How to make weed pills?

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE"hyroot, post: 12128062, member: 319672"]No contaminant tests[/QUOTE]
Thats Is correct. Im just using those to show there is still viable cannabinoid there.


Well-Known Member
Okay sure it got to be safe you said so. I offered my personal thoughts And opinions on this an asked you to validate yours or to bunk mine . No evil spirits. Very mature discussion. Bless
And I previously noted that I didn't have any GC printouts at home, but would get one from the lab and post it. I'm still going to do that, now that the weekend is over, the lab is open, and hopefully our lab tech is back.

My point is that I can post all sorts of GC results showing that there is no Great Pumpkin in the punkin patch, but that doesn't prove there isn't a Great Pumpkin.

My suggestion is that you first prove reasonable suspicion that there is a Great Pumpkin, by telling us the mechanisim by which vaporizing and recondensing the resin, introduces evil spirits. That is a key and central point, because vaporization is the same process they use to make clear.

As far as controls, I simply use an electric nail for uniform temperature control, and clean the pipe with ethanol. The extract is winterized, filtered, and the ethanol removed by evaporation.

Cornfed Dread

Well-Known Member
Well I think heat distillation is lil different from dabbing material on a nail then collecting fom rig.. An my whole point which you proved is to get it collected a solvent is used an to me if you are not in total lab control conditions with adequate equipment it s backyard chemist an I think shouldn't be advertised as method of home medical or recreational use. Not all people have enough common sense to get clean end product.Again these solvents are safe in right conditions being processed by qualified people. The ppm s left no matter how small are not for me however.This is my opinion from a personal health you have test showing contaminant s just showing cannibinoids is cool n all. But full test be great


Well-Known Member
Well I think heat distillation is lil different from dabbing material on a nail then collecting fom rig.. An my whole point which you proved is to get it collected a solvent is used an to me if you are not in total lab control conditions with adequate equipment it s backyard chemist an I think shouldn't be advertised as method of home medical or recreational use. Again these solvents are safe in right conditions being processed by qualified people. The ppm s left no matter how small are not for me. This is my opinion from a personal health standpoint.
I agree with you completely.

But I would be just as worried about other nasties than just butane ppm's. Mainly mystery oil and heavy metal residuals. Folks always seem to chose to forget about those. I don't think any backyard chemist Walter White wannabes are pre distilling their butane.


Well-Known Member
Well I think heat distillation is lil different from dabbing material on a nail then collecting fom rig..

An my whole point which you proved is to get it collected a solvent is used an to me if you are not in total lab control conditions with adequate equipment it s backyard chemist an I think shouldn't be advertised as method of home medical or recreational use.

Not all people have enough common sense to get clean end product.Again these solvents are safe in right conditions being processed by qualified people. The ppm s left no matter how small are not for me however.

This is my opinion from a personal health you have test showing contaminant s just showing cannibinoids is cool n all. But full test be great
To your individual points:

" I think", doesn't serve as technically supportable data in scientific discussion brother Cornfed. Especially given that you are unaware that dabbing material on a temperature controlled nail and condensing it out again, is by definition heat distillation.

Perhaps you could more directly address the question of where am I introducing evil spirits in my process, rather than waving your arms and shouting the sky is falling?

I accept that the process I used above is beyond your own capabilities to do safely and sanely, and that there are other brothers and sisters out there who are similarly handicapped, but reject you assumption that the rest of this forum is similarly challenged. I offer as evidence both the simplicity of the process and the standard human intelligence curve.

The solvent is of course food grade ethanol, limited by the FDA to an easily achieved 5000 ppm in pharmaceuticals. Not to mention it is drunk straight, its vapors inhaled in some bars, and used in cannabis oral tinctures.

The printouts that were shared by others, were not a GC printout, which I continue to repeat I will provide. I wasn't able to find an old one yesterday, so we will run a new one. My schedule, not yours. I believe my record to date shows I put my actions where my mouth is.

As I advance into dotage however, I swear I become more clairvoyant, cause I'm betting the next step in this circus is that you won't be able to read a GC printout or trust my interpretation, because believing is seeing and you have already made up your mind.

Thank you for sharing your fears and opinions. Duly noted and appropriate gravity attached.


Well-Known Member
One of man kinds greatest fears, is that of the unknown, making education the most straightforward cure for hysteria.

Everyone starts out wholly ignorant, and everyone is ignorant about some things, so ignorance bears no shame, but a datum can't be evaluated from a lower plane of consciousness.

I opine that mere opinions don't qualify us to evaluate and direct the actions of others in maters we are otherwise ignorant in, even if our heart is in the right place. If we feel strongly motivated to do so, I suggest the onus is on us to educate ourselves on the subject first.

The point is valid and well made that everyone shouldn't be extracting and formulating meds; some because they are ignorant and some because they lack aptitude, or having aptitude, lack effective equipment.

This is however an educational forum, where we are ostensibly teaching those willing, to shed their ignorance, not pass on popular superstitions.