (with a great turban) is in charge of the Canadian military.
How may Sikhs in the US military?
A wood shop teacher can count them on all the fingers of his hand...1,2,3 :lol:
There are more Sikhs in Canadian Parliament (4) than in the Indian government (2) !!!

I think I'll go over to a local Guru Nanak temple and get some tasty, curried rice to celebrate.
How is this any different than Christianity?


Well-Known Member
A Sikh (with a great turban) is in charge of the Canadian military.
How may Sikhs in the US military?
A wood shop teacher can count them on all the fingers of his hand...1,2,3 :lol:
There are more Sikhs in Canadian Parliament (4) than in the Indian government (2) !!!

I think I'll go over to a local Guru Nanak temple and get some tasty, curried rice to celebrate.
Sajjan is a badass, dude was deployed 4 times, once to Bosnia, three times to Afghanistan. He's the perfect candidate imo to be named the minister of national defense


Well-Known Member
I read all of it, she's a fucking liar. Intelligent, articulate, professional people lie, cheat, steal and kill so frequently, why would we be surprised she lied? Everybody is a victim and they can't wait to twat all their pathetic friends. #isosadz
Well, of course you are correct.
But how did this seemingly intelligent woman not know that she was being recorded?? Dash cams are everywhere, no?
I think that most intelligent humans would not be as predisposed to lie if they were aware that their behavior was being recorded!



Well-Known Member
Sajjan is a badass, dude was deployed 4 times, once to Bosnia, three times to Afghanistan. He's the perfect candidate imo to be named the minister of national defense
He's given a huge moral (and morale) boost to the Sikh community, that's for sure. I can't say for the rest of Canada, but Sikhs were just as vital to BC's foundation (especially in forestry) as the Chinese were (railroads).
I mainly hope he avoids the pitfalls and pressures that come from "wars of others" and returns our forces to the peacekeeping role they originally had. The Harper decade destroyed our rep in that regard, I believe. Anyway, we'll see, or at least I will :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The "news" article you cited was bullshit, and what it boiled down to was, "drunk college boy is an asshole". Well, stop the fucking presses.

Cite more reliable stuff.

Facts matter. Lies don't.
just because a white supremacist thinks it is a lie does not make it so.

why did you train to be a cop?


Well-Known Member
The video speaks for itself. This journalism professor was lying, and stoking racial animosities, a popular pass time on RIU. She wasn't stopped for "walking while black". She was treated with courtesy.

I guess that is the state of "journalism" in America, though.
This one video makes your comment bullshit. A piss poor attempt at playing the race card by someone who is highly educated.

I think your bra is too tight.
Any objective person who watches this video and then reads the piece in the Dallas Morning News written by this woman will see the lies exposed.
This begs an obvious question, why would this intelligent, articulate, professional woman lie so brazenly?
Something weird is going on in America...most unsettling.

Here is an excerpt and link to her full article in the Dallas Morning News, as well as a response from the Corinth Police Chief.

Judge for yourselves...

Flashing lights and sirens from a police vehicle interrupted a routine Saturday morning walk in my golf-course community in Corinth.
I read all of it, she's a fucking liar. Intelligent, articulate, professional people lie, cheat, steal and kill so frequently, why would we be surprised she lied? Everybody is a victim and they can't wait to twat all their pathetic friends. #isosadz
damn, the avowed racial separatists and white supremacists are upset about this!