Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Giddyup! :weed:

That's just for half of one light area, right?
Isn't there another cage on the opposing side of that bulb so its twice that amount for the total harvest (if they were to come down at same time).

Not exactly; that was one of six plants around five 860W CDM lamps. The rack of plants encircled and enclosed the lights inside, letting little of it escape without hitting a leaf somewhere.
Water cooled Air handler went in pretty easily. Need a proper three position switch to crank it up to full blast, so for now she's on medium, running nice n quiet.

...and when my hvac tech wired it up to run full power, the motor popped. He checked the schematic; he did it right, the motor was wired wrong!


Guess eagle supply isn't a reliable supplier... Goodman units are fifty bux more- they look like they came off the same assembly line but perhaps their QC is better.
So that bubblegum from a page or two back, 'the hydra'? This one;
View attachment 3557681 View attachment 3557682

Well, I'm afraid I was wrong when I said that she might be a pound and a half.

At 26 1/4z, she's a rounding error shy of a pound and two thirds!

Sooooo... 'Personal best'. Without CO² supplementation. Without good climate control. And definitely without COB LED.

I Wonder what they'll look like once they ARE getting all these benefits? I'm betting I can make one pull three. Any takers?

I am curious so your saying that plant there is 26 oz ??? I' m sorry but not in a million years :)
I am curious so your saying that plant there is 26 oz ??? I' m sorry but not in a million years :)

Not in a million years? Try last week, in point of fact. That was 26 1/4, so try to keep your facts straight.

You really need to learn some tact.

You know what? The only person lacking credibility in this thread is the one staring back at you from the mirror.

You aren't welcome here if all you contribute is negativity and lies.

I give absolutely zero fucks about what you THINK it weighed. You still haven't figured out those are four inch squares in the pics.

The scale told the tale, so why don't you hit the trail?
If you're just trolling, that's a fail.
The face in your logo looks kinda pale.
The REAL anonymous thinks your schtick is stale.
Now piss off, go kick a pail,
no one here respects your silly lil wail!
He likes to hear himself talk from what I've seen over the last week, I'll bet offline he's one of those incessant talkers that you can't get to shut up, definitely not a listener. Anyone who claims to know that much about everything and is not open to other possibilities, knows shit.
Not in a million years? Try last week, in point of fact. That was 26 1/4, so try to keep your facts straight.

You really need to learn some tact.

You know what? The only person lacking credibility in this thread is the one staring back at you from the mirror.

You aren't welcome here if all you contribute is negativity and lies.

I give absolutely zero fucks about what you THINK it weighed. You still haven't figured out those are four inch squares in the pics.

The scale told the tale, so why don't you hit the trail?
If you're just trolling, that's a fail.
The face in your logo looks kinda pale.
The REAL anonymous thinks your schtick is stale.
Now piss off, go kick a pail,
no one here respects your silly lil wail!

Dude you made me fall out of the chair laughing. And that motivated me to get my ass out the door for my bike ride and hang up the ssv for a minute. Steer those negative motherfuckers the other direction, I will assist!
Hey @ttystikk I thought this was an appropriate thought to share here. About 4 years back now me and what I consider my best mate stopped hanging at the pubs around here and just took to ALOT of weed, a bit of red wine with meals, & mushy or 2 once in a while. I felt my mind become unclouded as I was a fairly heavy drinker for 20 years.
Anyway, we were having a convo about a year ago and he was saying he wasnt wasting positivity on people he didnt get feedback from as he felt like he was using it up unnecessarily. My answer was "Just create enough positive energy yourself that you over ride any dumbshit", and theres alot of dumb shit and negative fcks out there for some reason......Positive vibes and positive karma man!
I am curious so your saying that plant there is 26 oz ??? I' m sorry but not in a million years :)
Not in a million years? Try last week, in point of fact. That was 26 1/4, so try to keep your facts straight.

You really need to learn some tact.

You know what? The only person lacking credibility in this thread is the one staring back at you from the mirror.

You aren't welcome here if all you contribute is negativity and lies.

I give absolutely zero fucks about what you THINK it weighed. You still haven't figured out those are four inch squares in the pics.

The scale told the tale, so why don't you hit the trail?
If you're just trolling, that's a fail.
The face in your logo looks kinda pale.
The REAL anonymous thinks your schtick is stale.
Now piss off, go kick a pail,
no one here respects your silly lil wail!
Sit down Son. Lol
Not in a million years? Try last week, in point of fact. That was 26 1/4, so try to keep your facts straight.

You really need to learn some tact.

You know what? The only person lacking credibility in this thread is the one staring back at you from the mirror.

You aren't welcome here if all you contribute is negativity and lies.

I give absolutely zero fucks about what you THINK it weighed. You still haven't figured out those are four inch squares in the pics.

The scale told the tale, so why don't you hit the trail?
If you're just trolling, that's a fail.
The face in your logo looks kinda pale.
The REAL anonymous thinks your schtick is stale.
Now piss off, go kick a pail,
no one here respects your silly lil wail!

first off i see no scale only a picture but again lies can be lies could you show us a pic on drying racks or screens they were drying on how about them 3 half pound bags plus couple oz bags ??? Better yet ?? why not a couple dry bud shots you know them buds that are 1/4 size now lol
so now its 26 1/4 lol dam your sure feeding it to em all and funny thing is people are buying it...
To say that is 104 oz wet or 6.5 pounds think again ,, oh my god dude How ironic, thats the problem these days people feeding BS on sites like this
Sit down Son. Lol

Sir i have seen lots of pounds TBH 10 years ago i was charged under international law and spent 8 years in jail for smuggling 100 kilo a week into USA 8 years dude so trust me i can look at a drying rack or plant and littterally say how much it is dried ..
Guess that comes with being around it
And TBH looking at that pic its know where close to 26 oz plant would you like me to show you what a 26 oz plant looks like ?? i assure you its much bigger and allot more buds takes a lot to make a pound
and a pound and maybe a ew oz is what that plant is
first off i see no scale only a picture but again lies can be lies could you show us a pic on drying racks or screens they were drying on how about them 3 half pound bags plus couple oz bags ??? Better yet ?? why not a couple dry bud shots you know them buds that are 1/4 size now lol
so now its 26 1/4 lol dam your sure feeding it to em all and funny thing is people are buying it...
To say that is 104 oz wet or 6.5 pounds think again ,, oh my god dude How ironic, thats the problem these days people feeding BS on sites like this
Your a cop or your super jealous. Informant maybe.