Dr.Amber Trichome
Well-Known Member
no problems with insects.
I can totally relate to your views on society and why people are into such bullshit like the kardashians baffels me as well. talentless moronic shallow losers being worshipped. totally pathetic.Yeah the grind of working the 9-5 everyday in a cubicle is something I could never do for any lengthy period of time... or even going to the same place everyday with the same pathetic asshole coworkers with their annoying issues.... drives me crazy.. I just cant do that anymore. Got lucky that my job is mobile, don't have management breathing down my neck and work more as a contractor. And get left the fuck alone with no fuckin drama.
its SO hard to find good jobs these days, so much b/s, and whats with mangers. Is asshole a pre requ for that position. I have yet to meet a cool one. you got the right idea being your own boss.