Seeds Here Now getting a little weird.

NOT yet I just got them less than a week ago SMART ASS but trust me if they are awesome Like they should be than SEEDS HERE NOW will not be getting the credit. I will be thanking Exotic genetix personally for their hard work and to let them know what SHN is doing with their freebies they gave them to GIVE AWAY NOT FUCKING SELL. IM OVER TALKING ABOUT IT TO TROLLS, LATER D bags:sleep:.
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No offense bro. Base on ur statement, u paid extra 15Usd and for that u got 3 free seeds? I just purchased from sourpatchseeds and will be getting more seeds on balck fri to seedherenow. Upon ordering from sourpatch seed i noticed i wasnt charge for the delivery via international shipping. So i called jay and told him my concerns, i ask how much additional charges for international shipping before paying it. The thing is i dont want my order getting hold just because of shipping charges. I wasnt expecting any free beans even i initiated paying the delivery charges of USD25,
If you really wanted free beans ill recomend attitude or herbies mistake or not u get alot. I just got like 10 freebies by paying bank transfer. But excited on my order not the free beans. And u got special edition seeds. I feel u on the ugly seed though.
AhahahhhahahahahahaHhahahahahh. Fail ! Go American if you can you want tourists seeds from da dam ? Hot dam get em you want fast shipping fast germination and hi performance beans Even better spend over 200 b4 x mas put promo code Dave bean907 cool discount
I would like to get my hands on some seeds there, but always out of stock
Oky dilly dokie , Sure That makes sense fellars and if you read I did take responsibility for my part that still doesn't justify a promotional free pk deal with old non viable Yellow seeds when the top wasn't even sealed so they could have easily taken a sneak peak in the tube to double check before sending me with 2 retarded looking and even the good one was old as hell beans and 1 was nothing special looking but at least I got it out of the 3 to sprout so I hope for 15 bones for that 1 seed to be some REDICULOUS STRONG AND SWEET.
I think this "customer is always right" is bullshit.
All due respect to you, I tend to disagree (with in reason and generally speaking) with that statement. I think this guy's statement was very wise concerning customer service (and, no, Im not pro-corporate America):
"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else." -Sam Walton (he had about a hundred billion reasons to think this assertion was accurate)
Personally, I found SHN goes above and beyond in terms of customer service...when WA was (unknown to me at time) hit by severe weather and there were major power outages, dude was unable to return my calls and emails (understandably so in hindsight) and that started to noid me out a bit, but James went ahead and hooked it up phat even though it wasn't even on him...
All due respect to you, I tend to disagree (with in reason and generally speaking) with that statement. I think this guy's statement was very wise concerning customer service (and, no, Im not pro-corporate America):
"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else." -Sam Walton (he had about a hundred billion reasons to think this assertion was accurate)
Sometimes customers are a pompous ass and need to be told to go kick rocks.

The customer is not always right and placating these type of people only makes it worse.

The op was making orders half asleep and or stoned and made a mistake. The op was taken care of and got some beans for their mistake.

If the op had done this behind the wheel of a car and hurt someone your attitude would be different.

I say again, the mistake was the op's own fault. The op needs to accept this, grow up and move on.
I understand and am aware of the aforementioned incident...and while I also may not agree with OP's course of action, it is with your statement that I was taking issue with. Perhaps, you meant for it to apply, primarily, to the OP (it was unclear to me, as you did not quote OP with your post). If that is the case, then I have no quarrel w your statement. All good, man.

If the op had done this behind the wheel of a car and hurt someone your attitude would be different.

I did get a good chuckle out of that statement, thanks! Ball on, good sir, ball on!
I understand and am aware of the aforementioned incident...and while I also may not agree with OP's course of action, it is with your statement that I was taking issue with. Perhaps, you meant for it to apply, primarily, to the OP (it was unclear to me, as you did not quote OP with your post). If that is the case, then I have no quarrel w your statement. All good, man.

I did get a good chuckle out of that statement, thanks! Ball on, good sir, ball on!
It applies to the op and certain customers. If it applies them then the statement the customer is always right, is wrong. Customers shouldn't be treated with the concept that they are always right. Sometimes they are wrong. Nothing wrong with telling them that.

I also understand what you mean. I work for myself.
AhahahhhahahahahahaHhahahahahh. Fail ! Go American if you can you want tourists seeds from da dam ? Hot dam get em you want fast shipping fast germination and hi performance beans Even better spend over 200 b4 x mas put promo code Dave bean907 cool discount
Davebean907 doesnt work was going to spend over 200